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Over 84% of Thailand’s COVID fatalities had not been vaccinated


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On 9/13/2021 at 8:16 PM, DrPhibes said:

This jives with a recent report out of the US of about the same % in ICU as being unvaccinated.  The rest were having only 1 but not the other required vaccination, those who were aged, and strong underlying conditions.  In ICU that had been fully vaccinated was about 4% almost all with underlying conditions or very old.  Get vaccinated if you can for Christ's sake!

How can what you say "jibe" with US?  The article didn't state which vaccine each death had (if any).  We know that a large % of people here in Thailand had Sinovac (2 doses early on, then Sinovac / Astrid) later.  Whereas in the US it was mostly mRNA - Moderna and Pfizer - with J&J coming in later.


There isn't enough data to make much sense of this.
This is like road deaths in Thailand .... they won't collect accurate data to quantify things.

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5 hours ago, ChasingTheSun said:



it normally takes 7-10 years to approve a new medicine.


All the vaccines are still EXPERIMENTAL.


User beware.

Remember the old adage: Challenge Everything. Question Everything. 

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5 hours ago, ChasingTheSun said:



it normally takes 7-10 years to approve a new medicine.


All the vaccines are still EXPERIMENTAL.


User beware.

Another bunch of nonsense, and the link below will show those vaccines which have been authorised for use, and the countries in which they are used.


Also maybe useful to remember that the first vaccination was developed and administered well over a hundred years ago, so I think the process by which the vaccines are developed is pretty well sorted by now.


Vaccine Approvals/Authorizations Around the World

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4 hours ago, xylophone said:

Another bunch of nonsense, and the link below will show those vaccines which have been authorised for use, and the countries in which they are used.


Also maybe useful to remember that the first vaccination was developed and administered well over a hundred years ago, so I think the process by which the vaccines are developed is pretty well sorted by now.


Vaccine Approvals/Authorizations Around the World

You obviously don’t understand how vaccines are normally developed using a time-tested approach. This link may help you better comprehend the way it normally works: https://www.medicinenet.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=9877

I suspect you are watching too much CNN and BBC like allot of other sheep. Suggest you get off those propaganda machines asap to clear your mind and do a little research on your own.

The vaccines are indeed EXPERIMENTAL, but authorized.


The normal timeframe for a new medicine to be approved fully is seven years(rushed) to as much as 12 years. the reason for the long timeline is obvious to anyone with half a brain….they need to observe long term efficacy and side effects.


There are many examples of drugs in the past that ended-up having horrific medium or long-term side effects, and hence the need for long term studies.


The current covid meds are

rushed emergency use authorized, but still EXPERIMENTAL, because there is no medium or long-term trial results to observe yet.


User beware.



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9 hours ago, xylophone said:

So many assumptions and so much nonsense, hard to know where to begin, but let's start with this – – I rarely watch BBC and I never watch CNN, but I would take a good bet that you watch other right wing outlets (Fox News for example)!


There are many people out there who are anti-vaccination, some of them because they are right wing, some trumpies and others just people who want to follow something which supposedly shows they have "freedom of choice" – – yeah right.


And your statement that there are "just as many doctors and scientists who don't recommend these vaccines be given to the entire public" is a play on words, mainly because in many cases these folk have said that care is needed when considering vaccinating very young children, but the VAST MAJORITY of the medical profession (yes read that again) are in favour of the vaccine.


Also you give yourself away as a "conspiracy theorist" when you state..................


 "It is also very odd to most people as to why vigourous public debate is being denied/outlawed in regard to these experimental vaccines. What could they possibly be trying to hide?".


There, true colours exposed because your statement is pure nonsense.


Just to add to your litany of inaccuracies, consider the following with regards to other vaccines, whereby the trials for the polio vaccine were conducted in a matter of a couple of years, and I quote:

 "On April 26, 1954, the Salk polio vaccine field trials, involving 1.8 million children, begin at the Franklin Sherman Elementary School in McLean, Virginia. Children in the United States, Canada and Finland participated in the trials, which used for the first time the now-standard double-blind method, whereby neither the patient nor attending doctor knew if the inoculation was the vaccine or a placebo. 
One year later, on April 12, 1955, researchers announced the vaccine was safe and effective and it quickly became a standard part of childhood immunizations in America. In the ensuing decades, polio vaccines would all but wipe out the highly contagious disease in the Western Hemisphere".

Furthermore as regards the Yellow Fever vaccine...."The critical experiments that solved this problem were performed by Theiler and his collaborators during 1935–1937 and vaccination began in 1938".

AND, "Four years after discovering the hepatitis B virus, Drs. Blumberg and Millman developed the first hepatitis B vaccine, which was initially a heat-treated form of the virus"

As I said, you have revealed your true colours, so no point in my answering any more of your posts, as I have no time for anti-vaccination (or anti-vaxxers if you prefer), conspiracy theorists, far right and whatever other camp you belong to, so have a good day and I will put you on ignore because I don't want to read any more of your nonsense.

Lolz!!! Such a typical triggered Karen response ???? 

As expected, you ran away when faced with facts, as you  couldn't  answer simple questions with reasonable arguments and timely relevant facts..


You inability to comprehend the current disregard for modern-medicine protocols, the abandonment of a logical targeted  risk/reward approach, and the obvious lack of full transparency and rigorous scientific debate, is shocking. This sadly explains why you are both a perfect target market for experimental meds and also an advocate for experimental medicines for all.


We can only assume that you are of advanced age and probably with co-morbilities, and have become hysterical with fear of covid. In that case, the risk/reward of the experimental prophylactic “vaccines” is probably right for you: It’s only a decision you can make for yourself.


However Karen, it is none of your business what others decide to do with their bodies. 

Users beware.


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44 minutes ago, TooMuchTime said:

You know he is lost since he immediately brings up fox news and "trumpies".  People with no logical reasoning usually bring this up as a way to immediately discredit someone, even if that person showed no indication of watching news or being a "trumpie".  Same way people used to and actually still call  people a certain "1940's German" word to try and shut down discussion.




He was another typical hysterical troll.


Hopefully he will self-reflect and come back to the forums as a more thoughtful person after the smackdown he received.

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On 9/15/2021 at 5:33 AM, xylophone said:

Isn't it amazing how many people tread through life carefully so that they can arrive at death's door safely.

your tagline seems a bit incongruous to your attitude towards this virus outbreak. ????

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On 9/13/2021 at 8:28 AM, snoop1130 said:

13,637 people died between April 1st and September 9th this year, with 95.82% of them dying in hospital. The eldest was 109 years old and the youngest was just 12 days. The median age is 67 and 12,239 had underlying diseases, with most being diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, kidney disease and obesity.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure sure seems relevant.  Underlying "diseases" according to these Thai numbers, some or many  can be controlled by a person.

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3 hours ago, Tim207 said:

your tagline seems a bit incongruous to your attitude towards this virus outbreak. ????

There is no link whatsoever and there's a huge difference between seeking out adventure, travel and new experiences versus not being vaccinated.


And for the record whenever I travelled overseas, I had the necessary vaccinations pertaining to the risks in that country.

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10 hours ago, TooMuchTime said:

You know he is lost since he immediately brings up fox news and "trumpies".  People with no logical reasoning usually bring this up as a way to immediately discredit someone, even if that person showed no indication of watching news or being a "trumpie".  Same way people used to and actually still call  people a certain "1940's German" word to try and shut down discussion.

 I don't need logical reasoning to see that this person is probably all that I said he was, although he won't admit it, and this next small paragraph of his should give you a clue, and if you cannot see that there is an element of "conspiracy theorist" in this, then you are probably in the same camp.


The only person who "lost" was the poster who included this paragraph, because he gave himself away, as no such thing is happening and it is pure nonsense...............


"It is also very odd to most people as to why vigourous public debate is being denied/outlawed in regard to these experimental vaccines. What could they possibly be trying to hide?".

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19 minutes ago, xylophone said:

I don't need logical reasoning to see that this person is probably all that I said he was, although he won't admit it, and this next small paragraph of his should give you a clue, and if you cannot see that there is an element of "conspiracy theorist" in this, then you are probably in the same camp.


The only person who "lost" was the poster who included this paragraph, because he gave himself away, as no such thing is happening and it is pure nonsense...............


"It is also very odd to most people as to why vigourous public debate is being denied/outlawed in regard to these experimental vaccines. What could they possibly be trying to hide?".



Good to see there are informed open-minded folks like yourself on here. ????


Ps- Trust me on this….it’s best to just ignore Xylophone’s nonsensical trolling. For whatever reason, trolling is his thing.


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On 9/16/2021 at 11:52 AM, dwcrist said:

This comparison means nothing since the majority of deaths happened when no vaccine was possible for most of the population. That means that people were dying long before the vaccine rollout, racking up un-vaccinated deaths while vaccinated deaths were not even possible. If, on average, only 16% of all cases since the outbreak were vaccinated (probably less), and now we see that 16% of all deaths were of those vaccinated, then the vaccines are either not helping or are worse.

You don’t have to be Sherlock Holmes to discover that vaccines are saving thousands of lives.

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11 minutes ago, Danderman123 said:

Actually, not true.

Indeed. The part that takes 7-10 years is the admin and committees that usually go along with vaccine trials.  This was all sidestepped with the Covid vaccine...

Watch Panorama The Race for a Vaccine to see what I mean.


Also here 


Edited by VBF
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11 minutes ago, Danderman123 said:

We don’t need people here posting misinformation about vaccines here. If I wanted misinformation about vaccines, I would just talk to Nick Minaj.

Just because you don’t agree with something doesn’t mean it is misinformation or untrue.

Its the conformist pro-experimental vaccine sheep like you who are uninformed, don’t believe in the science, and are the most dangerous spreaders of the false propaganda.

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