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Breakthrough COVID-19 Infection in Thailand: What to Know


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Truth is, that viruses seek out all eventually... and you'll either live or die (99% or more will live from this one). Sooner or later, we are going to all have to just take our chances and get on with life (can't wear a mask or socially distance forever). To give some persective, about 20k or more die every year in the UK from the normal flu (and that's just the UK). Many casualties are on borrowed time anyhow and unaware of just how fragile their existence actually was.

Best case senario is that as many as possible get double vaccinated and we move on. If you refuse a vaccine, then your call, as you are the one at risk... but you are also responsible for the results of your actions/decisions too, no whinging, please.

You can't cheat death, but you can lengthen the odds through your decisions. If it's your time, then it's your time and it doesn't matter how fast you try to run. Covid will end up like the new normal flu and those at risk will get their yearly jab... much like what has happened before now.


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4 minutes ago, Sir Dude said:

Truth is, that viruses seek out all eventually... and you'll either live or die (99% or more will live from this one). Sooner or later, we are going to all have to just take our chances and get on with life (can't wear a mask or socially distance forever). To give some persective, about 20k or more die every year in the UK from the normal flu (and that's just the UK). Many casualties are on borrowed time anyhow and unaware of just how fragile their existence actually was.

Best case senario is that as many as possible get double vaccinated and we move on. If you refuse a vaccine, then your call, as you are the one at risk... but you are also responsible for the results of your actions/decisions too, no whinging, please.

You can't cheat death, but you can lengthen the odds through your decisions. If it's your time, then it's your time and it doesn't matter how fast you try to run. Covid will end up like the new normal flu and those at risk will get their yearly jab... much like what has happened before now.


First of all, people who refuse to be vaccinated have been massively stressing hospital ICUs. So they endanger others, not only themselves.

But you do make an excellent point which will save most of us huge amounts of money whether in insurance payments and/or taxes. After all,  "If it's your time, then it's your time and it doesn't matter how fast you try to run." then there's no need for medical care at all. Thanks for the insight.

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2 hours ago, Scott Tracy said:

Who writes this. So much for stating the bleeding obvious. There is always something more deadly than something else and there is always more of a year left than what is thought. 


Someone gets paid for this sort of rubbish?

Given the comments of various covid vaccine denialists in this forum, it's clear that it isn't obvious to everyone.

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A lot of what is said in the OP makes simple sense to me. Of course it’s possible to nit pick but 99% sounds fine.


but two issues arise in my mind.


1. if what is quoted is official government policy, why are some areas in Thailand following a completely different elimination strategy? Think of the tourist areas of course where vaccination levels are high, but restrictions remain so as to try and eliminate cases.


2. the OP completely ignores the simple fact that people pretty much have to get vaccinated if they want to live normally. If not vaccinated, how to travel, eat at restaurants etc etc. people can whine about infringing civil liberties, but it is what it is. Not just in Thailand is vaccination required to be able to do a number of activities, so might as well get over it and get jabbed.

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5 hours ago, aussiebrian said:

I am embarrassed to be a westerner, to think that some Thais read this thread filled with qanon propaganda. It is like what you would read on sites like Rumble for Flat earthers full of medical misinformation, false claims and conspiracy theories. 
With so many antivaxers, anti markers posting here I predict covid19 will be with us for a long time. 
I see demonstrations happening in most western countries against controlling covid19 outbreaks. It is the 21st century, not the 17th.
I would like to see these tinfoilhat brigade working in covid19 wards with no PPE, they would soon change their minds.
I personally know many unvaccinated friends in India that have died and are still suffering from long covid. One friend has been on oxygen since April.
What is wrong with these people?? Stupidity at it highest.


It is almost impossible to change their minds they won't get it till they get it.




"I personally know many unvaccinated friends in India that have died and are still suffering from long covid."


Really? The last time something like that happened, some people called it Easter!

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Interesting to read the usual back and forth on this issue.  I'd like to add my 2 cents as a previous resident of Thailand and someone who tries to keep up with the news from there.


The OP's news article exemplifies the nature of the Covid 'debate'.  Is it the most infectious and deadly "virus" of the 21st century?  That is a nuanced and loaded statement designed to provoke a reaction.  It certainly appears to be the most infectious, but "deadly" tends to refer to a disease's mortality rate.  For the 21st century the WHO and CDC estimate that approximately 650,000 people die globally just from influenza EACH year.  So, for total numbers in the 21st century influenza is clearly beating Covid.



The Covid vaccines are clearly safe and effective, when considering the scale.  Over 6 billion doses have been administered and while there have been adverse effects, it's obvious they're safer than penicillin or aspirin.



I have been vaccinated for Covid, as well as over two dozen other diseases due to previous service with the US military.  Prior to 2020 I never had a single doctor or health care provider say, or imply, that my protection against a particular disease was dependent upon the vaccination status of others.  They didn't say that because it isn't.


There are the usual dueling 'experts' posts and I can't help but to take notice that not a single one referenced a government website, reliable university website or medical journal.  Many posters claim to be able to differentiate between real virologist and epidemiologists, but provide no evidence for other posters to reasonably believe that claim.  The CDC has a tremendous amount of reliable and up to date information about Covid, as does Johns Hopkins University.  I'll post the links knowing that the experts will not even open them to add to their expertise.




It was also noteworthy that the posters who seem to claim they are more supportive of public health, also seem to be satisfied that their political opponents are more likely to die from Covid due to their party affiliation and/or intelligence.  It's hard to reconcile that sort of hate from those who claim to care more than others.  The people who seem to be generally against worrying about Covid and are not inclined to support the vaccine don't seem to be gleeful about their opponents' possible death, but merely want to be left alone.


The political party angle is indicative of how the 'experts' here don't bother to read beyond the headlines.  In the US, for the top 10 states with the highest Covid death rate per 100,000, 4 are run by Democrats.



You can refer to the Johns Hopkins mortality page to see that a viral infection with a fatality rate of less than 2 percent will never be 'Darwinian'.  


Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine are medically approved drugs with specific and effective uses in humans.  To claim otherwise further detracts from your 'expertise'.  But, just as aspirin and penicillin are ineffective drugs against cancer, those two medications show no effect against Covid, but that doesn't make them poison either.


Perspective is tough:



And finally, the 1918 influenza pandemic killed about 50 million people more than 100 years ago when the Earth's population was 1/4 of what it is today.



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11 hours ago, Tonypandy said:

Why would they need the jab if they already had covid? 

It is just the way it works, and there are mutations.....secondary infections etc etc. Are you living under the misconception that once you have had Covid, you are immune to it for life?


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2 hours ago, jacko45k said:

It is just the way it works, and there are mutations.....secondary infections etc etc. Are you living under the misconception that once you have had Covid, you are immune to it for life?


Of course not, it's the same you get a cold, and you can get another one, your not immune. 

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13 hours ago, placeholder said:

Most likely, they are better protected. But a nice bonus of getting vaccinated after having covid, is that it seems to provide super immunity. Even to more distantly related viral disease vectors.

Most likely? who knows, only time will tell. 

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On 9/9/2021 at 6:36 PM, Kwaibill said:

Vaccinated individuals are much less likely to be carriers, though certainly not impossible.

It is all a numbers game.

The passports also will have any test history, so "super spreaders" are less likely.

No guarantees.


On 10/5/2021 at 9:13 PM, Nojohndoe said:

Keywords. Pandemic .  Sars and MERS never progressed to same status. Malaria , Dengue etc are endemic but avoidable.


23 hours ago, Pinot said:

Afraid of getting a jab? I don't get it. "A life lived in fear...?" What are you talking about?  


If you don't get vaccinated, you're far more likely to get very sick and possibly die after infecting everyone around you with your nonsense. You don't want to live in fear of what? Multiple vaccination and having to wear a mask? How is that living in fear? You're doing what society has deemed the way to respond to a pandemic as determined by experts. Not what some idiot high school dropout wrote on the Internet, actual trained experts.


Or you can take horse dewormer. Thoughts and prayers.  

Why do you sarcastically write "thoughts and prayers" ?  I mean , who does that?  I note that with your recycling of the tired  "horse dewormer" meme you out yourself as someone who wishes to continue to deny the effectiveness of early treatment. Why would you do that when it has benefitted so many?  Many vaccinated people are getting sick. Many experts disagree with the constant lockdowns. Characterising anyone who has an alternative viewpoint as a high-school dropout is silly, and demeans only yourself. In short, your post comes up short in many ways and is worthy only of contempt. You need to up your game.      

Edited by adam1
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12 hours ago, MGM16 said:
On 10/5/2021 at 8:38 PM, richard_smith237 said:

This virus has killed more than other viruses in aggregate - as far as killers go, what about Malaria ? cancer ?

Before making comparisons, it needs to be established whether Covid-19 is man-made or not.

I believe it is....   an accident of poor bio-containment security in a lab (Wuhan Institute of Virology), one of China's leading virologists on Coronaviruses  (Dr. Shi Zheng-li) studying Coronaviruses to get ahead of any potential zoonotic jump to humans on the back of MERS and SARS-CoV-1 - Perhaps creating the very pandemic they were studying to aid preventing. 



However, all of that is somewhat irrelevant - SARS-CoV-2 is here now, natural or not (and whats to say we are not part of nature anyway - its just semantics !).







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5 hours ago, adam1 said:



Why do you sarcastically write "thoughts and prayers" ?  I mean , who does that?  I note that with your recycling of the tired  "horse dewormer" meme you out yourself as someone who wishes to continue to deny the effectiveness of early treatment. Why would you do that when it has benefitted so many?  Many vaccinated people are getting sick. Many experts disagree with the constant lockdowns. Characterising anyone who has an alternative viewpoint as a high-school dropout is silly, and demeans only yourself. In short, your post comes up short in many ways and is worthy only of contempt. You need to up your game.      

You demean yourself with praise of horse dewormer. We don't have alternative viewpoints, you're comically delusional. 


"Thoughts and prayers" are usually offered to the thousands killed by gun violence that the far right perpetrates with its resistance to gun laws in the US. I offer my thoughts and prayers to the poor misinformed high school dropouts and those that continue to have "an alternative viewpoint" to the effectiveness of the vaccine in stopping the global pandemic.  

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On 10/6/2021 at 10:39 AM, smedly said:

why not watch this video and educate yourself 




here are two more just to make sure you are getting it







There you go again! Using common sense and facts to support your argument against the woke narrative. Don't you know that you have to use emotions and feelings and chase unicorns and rainbows to convince them?

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On 10/6/2021 at 11:18 AM, Stoker58 said:

While the unvaccinated are by far the most at risk of contracting and transmitting it…..”.

 That’s simply not true. Numbers from Israel, the US and Europe show typically 70-80% of those in hospital are vaxxed.

 Deaths and illnesses following the mRNA therapies are off the scale.

Careful there. You are going against the woke narrative. You might lose your posting privileges.

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23 hours ago, Pinot said:

"Re-assess the horse dewormer?  It's neither relevent or helpful except to identify you as a Fox viewer? Thoughts and prayer.


Pinot I am not American and would never watch that dreadful news / propaganda outlet FOX!.....C'mon man, how about not projecting assumptions?! There is Ivermectin for humans (not the 'for animals' one) and it has achieved great results eliminating Covid early on and it's verified in several Countries now such as India and Japan....there are reputable medical practitioners globally on board with it....all you have to do is research and inform yourself, but use alternative search engines to Google who censor and hide articles that talk truth. Duck Duck Go seems  reasonable still. All the best to you.

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1 hour ago, toolpush said:

If you are vaccinated, why do you need to be protected against the un-vaccinated...........?

(CNN)Two real-world studies published Wednesday confirm that the immune protection offered by two doses of Pfizer's Covid-19 vaccine drops off after two months or so, although protection against severe disease, hospitalization and death remains strong.

The studies, from Israel and from Qatar and published in the New England Journal of Medicine, support arguments that even fully vaccinated people need to maintain precautions against infection.
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A post using a trolling meme has been removed.


A post trolling about Biden and Harris has been removed.


A post with a video from an unapproved YouTube source has been removed:


18) Social Media content is acceptable in most social forums. However, in factual areas such as news, current affairs and health topics, it cannot be used unless it is from a credible news media source or government agency, and must include a weblink to the original source.

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On 10/6/2021 at 10:31 PM, Used2LuvThailand said:

I have been vaccinated for Covid, as well as over two dozen other diseases due to previous service with the US military.  Prior to 2020 I never had a single doctor or health care provider say, or imply, that my protection against a particular disease was dependent upon the vaccination status of others.  They didn't say that because it isn't.


And they never had to tell you that the health of others was dependent on the vaccination of others because those diseases weren't stressing health systems into rationing health care the way covid is.

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On 10/6/2021 at 10:31 PM, Used2LuvThailand said:

There are the usual dueling 'experts' posts and I can't help but to take notice that not a single one referenced a government website, reliable university website or medical journal.  Many posters claim to be able to differentiate between real virologist and epidemiologists, but provide no evidence for other posters to reasonably believe that claim.  The CDC has a tremendous amount of reliable and up to date information about Covid, as does Johns Hopkins University.  I'll post the links knowing that the experts will not even open them to add to their expertise.




But we do reference articles in reputable news sources that draw on the cdc or Johns Hopkins. Whereas those opposing covid vaccines and denying the seriousness of it tend to draw on dishonest sources or selectively quote to distort the import of reputable ones. 


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On 10/6/2021 at 10:31 PM, Used2LuvThailand said:

The political party angle is indicative of how the 'experts' here don't bother to read beyond the headlines.  In the US, for the top 10 states with the highest Covid death rate per 100,000, 4 are run by Democrats.



Obviously, your observation here is flagrantly misleading. First off, those Democratic states were hit hard during the early stages of covid. How have they fared compared to Republican states once vaccinations became widespreadThere's a reason that the current outbreak is called a pandemic of the unvaccinated. And in what states do they tend to be located What's more, it's far more meaningful to correlate party affiliation with vaccinations on a county level since states with predominantly republican or democratic governance will have local areas dominated by the other side.

The Red/Blue Divide in COVID-19 Vaccination Rates

As of September 13, 2021, 52.8% of people in counties that voted for Biden were fully vaccinated compared to 39.9% of Trump counties, a 12.9 percentage point difference (Figure 1). While the rate of vaccination coverage has slowed in both county groups, the gap has widened over time (Figure 2).




What's more, if you organize states by  the current death rates  13 of the top 15 voted for Trump. And the other 2 are dominated by Republicans in virtuall other statewide offices.


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This COVID pandemic is now considered worse than the Spanish flu pandemic. Do not forget

that there was no vaccine for protection when the Spanish flu happened. The people who still do not want to get

vaccinated have the freedom of dying from the COVID flu. Since there are people who need their freedoms,

I thought I would point out this freedom.


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On 10/6/2021 at 10:46 AM, aussiebrian said:

I am embarrassed to be a westerner, to think that some Thais read this thread filled with qanon propaganda. It is like what you would read on sites like Rumble for Flat earthers full of medical misinformation, false claims and conspiracy theories. 
With so many antivaxers, anti markers posting here I predict covid19 will be with us for a long time. 
I see demonstrations happening in most western countries against controlling covid19 outbreaks. It is the 21st century, not the 17th.
I would like to see these tinfoilhat brigade working in covid19 wards with no PPE, they would soon change their minds.
I personally know many unvaccinated friends in India that have died and are still suffering from long covid. One friend has been on oxygen since April.
What is wrong with these people?? Stupidity at it highest.


It is almost impossible to change their minds they won't get it till they get it.




Remember, just 15 days to flatten the curve. That was some 19 months ago.

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On 10/6/2021 at 12:13 PM, richard_smith237 said:



I am also happy that travel may now include compulsory masks....  over the past 20+ years I’ve been sick after getting off planes - caught horrible colds /.flu - If mask wearing also stops this I’m happy (and I absolutely hate wearing masks !)



If this happens my travelling will be quite limited. The world of this new normal is and will be such an ugly and depressing place that I might have to consider a final solution for myself.

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On 10/7/2021 at 2:35 AM, jacko45k said:

It is just the way it works, and there are mutations.....secondary infections etc etc. Are you living under the misconception that once you have had Covid, you are immune to it for life?


How can you know it is a misconception of something that has been around for less than two years? It is already known that natural immunity is stronger than the protection from a vaccine.

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2 hours ago, rabang said:

How can you know it is a misconception of something that has been around for less than two years? It is already known that natural immunity is stronger than the protection from a vaccine.

Because I know of people who have had Covid multiple times.... each symptomatic. 

Immunity after infection is not permanent.


By now, we know that anyone can get COVID-19 — the vaccinated and unvaccinated, those who have had it already and those who haven’t. In the same vein, anyone can get COVID-19 again.

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