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Thai woman selling child aged 16 for sex via Line application arrested in Bangkok


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16 minutes ago, 2009 said:

I think he means more prevalent.

Ok, thank you for the language education. Now I learned that people who can´t use the right words, sometimes use normal instead of prevalent.

Was it something more, or is it prevalent that I can go back to the normal world now?

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I won't pretend to be the fount of all knowledge but hands up all those who have been in any form of cheap sexual encounter with a woman who has not shown signs of childbirth. In any poor essentially rural economy the breadwinner is the more youthful mother, leaving the kids with the grandparents. Regardless of their 'chosen' profession these women live poor and send all residual income home. Family is everything, morals nothing. That said real youngsters on the game make me shudder frankly.


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27 minutes ago, Seagull Sam said:

Regardless of their 'chosen' profession these women live poor and send all residual income home. Family is everything,



I have a relative in my wife's extended family who boasts earning 50k a month in Phuket and 100k a month in Korea and Japan half the year.


Yet her children don't go on the school bus to the city school; they stay in the free village school and are illiterate at Primary 6.


Also, stunted growth. The Primary 6 boy is the size of an ordinary Primary 3 girl. Almost every tooth rotten. And, I think one has autism yet nobody wants to check it out. She rarely comminicates at all and she like 7 years old. Her brother is 10-11 and totally illiterate.


Yet the "mother" is dressed up like a Christmas tree with makeup and jewelry. The grandparents probably just bank the money they are sent, aside from gambling it.


I think this is likely a common story.


Money is everything. They aren't raised to value much else in the villages.


Christ, most village parents would turn a blind eye to their daughter selling her body if they can profit from it. And they aren't poor actually; they have a million in farmland, and their own home, and a vehicle too. Usually a small business as well.



Edited by 2009
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Unbelievable how many of you say 15 is ok, young adult, blabla. At 15 you still make loads of mistakes and have zero experience in most things. It should not be an age that you should sell yourself for sex.


You're disgusting thinking it's ok and should be allowed.

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13 hours ago, bkk6060 said:

A 16 year old is not an adult it is a high school "teenager".  Big difference.

Are they still at school at that age in Thailand....? Probably not in rural areas.... they don't see the point of educating girls beyond that age. 

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21 hours ago, itsari said:

Because the girls are aware does not make the situation legal 

I think the Netherlands have the correct laws with underage sex . If the persons are of similar age all is legal .

Not legal if there are large differentials in age.

I don't agree.

What If it is done in consent ?

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On 10/16/2021 at 9:54 AM, OneMoreFarang said:

Will now all mothers who send their daughters to make money in the entertainment business be charged/arrested? Or will everything continue as normal?


Personally I think it's up to the (adult) girls what they do and how they make money. But unfortunately there are many mothers who demand money from their daughters and who know what the girls have to do to earn that money. TiT

Between 15 and 18 isn't adult.

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On 10/16/2021 at 2:03 PM, khunPer said:

That's actually depending of how many years ago "many, many years ago" is - but of course I know that "not so long time ago" for elder folks, might seems like "longe time ago" for young ones - but I know of several cases from "not so long time ago", I've met them, for example a 14 year old girl that was already mom to two children, the first born when she was 12; and a very pregnant 13 years old girl.

Several doesn't make it normal.

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On 10/16/2021 at 2:13 PM, Megasin1 said:

maybe its just me but I thought human trafficking was something different and this is something else. Is it that they don't have some sort of child exploitation crime? Surely if they persecute this woman then they should also persecute all the Muslim marriages of underage girls ? I am by no means endorsing this wonans actions but with the prudish PM and his  cronies in charge of a country that allows children to leave school and go into the workforce at age 14 there are an awful lot of inconsistencies.

Kids from 14 are not allowed to work according to the Labour Law.

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On 10/16/2021 at 4:12 PM, Pedrogaz said:

I don't know about this....adult girls: how old is that? Is it at menstruation around 11 or 12 these days; or is it so arbitrary date, different in each country, picked by the authorities there. I'm not disagreeing with you just looking to what the practicalities would look like.

Read the law if you don't have common sense.

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On 10/16/2021 at 4:58 PM, hotchilli said:

I guess the difference is, if the girls is working in a bar then that's excepted as employment.

This girl was being "managed" by a girl selling her services for money.

Same thing but different if you get my drift.

One is tolerated one is not.


They are not allowed to work, let alone in a bar. 

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On 10/16/2021 at 2:13 PM, Megasin1 said:

actions but with the prudish PM and his  cronies in charge of a country that allows children to leave school and go into the workforce at age 14 there are an awful lot of inconsistencies.

No, 14 year olds cannot work in bars/ prostitution , and sexual conduct with a 14 year old is considered to be rape as they are unable to give consent at that age  

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14 minutes ago, FritsSikkink said:

The amount of people here agreeing with pedophilia is astonishing.

Astonishing and disgusting. No wonder men visiting Thailand and expats living here have such a bad stereotype. 16 is still a child and still developing and cannot make these kinds of decisions for themselves. 

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24 minutes ago, FritsSikkink said:

The amount of people here agreeing with pedophilia is astonishing.


25 minutes ago, FritsSikkink said:

The amount of people here agreeing with pedophilia is astonishing.

The subject of the thread is a 16 yr old.... that would be Ephebopilia.


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26 minutes ago, sawadee1947 said:

BS. With 16 you can Vote in many EU countries. So in your opinion children are going to the polls?

In the USA you can not drink alcohol till 21, so in your opinion they are children there? In some countries woman have hardly any rights, what does that make them? Some laws don't make sense and aren't a qualifier for being an adult. 

Some people look for all kind of excuses to have sex with children.

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53 minutes ago, FritsSikkink said:

In the USA you can not drink alcohol till 21, so in your opinion they are children there? In some countries woman have hardly any rights, what does that make them? Some laws don't make sense and aren't a qualifier for being an adult. 

Some people look for all kind of excuses to have sex with children.

Blablabla....read my Post. I'm talking about EU, if you know what this means, not about Timbuktu or similar places.



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10 hours ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

No, 14 year olds cannot work in bars/ prostitution , and sexual conduct with a 14 year old is considered to be rape as they are unable to give consent at that age  

I didnt say they could work in bars etc. at that age, but you have made a point I was trying to say, child rape and child exploitation should be the appropriate charges here but they use human trafficking which to me seems strange, so for all the prudishness of the PM, are there not proper and appropriate laws to protect youngsters from exploitation and why aren't they still in school ?

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