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Pipat: Thailand ready to vie for Chinese and other tourists as country reopens


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2 minutes ago, arithai12 said:

Sorry, what do you care if China is on their list?

Am I not allowed to care as I call Thailand home and I am living and working in thailand.


3 minutes ago, arithai12 said:

ok we know Chinese won't be travelling for a while, at least not the typical tourist

Because it is disingenuous and telling lies.


4 minutes ago, arithai12 said:

I think that being able to make statements which are "hype, false and disingenuous" is the minimum requirement for politicians in any country.

And calling that out and questioning I will continue. So why are you defending the statements?

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1 hour ago, sirineou said:

November 1st is the beginning not the end, not even the middle. It is a first step. Thailand will do what it considers to be in it's best National interest , and so will China. For Thailand to not include China in their list of target countries would had been insane and not in their best national interest, What China does will depend on their own assessment of what is un their best interest. Let's hope all this is academic, and we will resolve this covid disaster soon. 

So I guess you wont take that bet then????

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10 hours ago, overherebc said:

Mid rate before (XE) was 37/38 for a while, now mid rate (XE) is around 45 for Sterling.

Yes I never thought it would stay down so long (or go so low) when the Brexit vote decimated it. Sterling recently broke pre-Brexit vote value for the first time, although it did not last. 

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52 minutes ago, sirineou said:

How do you know that the Thais are not negotiating travel bubbles with the Chinese and others even as we speak?

How do you know they are? What i do know which is fact that if I left to go Thailand I would need to complete at least 3 weeks quarantine and jump through lots of hoops. You may think fooling the public is acceptable. I do not and those who tell lies should be help accountable.


54 minutes ago, sirineou said:

IMO it would be criminals irresponsible if they were not. 

IMO it is criminal and irresponsible sprouting lies and giving false hope when people need facts and effective action.


It doesn't take a genius to work out the government will fail again with this imitative and need to get rid of all the bureaucracy and add ons in getting tourists back.  A bit like Anutin saying up to 6 million Brits will  visit Thailand this year. A pipe dream that didn't and will not happen.

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16 hours ago, dunroaming said:

There was a news report on the BBC about Thailand re-opening to ten "safe" countries on November 1st.  They included Britain and the USA which raised an eyebrow or two!  Clearly the Thai authorities are desperate for tourist dollars at any cost.

US and UK ? purely aimed at the money factor, otherwise why no mention of Australia and New Zealand?  2 of the safest Covid countries on Planet Earth

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On 10/13/2021 at 9:12 AM, ThailandRyan said:

Cart before the horse I do believe. He should be waiting until all the requirements are laid out before he makes such statements.  Add to that we have no idea when China will allow their citizens to travel.

Chinese tourists do little for Thailand. They spend little money, prepay airlines, buses, hotels restaurants etc etc so the money stays in China. On the rare occasion you see them out, you simply get pushed out of the way.

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4 hours ago, arithai12 said:

Sorry, what do you care if China is on their list? ok we know Chinese won't be travelling for a while, at least not the typical tourists. Of course Thai authorities know this as well as anybody else. They wanted to signal once more how much they like China, fine. They could include Pitcairn Island for all I care.

I think that being able to make statements which are "hype, false and disingenuous" is the minimum requirement for politicians in any country.

 The Thailand Banana Republic don't even have politicians running the country. Just an unelected general and his tinpot soldiers.

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Huh? You guys are the shame of the planet. Some of the most timid and cowardly people anywhere. Over 60 nations have fully opened for tourism already. Thailand as usual, is behind the curve. Shame on your guys. Livelihoods are a stake, and you act like it means nothing. How can one still be a rank amateur after how many years at the job? Your behavior has sabotaged a once lively industry. 


Let the islands decide, or the islands should act in total defiance of the administration and create their own plans. This is so far past ridiculous, it boggles the mind. 


Some boldness is required, on the part of the overly timid guys in charge here. The situation in Thailand is not getting any better. Let's face it. The danger is from within. It is not the scary foreigners who are threatening Thailand, but rather the scary locals, especially those from Bangkok. 


Phiphat (and Prayuth) you have made history. 100 years from now, in the hospitality industry classes at the university level, they will still be teaching about you, as the man who presided over the once great industry of tourism, the man who helped destroy the industry millions depended upon. They will talk about you when the students are visiting the hollowed out shells, of once formerly great hotels, as the man who helped precipitate the demise and decline of Thailand, from the tiger of SE Asia (and at one time the 21st largest economy in the world) to a whiny, sickly, skinny, disease infested alley cat, on it's last legs. And on par with Burundi, Mauritania, Burkina Faso, Yemen, and Sierra Leone. 



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Yup Thailand sure wants and needs its tourist dollars, or bahts.  Offering China to come will maybe get some

of the rich and doubly or tripe vaxxed richer Chinese to come if the Chinese government gives them the

permission that they will require.  I do hope that after December 1st the Thai government gets serious

about letting in at least some countries without quarantines, and without more than a temperature check

on arrival.  I do agree that all travelers should have insurance for their stay, but to keep the other

restrictions on is ridiculous. I guess we will have to see what December first brings.


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8 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

Lets have little Gentleman's bet. China will not open its borders for November 1st, December 1st or even by March 1st 2022. In fact I will say they wont open up by the summer of 2022. So your comment of do you think they know about the restrictions is irrelevant.

Again yes and they (China) wont change, so why talk absolute rollocks. It is all hype and false information.

I would be willing to bet that China wont open ever unless they change their stance on not accepting any Covid in country. They haven't stated what their end game is. If they intend to never let the Covid virus exist in China, they can never open up.

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6 hours ago, steevjee said:

US and UK ? purely aimed at the money factor, otherwise why no mention of Australia and New Zealand?  2 of the safest Covid countries on Planet Earth

It's always about the money.  However now the news is that they will open up to 27 countries including New Zealand, Macao and China!

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