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1 minute ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

The last time you accused someone of homophobia , he revealed himself as being Bi-sexual , if you remember 


Your anti gay rhetoric is poison.

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1 minute ago, Jingthing said:


Your anti gay rhetoric is poison.

Although I am not anti -gay , just the anti sexualization of Children and/or involving Children in any aspects of  sex at all, whether it be straight or gay .

   I would feel the same if clothes were made for six year old girls promoting heterosexual relationships .

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2 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

Although I am not anti -gay , just the anti sexualization of Children and/or involving Children in any aspects of  sex at all, whether it be straight or gay .

   I would feel the same if clothes were made for six year old girls promoting heterosexual relationships .


You gave away your extreme bias with the pedo comment.

Don't even bother.

Maybe back to the Superman topic?

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Batwoman (Kate Kane), Wonder Woman (Diana Prince), Poison Ivy (Pamela Lillian Isley), Harley Quinn (Harleen Quinzel), Thunder (Anissa Pierce) are all DC characters that are openly lesibian or bisexual.


Unfortunately we live in a society where this can be seen as okay, because many hetero males think it's "cool" for two chicks to make out, as it often plays into the male's fantasy of being a part of some sort of sexual act with the women (usually a threesome). However, the minute two guys hook up, many of us act like it's the most vile act humanity could have ever wrought. 


Same gender relationship are no different that mix gender relationships when it comes to people falling in love. I use to laugh at the statement "love is love" but it's true. Yet we as a society try to differentiate between it.

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17 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

He is still a Child and not yet developed enough to be concerned about relationships with other people .

Exactly! So back to the original point. It's a shirt. He liked the shirt. Period.

Anything other than that was a construct by your design. That's what I would like for you to take from this. He's not pushing any agenda and you're not helping him. He just like a colorful shirt that he thought was cool because, if anything, if had a Superman logo on it, too!

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6 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

I still remember being scolded by a gay man, when I referred to him as being gay. He said, I am not gay, I am non-binary! Huh? How on earth was I supposed to know that?


I have a suggestion. For all people who do not identify as gay, or lesbian, just wear a pin, or a necklace, or a patch on your clothing identifying your chosen designation to all of us!

All of us?  You mean just straight men? 


What business is it of you to want to know strangers sexual likes? 


Are you wearing a pin to show what kind of women you like to have sex with? 

  • Like 1
17 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

I was talking about making clothes for six year olds with the gay pride colours on it disguised as a Superman T-Shirt encouraging them to inadvertently support the cause .

   Why would an adult want to do that ?

Because being gay doesn't turn on at a certain age. No one turns gay. It's not like a latent mutant power that activates under duress. (Yes I'm being sarcastic.)

Gay and bi folks have always been that way. Sure, they might not be able to articulate how they feel at a young age, but it's who they are.


Shirt makers are looking to make a buck. Usually the same company putting out an LGBTQ shirt also put out the Swastika shirt. It's not about an agenda, it's about money. Do you think a vendor cares if a person is straight, gay, black, white, etc? Nope. They care about the money.

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14 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

 I would feel the same if clothes were made for six year old girls promoting heterosexual relationships .

But you don't feel the same way because you purchased the "hetero" version of the same shirt. The shirt was promoting anything other than Superman.

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5 minutes ago, HappyGoLuckyLife said:

Exactly! So back to the original point. It's a shirt. He liked the shirt. Period.

Anything other than that was a construct by your design. That's what I would like for you to take from this. He's not pushing any agenda and you're not helping him. He just like a colorful shirt that he thought was cool because, if anything, if had a Superman logo on it, too!

The gay pride colours were pushing an agenda , an agenda that he was unaware of , I didnt want him to be wearing it and so I got him a Black & White T-Shirt instead . 

   If , when he gets older and understands  the connection and then wants to wear a rainbow T-Shirt , I will let him make that choice 

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2 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

Yes, A pedophile seeing a Child in a T-Shirt promoting homosexuality may come to the conclusion that the Child is sexually active and available .

You're doubling down on your homophobia. That kind of garbage isn't welcome here. Either post on the actual topic or go away mate.

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9 minutes ago, Longwood50 said:

I don't appreciate them preaching or attempting to indoctrinate me either. 

I don't see how if you don't identify with the LGBTQ community, how you would feel indoctrinated? As you said, live and let live. That doesn't mean there can't be representation for all. Whether be in the comics or on the store shelves.

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2 minutes ago, HappyGoLuckyLife said:

But you don't feel the same way because you purchased the "hetero" version of the same shirt. The shirt was promoting anything other than Superman.

No, the T-Shirt that I bought wasn't herero, it was gender/sexual  neutral and was solely a Superman logo

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59 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

I was talking about the photo that I posted , Childrens T-Shirts with Superman logo in the rainbow colours , a Child gets a nice colourful Superman T-Shirt and when he gets a bit older , he would realise that he unknowingly  was promoting gay pride .

    Maybe I am old fashioned, but I dont think that kids superheros should display any sexuality .

   I am uncomfortable with adults making and selling clothes to Children that promote homosexuality .

  When young boys still love their daddy , I just think that its wrong for the Daddy to tell his Son that two males can have a sexual relationship, just doesnt sit right with me 

And there we have it.


Homophobic and prejudiced.....


The reason you did not want to buy the t shirt for your son.


Why not just say you don't like gays and don't accept same sex relationships at the start as you think they are wrong, and think gay men will molest your child.  We can all clearly see what you believe now. 


I hope your son or anyone else in your family / friends are not gay or something different to straight in the future as they would be very hurt by your attitude. 






  • Like 2
7 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

Yes, A pedophile seeing a Child in a T-Shirt promoting homosexuality may come to the conclusion that the Child is sexually active and available .

I don't think it works like that. Again, you're assuming the pedo is gay. That's isn't necessarily the case. I linked to a article in Psychology Today that may help you better understand things. Pedophilia | Psychology Today

  • Like 2
17 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

The gay pride colours were pushing an agenda , an agenda that he was unaware of , I didnt want him to be wearing it and so I got him a Black & White T-Shirt instead . 

   If , when he gets older and understands  the connection and then wants to wear a rainbow T-Shirt , I will let him make that choice 

He's a kid. Why would he care about an agenda? He just likes the shirt. You don't like the shirt. Because of what it represents to you. You don't agree with what the shirt represents. Your child couldn't care less what the shirt meant. Because to him, me, many people, it's just a cool shirt.

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*Deleted post edited out*


Stop it. Stop pretending your bias and bigotry is somehow protecting your child. If you want to constitute your backward attitude in your own mind then fine but don't think for one second anyone is going to believe it's only there because you are somehow protecting your child from some predatory monster. I can assure you peodophiles have very little to do with homosexuality and even less to do with what your child is wearing. 

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12 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

No, the T-Shirt that I bought wasn't herero, it was gender/sexual  neutral and was solely a Superman logo

I can't argue that, if that was your thinking. I have my doubts only because of our conversation. But, if you would have lead with that. I think we all could have kept the thread on topic. ????

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3 minutes ago, johnnybangkok said:

Stop it. Stop pretending your bias and bigotry is somehow protecting your child. If you want to constitute your backward attitude in your own mind then fine but don't think for one second anyone is going to believe it's only there because you are somehow protecting your child from some predatory monster. I can assure you peodophiles have very little to do with homosexuality and even less to do with what your child is wearing. 

Its a fact that some men are attracted to Children and its the Parents duty to protect their Children from predators. 

  Children walking around wearing T-Shirts that promote sexual relationships may encourage the pedophiles to act upon their desires . 

  • Sad 2
21 minutes ago, Longwood50 said:

Whether it is a persons age, sex, income, race, sexual preference, religion, politics, etc those groups all complain about discrimination.  Yet every issue including comic book hero's somehow feel obliged to interject one of those into each and every topic.  

That is akin to peeling open a wound and not allowing it to heal or constantly pushing a subject in everyone's face thereby inciting their feelings. 

Personally, I don't believe many people care and even fewer want to know about a persons sexual preference.  However when certain groups are intent on waiving it in people's faces regarding each and every aspect of life, and expect that I somehow will become endeared to it they are doing nothing more than inciting further dislike.  

I believe that most people just want to live their own lives and leave others to live theirs.  However when you try and jam down your belief systems, values, and lifestyle down our throats you have gone too far. 

Go live your life, leave Superman, and most importantly the schools out of it.  Your lifestyle is just that and just as those impacted groups would not appreciate me harping on them each day about living my lifestyle, I don't appreciate them preaching or attempting to indoctrinate me either. 

Oh the very popular 'I'm fine with it as long as I don't have to see it or acknowledge it' homophobia.

Gay people see the world jamming a hetrosexual belief systems, values, and lifestyle down their throats every day and they are supposed to meekly cower in the corner and hide just because you don't want them 'waiving it in your face" 

You are however correct that 'most people just want to live their own lives and leave others to live theirs' which is the VAST majority of gay people, so why don't you take a leaf out of your own book and take your 1940's 'insights' back to the puritanical and outdated times they belong.

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2 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

Its a fact that some men are attracted to Children and its the Parents duty to protect their Children from predators. 

  Children walking around wearing T-Shirts that promote sexual relationships may encourage the pedophiles to act upon their desires . 

Your child simply walking around 'encourages pedophiles to act upon their desires'. It's got nothing to do with what your child is wearing.  

The vast majority of child abuse comes from grooming and is usually from a relative or a person close to the family so the idea your child is going to be kidnapped off the street because he is wearing a rainbow coloured superman shirt is YOUR projection NOT reality.,

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24 minutes ago, johnnybangkok said:

Stop it. Stop pretending your bias and bigotry is somehow protecting your child. If you want to constitute your backward attitude in your own mind then fine but don't think for one second anyone is going to believe it's only there because you are somehow protecting your child from some predatory monster. I can assure you peodophiles have very little to do with homosexuality and even less to do with what your child is wearing. 

If you are in favour of Children walking around promoting homosexuality , then I suppose you would also support six year old girls walking around wearing T-Shirts which said " I am in favour of boy/girl relationships" ?

   If you support Children expressing a sexual preference , then you would also give support to the six year old girl expressing her preference , would you not ? 

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11 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

If you are in favour of Children walking around promoting homosexuality , then I suppose you would also support six year old girls walking around wearing T-Shirts which said " I am in favour of boy/girl relationships" ?

   If you support Children expressing a sexual preference , then you would also give support to the six year old girl expressing her preference , would you not ? 

Have you been at the booze?  ????


Perhaps you are better to talk to a good phycologist rather than to people on here...as clearly your views seem very illogical to people on this thread which you keep derailing off topic.





6 minutes ago, Longwood50 said:

Ok first off, I don't believe Superman's sexuality is anything that needs to be interjected into the character. 

Secondly, let me ask you where do you draw the line as representation for all. 

1. Superman is a swinger and wants many sexual parters
2. Superman is into group sex and the comic strip portrays wild orgies
3. Superman is part of the Manboy Love Association and the comic strip contains sexual adventures with Superman and young boys
4. Superman is into pediophilia and the comic strip introduces Superman with sexual themes with young children
5. Superman is transexual and the episodes include his transformation from Superman to Superwoman. 
6. Superman is into beastiality and enjoys sex with numerous animals. 
7l Superman is a sadist and he uses his super powers to inflict pain during his sexual encounters. 

8. Superman is a necrophiliac and enjoys sex with the corpses of his vanquished enemies. 

Where do you draw YOUR LINE.  I draw it at don't try to use the media, schools, comic book hero's to get others to advocate your lifestyle.  The same is true for religion, and politics.  

Many in society have personal or religious beliefs that are contrary to even sex outside of marriage.  Why should their rights to not be subjected to what they consider to be objectionable be any less important than those who wish to legitimize their lifestyle. 


So what religion do you want superman to be? Catholic and married to a white women of the same age?  



5 minutes ago, Longwood50 said:

Ok first off, I don't believe Superman's sexuality is anything that needs to be interjected into the character. 

It's has been since the creation of the character and his relationship with Lois Lane.


Everything else I take it as  just a means to take it to the ultimate extreme. I'm sure, somewhere, there is something out there that would hit every category you mentioned. ????


Homophobic posts and replies have been removed.   Continue and face a suspension.  Please feel free to report members who do.  


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