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Health Minister confident COVID-19 situation will improve next year


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Yep a total <deleted> up thanks to this clown having his blinkers on and only ordering his China masters product that doesn't work and exposing the entire country to a vaccine that is ineffective against the Delta variant, e.g. putting all his eggs in one basket. 


I would love to know what booster he received and why there was no photo shoot of it, or could it be that I missed that, hmmmm, could he be considered a front line worker and have receive a Pfizer shot as his booster ?


This clown needs to be removed as he failed to secure other vaccines in time, as said above, putting all of his eggs in the one basket, noting that people in the front lines also died because the vaccine he ordered, yes the one vaccine he ordered, failed to protect those front lie workers amongst others and yet he still continued to order millions more when he knew it doesn't offer the protection as good as the other vaccines do.


Apologies to those who got Sinovac.

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13 hours ago, Bkk Brian said:

Really, so next year, no other time frame other than that, well no Sh## Sherlock, in the meantime I wouldn't boast too much about delivering those booster shots intravascularly as in Phuket, the manufacturers advise against it as do scientific studies on covid vaccines injected this way.

Youd hope the manufacturer would speak up about that.


Not only ethically but from a lawsuits point of view.


All this is, is desperation to drive up the vaccine numbers.



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1 hour ago, Magenta408 said:

Anutin has no credibility. He has been blowing hot air on the waves since the plandemic started. He is a disgrace. Am I being charitable? You betcha. 

So your a denier then. It was and never will be a plandemic as you state.

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5 hours ago, sucit said:

Scandinavian countries lifting all covid regulations (not all countries). No distancing, no masks. Nothing.


What are we gonna do when the results start coming in and the apocalypse does not take place there as these regulations are lifted? Will we be sane and follow suit? I hope so. Doubt it though. 

Ur rigth.Today 4 pm norway open again.We reach about 70% fully vaccinated.The goverment said yesterday that we have to live with corona many years more.So we cant keep closed forever,we have to live with it.From today we can travel to many contries without quarantene when we return.1st october the goverment open for global travel again.They smiled and said have a nice trip.

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Next year is still more than three months away! And does he mean by January next year or by December next year? How about doing everything you can to improve the COVID-19 situation as soon as possible? Or would that require actually doing some work?

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Take a good look at this government expert and ask yourself if he knows how you should live your life better than you do. Is he competent enough to tell millions of people how they should live their lives?  Do you trust him with your life? Your business? Your families lives?  Yet you do with all of these rules he imposed on you on a whim. Are you free? 

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Next year there will be a new variant and the vaccines wont work. Thailand will have to wait for 1 year to have the new vaccines.


That <deleted> has to end today or never. Elderly people have been vaccinated in Thailand ? The rest of the population have 0,0000001% chance to die.

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The entire nation would be far safer, and better off, if you just locked yourself up in your home, shut your mouth, and never made another statement, until this sorry substitute for a cabinet is replaced. You are a hazard and a nincompoop. You appear to know nothing, about anything. So, just shut up! 

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Rollout of booster shots!......what a crock o <deleted>

5 hours ago, Magenta408 said:

Anutin has no credibility. He has been blowing hot air on the waves since the plandemic started. He is a disgrace. Am I being charitable? You betcha. 

You mispelt PANDEMIC Dick

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6 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

Yep it will all workout with them saving vaccine by jabbing it under the skin like a TB test.

What about the new ZYCOV-D Indian dna vaccine. Which is shot with a air gun under the skin. They say it will be out next month in India. They also say it is 67 % effective against Delta.

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On 9/24/2021 at 9:43 AM, Bkk Brian said:

Really, so next year, no other time frame other than that, well no Sh## Sherlock, in the meantime I wouldn't boast too much about delivering those booster shots intravascularly as in Phuket, the manufacturers advise against it as do scientific studies on covid vaccines injected this way.

it feels like a generated photo op with his latest news - 'it won't be this bad next year!' like we're supposed to feel good that he won't make the same mistakes twice. this <deleted> shouldn't be in the headlines, it's just facesaving tactics for his latest embarrassments. what a joke, he better hope the covid amnesty law takes care of all the mistakes one might profit from

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