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Death of trespasser: Swiss man's Thai wife was having affair with victim, say family


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On 10/6/2021 at 4:22 PM, wadman said:

To intimidate him into moving away.  Not on the spot, but hopefully soon.  A gun is a great tool to add to the intimidation.

It is not uncommon for family of a Thai lady to intimidate her Farang husband to go away after she has her house in her name. Why Sathian would do so in the middle of the night is a mystery.

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3 hours ago, PingRoundTheWorld said:

I was thinking just that - even if this isn't what actually happened - the fact that if he dies or goes to jail the wife would get the house and probably much more (any known savings/investments, life insurance if there is, etc) is alarming - to say the least.

If on the other hand he didn't buy the house (only rented), didn't marry her, and all assets were kept out of Thailand - her motivation would be to keep him as safe as possible.

But to sum it up, as you said - if she knows you're worth much more to her alive and well than.. uhh.. not.. chances are you'll remain that way.

Maybe she was happy with the prestigious  mia farang status in the village. Her affair with Sathien seems to have been going on for 2-3 years and he was maybe not her  first or only toy boy. Rudolf tolerated and funded her party girl life style, boyfriend and probably a compulsive gambling habit for a long time. There was no suggestion that this was an unhappy marriage. If she had Rudolf murdered and moved Sathien in, her life would have gone downhill rapidly and she may well have been smart enough to figure this out. She would have just become the property of a typical drunken Thai peasant who has already abandoned his own family and would be giving her pressure to hand over her supposed inheritance so he could dole it out to his own bit of fluff on the side.

Edited by Dogmatix
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Swissie needs to get out of Thailand, like right now,shirt on his back, thats it.


The need for money and demands for it are at fever pitch,there is reason for me to be here,otherwise Im gone.


Few examples for me, just this morn cleaner I had ,had accident,told her id pay,came out of hospital small scratch,stated 936,told her to go back inside get receipt...396 baht..sacked,cleaner before that needed 3500 pay rent...sacked,  cleaner before that  4000  sacked...before that 5000,but was giving her one too,  but sacked,miss that one, but not worth 5000


gees what was once 500/1000 now is 3000 to 4000 just for starters,    Someone wants to contact Swissie and get him to hell out of it


Do not know if on bail he can thru official channels,there is no warrant for arrest so maybe he can,but Swissie you need to be gone, as of yesterday

Edited by fredscats
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3 hours ago, Dogmatix said:

Maybe she was happy with the prestigious  mia farang status in the village. Her affair with Sathien seems to have been going on for 2-3 years and he was maybe not her  first or only toy boy. Rudolf tolerated and funded her party girl life style, boyfriend and probably a compulsive gambling habit for a long time. There was no suggestion that this was an unhappy marriage. If she had Rudolf murdered and moved Sathien in, her life would have gone downhill rapidly and she may well have been smart enough to figure this out. She would have just become the property of a typical drunken Thai peasant who has already abandoned his own family and would be giving her pressure to hand over her supposed inheritance so he could dole it out to his own bit of fluff on the side.

Agree here,but Rudolphs binding of Thai guy does not stand up too well either,but that puts Rudolphs life in danger,   dead Thais family will be seeking revenge,especially if he escapes any charges,and being only 900 metres from his home likened to red rag to a bull each and ever day


"house for nefarious reasons, they now have a big financial incentive to keep their mouths shut. I suspect that is why getting to the bottom of why Setiyon came to the house that night may prove to be so difficult. And I don't think the mystery of this whole affair can be solved without knowing his motive for coming to the house. "    not in any sense of being just here and now, no concept of anything ,only a blurred vision thru p.issed up thinking his life was changing that very instance, money in pocket (not for long tho)..... and that way of thinking is every Thais way of thinking.... it follows a muck cart

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On 10/6/2021 at 8:34 AM, RichardColeman said:

I'd add a word of caution to the claims of any family that may bring a case for potential monetary compensation, especially as the family 'may' have been benefitting from the dead man's 'relationship' with the woman. 

Why did go to the house with the gun if there was no intention of robbery or harm?

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