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Thailand’s first COVID Delta Plus case not same as UK, 18 others found with Alpha Plus


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French BFM TV has just announced a new drug from Merck to treat Covid. It’s an anti viral that has to be taken as soon as Covid is confirmed positive. France has just ordered a starting amount deal and it’s promised for this December. This is fantastic news , look it up. 

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7 hours ago, Jeffr2 said:

So you fall for the fake news stories about Covid on YT?  Perhaps you're a covid denier? 


Yes, I'm a covid denier who is double vaxxed...makes sense doesn't it ?

"There is no covid", so let's get double vaxxed asap...your entire logic is nonsensical drivel.

7 hours ago, Jeffr2 said:

This boggles my mind.  You'll ignore the advice of doctors and scientists,

How do you know what I ignore or deny ? I look at a balance of news both mainstream and independent research. I do not exclude one for the other.


Your article lead would suggest that governments the world over act in the interest of everyone, and share objective irrefutable facts - but in fact, they just usually act in the interest of the ruling elite/status quo and give lip service to the rest ...and that undoubtably does include - and I hate to use this term - "controlling the narrative".



Anyway, back to enjoyment vs wasting my time on nonsensical jibber jabberers.

Edited by freedomnow
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7 hours ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

Have all the restrictions worked ?

They may have partially worked , but there have still been millions of deaths and many more infections . 

   Yes, they may have decreased the amount of infections , but they haven't completely worked otherwise the World would be Covid free by now

As you know, restrictions are not intended to eradicate Covid, just slow the spread so that hospitals are not overwhelmed. The exception is a total lockdown, where people are effectively locked into their homes, like in Wuhan.

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1 hour ago, freedomnow said:

Yes, I'm a covid denier who is double vaxxed...makes sense doesn't it ?

"There is no covid", so let's get double vaxxed asap...your entire logic is nonsensical drivel.

How do you know what I ignore or deny ? I look at a balance of news both mainstream and independent research. I do not exclude one for the other.


Your article lead would suggest that governments the world over act in the interest of everyone, and share objective irrefutable facts - but in fact, they just usually act in the interest of the ruling elite/status quo and give lip service to the rest ...and that undoubtably does include - and I hate to use this term - "controlling the narrative".



Anyway, back to enjoyment vs wasting my time on nonsensical jibber jabberers.

Again. Falling for conspiracy theories.

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On 10/26/2021 at 6:52 PM, Will B Good said:

Well in theory the more infectious the virus the less virulent it is likely to be....presumably based on the idea it is not killing its hosts so readily allowing it to spread more easily.

Covid virulence would have to be much higher for this relationship to come into play. Ebola was initially killing around 50% of infected, so in the mid-70s isolated outbreaks would burn out. When mobility had greatly increased 15 years ago, even Ebola became a wider threat.

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10 hours ago, TKDfella said:

Not quite that simple though, is it? There is a lot of research going on with the SARS viruses. With the Covid 19 they have only just recently found that the lipidation process involving host cell and Covid virus protein spikes could, at least partly, be responsible for mutations. Time limits on other reactions are also under research, so we are learning more.

Sounds interesting. Please post a link.

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9 hours ago, eWarrior said:

Okay, there’s some misconception here.  You need to think about the Covid infection as the first step in a process: you’re infected and start shedding virus that is intended to infect as many people as possible.  This is why the asymptomatic disease has been such a pain.


only AFTER the infectious stage has taken place, will the serious disease start to take place. 

Covid is not like Ebola which infects in the serious disease stage. Covid infects successfully BEFORE you are very sick.  If Covid had thoughts, they’d frankly wouldn’t care what happens to you when you are in the hospital - work’s already been long done by then. 

the medical approval communities (in the US, FDA and CDC) are making a mistake in looking at whether vaccines are preventing serious illness and death.  We should primarily be looking at how effective vaccines are in preventing INFECTION of a vaccinated individual.   If you stop infection, you stop everything else:  you are not sick, you do not infect other people, and you don’t end up in the hospital. 

And only as an important secondary goal, should we be looking at how successful the vaccines are in reducing the impact of breakthrough infections. 


Yes, this is the goal of public health, to stop an epidemic. Of course, to convince people to get vaccinated, they have to be told that a vaccine will prevent hospitalization in 90+% of cases. So what we usually hear is the 90% statistic. Anyway, the clinical trials have the endpoint of determining whether the vaccine works for individuals.


Vaccines other than mRNA may only prevent infection in 50 or 30% of cases compared to around 70% for mRNA vaccines, but this data is all probably from before the advent of Delta.


Breakthrough infections are a function of the vaccine but also the vaccinated person. People who have particularly weak immune systems due to immune suppression, age, etc, can become variant factories with a prolonged Covid infection.

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2 hours ago, geisha said:

French BFM TV has just announced a new drug from Merck to treat Covid. It’s an anti viral that has to be taken as soon as Covid is confirmed positive. France has just ordered a starting amount deal and it’s promised for this December. This is fantastic news , look it up. 

Thailand is supposed to be ordering molnupiravir as well.

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5 hours ago, Jeffr2 said:

Restrictions work. Keeps people at home and the virus from spreading. That's pretty easy to understand.


Sure, it has an economic impact. But so does all the deaths and hospitalizations that come with doing nothing.


Many more would have died without the Restrictions. No easy answers here.

Just do one thing or the other . 

Complete lockdown or complete open up (not even closing down in the first place ) , absolutely no point in being closed for 18 months and then opening up with so few vaccinations .

   Myself speaking as a person who has been in Thailand for the last 18 months with many /everything closed  and now they are opening everything up again and just tonight the Chiang Mai gate market has been closed due to a large amount of infections , which hasn't seemed to have made the news 

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7 hours ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

Just do one thing or the other . 

Complete lockdown or complete open up (not even closing down in the first place ) , absolutely no point in being closed for 18 months and then opening up with so few vaccinations .

   Myself speaking as a person who has been in Thailand for the last 18 months with many /everything closed  and now they are opening everything up again and just tonight the Chiang Mai gate market has been closed due to a large amount of infections , which hasn't seemed to have made the news 

I think blanket statements on lockdowns aren't right.  There are huge differences.  Thailand screwed up, big time.  So have other countries by opening up too soon.  Look at the spikes in the US right after restrictions were relaxed.  In colorado, where I was in July, NO masks!  Yahoo!  Guess what?  They're back...cases are on the rise again.


We're in crazy times.  Hard to figure out what's going on from day to day!

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On 10/26/2021 at 11:19 AM, snoop1130 said:

All 16 Alpha Plus cases, including four Thais and 12 Cambodians, are workers in longan orchards in the two eastern provinces bordering Cambodia.

It's always someone else's fault, ain't it?


Thai logic 101.


This country's done for until they change their mindset.

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15 hours ago, geisha said:

French BFM TV has just announced a new drug from Merck to treat Covid. It’s an anti viral that has to be taken as soon as Covid is confirmed positive. France has just ordered a starting amount deal and it’s promised for this December. This is fantastic news , look it up. 

Is it called the EricZemmour drug?


If so, I hope you're taking it in April 2022, myself I know I will.

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4 hours ago, Keesters said:

Any opinion is as good as anybody else's. Facts however are a different matter. If you've been vaccinated what's your problem with those who haven't. You can catch and spread just as easily. 

Opinions are fine. But in this instance, when they have an impact on the lives of others, then they need to be based on facts. Not something they've been reading on social media or dodgy websites.


Too much is at stake now. So no, any opinion is not as good as anybody else's. We need to rely on facts and science. Not Opinions.

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