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Foreign mountaineering experts help find missing infant in Chiang Mai


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5 hours ago, webfact said:

The pair said they responded to help in the search because they have daughters of their own and understood the anguish the parent was going through. 

Great news, I hope the child has a good recovery from the experience, and the guardians take their responsibilities a bit more seriously.

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1 minute ago, JBChiangRai said:

It’s well known torture is unreliable, perhaps the suspect told the police anything to stop the torture. Reminds me of 2 Myanmar suspects and death island…

What are you basing that allegation on ?

Do you have any information about that or did you just make it up ?

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3 hours ago, Tropicalevo said:

The other paper states that she was abducted by the Burmese friend of the father and he left her outside a cave as a sacrifice to the mountain Gods.

Anyway - mum says that she was found alive, and safe

Yes now I am completely confused about this story, BP said he was a friend of the family and admitted it after 2 days of "Intense Interrogation" and then led the cops to her. What is going on with this story. Just read the full story and she wasn't where the suspect said. 2 days of intense interrogation by Thai cops? I would admit to anything rather than be suffocated to death as we know can happen. sounds like a scape goat to me.   ???????????????????????????????????????

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In Thairath they reported that the Burmese man, who was known to the father, had taken the girl as some sort of gift to the mountain gods. Hope the hospital did a physical examination afterwards.

Tharath also stated that police found no mosquito bites on her, despite finding her abandoned in a jungle hut, leading them to believe she had been kept somewhere else prior to being abandoned there.

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