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UK continues its refusal to recognise vaccines administered in Thailand


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3 hours ago, BestB said:

Francs and Germany accepts Thai made AZ , so it has to be something 


can understand and agree with not accepting Sinovac or Sinovac mix and match, but AZ or Pfizer or mix of both?

I think it is the sheer disorganised way in which the campaign is conducted, and the lack of transparency.


For example, my first jab was Sinovac, the second was supposed to be AZ. The date of the second jab was changed several times, and then suddenly it was Pfizer, at 18 hours notice. When I got there, at the exact time and place they specified, nobody knew anything about me. I eventually was jabbed, but I had to throw a wobbly ( quite easy as I can only stand with crutches) as they kept me standing in front of a desk whilst three MOPH officials argued and took turns examining my passport page by page.


Couple this air of chaos with the Health Minister, no less, discussing alternative ways of injecting, and "getting more out of the bottle", yet not taking any responsibility for the decisions involved, along with the very limited testing and it is perhaps not surprising that their is a lack of enthusiasm for Thailand's claims?


These decisions are made after having carefully considered all the available information, both that which is in the public domain, and that which is kept out of the public domain. For example the situation surrounding Siam Bioscience's efforts to produce AZ vaccines, which is virtually (perhaps it actually is) a state secret here; if the UK authorities were unable to ascertain the situation, ( I imagine they probably have done) then they will assume a "worst case scenario", and decide accordingly.


The bottom line is that there are big red question marks against the conduct, planning and efficacy of the vaccination programme, along with testing and the actual as  against the expected, as announced or hoped for supply of vaccines. Hence the decision.

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On 9/24/2021 at 5:08 AM, Tropicalevo said:

There is a government online petition that you can all sign.


Not sure if the link is allowed - just in case it is



Signed it because of the wording:


"The UK Government should recognise all vaccinations using WHO approved vaccines for travellers arriving from amber list countries, regardless of the country it was administered in. "


If we're going to follow WHO advice in one area, not to follow it in others is inconsistent.

And yet, I cannot actually oppose the UK Govt having severe doubts about Thailand's Covid testing, reporting and vaccinating "efficiency". I have the same doubts myself!!! 

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On 9/24/2021 at 7:51 AM, FreddyB said:

There are 2 separate issues here which are more or less independent.


Firstly, Thailand remains on the UK red list (likely due to high positivity rate and limited genomic sequencing to identify variants). As such, vaccination status is irrelevant for anyone travelling to UK from Thailand. All arrivals from Thailand (even those who were originally vaccinated in UK) will need to quarantine in a hotel.


Secondly, the UK has a list of countries whose vaccination certificate it will recognise. This is a new list and no red list countries are on this list. There wouldn't be any point in UK including red list countries as vaccination status doesn't affect requirement to quarantine.


This is nothing to do with the vaccines used in those countries; it's UK's trust in the vaccination certificate.


The UK list includes US, EU, Australia, Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Bahrain, Brunei, Canada, Dominica, Israel, Japan, Kuwait, Malaysia, New Zealand, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan or the United Arab Emirates (UAE)


Bahrain has approved a wide range of vaccines including Sputnik & Sinopharm.




UK has been explicit in its concerns about vaccination certificates from India.




We will likely have to wait until Thailand is removed from UK red list to learn if UK will accept the current vaccination certificate from Thailand.

Good first post   @FreddyB  ????

I particularly agree with "There wouldn't be any point in UK including red list countries as vaccination status doesn't affect requirement to quarantine.

This is nothing to do with the vaccines used in those countries; it's UK's trust in the vaccination certificate" 

even though it contradicts my post immediately above!

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On 9/24/2021 at 9:28 AM, PeeJayEm said:

This is more garbage on top of garbage. The NHS app works fine. Seeing a GP will not fix the app.  GP's do not deal with emergencies - A&E and 999 do.  GPS are seeing people as normal - often initially still by phone but in clinic when warranted.

Thank you. I saw my GP's practice nurse last month for a routine blood test. As all was clear, the GP didn't contact me after but had there been problems I would have received a call or text  Meanwhile the results are there on the "apparently difficult to access" NHS app visible online via a PC or on my mobile (along with all my vaccinations.)

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On 9/24/2021 at 12:31 PM, MRToMRT said:

The Thai Astrazeneca is not officially recognised by the WHO either. As of 19 August Astra had NOT been submitted to WHO for recognition. The ones (Astra vaccines) recognised by WHO are UK, Europe, Korea, Japan, Australia, USA, China.

The British rules from 4 October do not specify the source of the vaccine, but the Health Authority providing it:

Travel from the rest of the world if you are fully vaccinated

From 4am Monday 4 October, you will qualify as fully vaccinated if you are vaccinated either:

  • under an approved vaccination programme in the UK, Europe, USA or UK vaccine programme overseas
  • with a full course of the Oxford/AstraZeneca, Pfizer BioNTech, Moderna or Janssen vaccines from a relevant public health body in Australia, Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Bahrain, Brunei, Canada, Dominica, Israel, Japan, Kuwait, Malaysia, New Zealand, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan or the United Arab Emirates (UAE)

My two doses of AZ administered in Malaysia were from South Korea and Japan.

How many doses of Thai AZ vaccines have been administered outside Thailand?

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21 hours ago, Keesters said:

Haven't UK vaccine passports been abandoned? Why anyone would want one beats me. 

I think this is terminology gone awry. I think (!) it should read that vaccinations from certain countries cannot be listed on the NHS App - which itself is misnamed because it's a website with an App linked to it! Access your NHS services

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About time that the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office employees started working for their privileged overseas postings and high earnings.

What processes are being invoked to ensure that the COVID

On 9/24/2021 at 10:07 AM, Burma Bill said:

I presume this also applies to us UK ex-pats in Cambodia. Sinovac and Sinopharm are THE vaccines. In my case Sinovac as recommended by my doctor for a type 2 insulin dependent diabetic. This morning I received my free 2nd vaccination of Sinovac. Donated "Western" vaccines are being used as priority third booster jabs for frontline personnel. When I enquired about getting a third booster jab, I got a bewildered look and "we have no idea - could be 3 months or 6 months, no vaccine at the moment".

 Certificates are verified and genuine?

I am sure the resources  are available, it is the effort and leadership of the FCO staff that is required.


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16 hours ago, overherebc said:

Recently removed from uk red list on 22 Sept'.







Sri Lanka


Just for info' no other reason.

Both Pakistan and Bangladesh had lower vaccination numbers, yet Thailand was kept on the red list. Why ?

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On 9/24/2021 at 5:56 AM, mlkik said:

Thailand is on the red list .Therefore if you return to the UK from Thailand you have to quarantene. This applies to people who live in the UK and to expats.

It is not discriminating against expats. I am flying to Thailand next week and if I return when Thailand is still on the red list then I will have to quarantene just the same.

Can you stop-over ten days in another country before returning to UK, to avoid the quarrantine

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17 hours ago, herfiehandbag said:

The bottom line is that there are big red question marks against the conduct, planning and efficacy of the vaccination programme, along with testing and the actual as  against the expected, as announced or hoped for supply of vaccines. Hence the decision.

Complete rubbish. There is no evidence this is anything to do with the UK position

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2 hours ago, jayboy said:

Complete rubbish. There is no evidence this is anything to do with the UK position

So, what are your suggestions as to why the UK has taken the position it has?


It would help to know them, before dismissing other, reasoned, suggestions out of hand as " complete rubbish" wouldn't it?

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On 9/25/2021 at 3:05 AM, sandyf said:

if permitted by their GP.

yeah i went thru all their stupid identify yourself  rigmarole for them to say my gp doesnt  use this system, why they dont  ask for  your  gp's surgery address  first and say they dont subscribe to it  instead of wasting your  time uploading vidoe and speech nonsense, planks

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17 hours ago, Mario Cosmopolite said:

Yes this is very true. My family have kept slaves on our banana plantations in Luton for generations, and it was only when Tony Blair was elected that we were required to give them basic medical attention.

is that the plantation in Bury Park ,? mind you it has grown to cover 90% of Luton now. not many plantation owners live there any longer.????


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1 hour ago, herfiehandbag said:

So, what are your suggestions as to why the UK has taken the position it has?


It would help to know them, before dismissing other, reasoned, suggestions out of hand as " complete rubbish" wouldn't it?

It wasn't a suggestion from you.You presented your collection of errors as facts.


The issue relates to certification of vaccines and Thailand is not an isolated instance.We await clarification from the UK government on the details.

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FIO...Bhai Cha cha...must be optimistic..eh..

Following the update on Friday, September 17 that set out a wholesale Update to the UK system by scrapping the traffic-light system, the Next update is Expected to be around October 7 or 8.
The Transport secretary told the Transport Select Committee on September 22 that the Travel-list Reviews would keep to the same ????Three-weekly timetable as before....Hope springs...etc....etc..yes
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