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Live your lives normally, but carefully, says Vachira director


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11 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

The Director of Vachira Phuket Hospital, Dr Weerasak Lorthongkham has come forward to urge people to go ahead and live their normal lives, but remain vigilant against the spread of COVID-19.

Best advice ever... after you've had two worthwhile vaccinations.

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7 minutes ago, smedly said:

If the UK wasn't testing you wouldn't know much about it, there are certainly breakthrough infections were a few may need treatment but the vast majority (small numbers) needing treatment are the very old or those already quite ill or those not vaccinated, a booster shot seems to deal with the issue very well 


Society in general is fed up with this virus over the last 2 or so years and want to get back to normal - not "new normal" but normal life, life is short and this virus has robbed me of over 2 years of mine - we need to move on and put it behind us

100% agreed.  Most of the hospitalizations and deaths are among the unvaccinated.  Time to get tough on them.  Like Singapore.  I want to get back to "normal" also!!!

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5 minutes ago, JonnyF said:

A lot of the Thai women where I work are extremely irritated by wearing masks, some of them having to get specialist treatment for skin problems that have developed by having to wear them in the office 9 hours a day.  


Just because they don't complain as much, doesn't mean they're OK with it.


As for the OP, when I want advice on how to live my life from some hospital director I'll ask for it. Until then, he should keep busy working out more ways to overcharge foreigners for medical treatment and keep his advise to himself. 


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2 minutes ago, Harrith1954 said:

A madk only is looking safe, but the virus easely come through the holes in the material, because the virus is much smaller.

IT give fake safety, that is why the virus still spreads.

A mask is primarily to stop the infected from spreading the virus.  As you may know, many have the virus and don't even know it.  Thus, the need for everyone to wear a mask.

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I think in Thailand, people are already back to their normal life with C19 since the pandemic started, because I never seen Thailand really lockdown like other countries except only closing all the bars and entertainment areas. 
Most people are tired, having seen it and experienced it so they know what they has to be done.


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28 minutes ago, blackprince said:

the virus has robbed over 5 million people of their lives

5 million - are you serious


and for the record this is a discussion - I don't speak for other people but I think it is safe to assume that "society" (normal people) would like to get back to "normal", maybe you are different and I quite frackly could care less 


I like to read posts on here from people that add value to the discussion, I have decided that your contribution is a waste of my time so welcome to my ignore list - very few in the past meet the test so consider yourself special ????

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24 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

Can I just pick up on one point, the NHS. Currently there are approx 9,160 people being treated in hospitals for covid and now starting to come down, its not close to overload, in its worst peak wave months ago it hit a peak in hospitalizations of around 39,254, if it was near overload it would have been then. Positive cases are also now starting to drop.


If you compare that to patients being treated in real hospitals in Thailand as of today that is still 41,872

some people seem to make it up as they go - only one way to deal with that lol

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41 minutes ago, hotchilli said:

Which is why I wear one... others seem to disagree.

for the moment I do also, but it becomes rather extreme to wear a mask outdoors or in your own car alone or even with family - on public transport or in enclosed spaces there certainly is a case for it  

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15 minutes ago, smedly said:

5 million - are you serious


and for the record this is a discussion - I don't speak for other people but I think it is safe to assume that "society" (normal people) would like to get back to "normal", maybe you are different and I quite frackly could care less 


I like to read posts on here from people that add value to the discussion, I have decided that your contribution is a waste of my time so welcome to my ignore list - very few in the past meet the test so consider yourself special ????

re your 1st para - yes it's over 5 million worldwide - easily verified


re your 2nd para - you say you don't speak for other people, yet you claim to speak for society, nuff said ????


as for your 3rd para - my gosh, you claim to welcome discussion but evidently can't take discusioon that's based on verifiable facts



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26 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

Live life normally, but always look over your shoulder, dress like a zombie with your mask on, and relax. Right. 


Masks are minimally effective, and way overblown in Thailand. Fear of the Zombie Apocalypse! 


There has to be a balance between crushing, punitive, sadistic regulations, and safety protocols. At this rate, the majority of those businesses will never reopen. Why? They will have lost it all. Was it worth it? We never closed before during flu season. During 54 major pandemics stretching over 6 centuries since 1366, they never shut down the economy like they did during Covid madness. And the nation has not closed its highways, even though over 300 people a day die on them. 



"masks are minimally effective" Actually research disagrees with you. But if you don't like research just consider the recent empirical evidence from the UK: since the successful vaccination programme a large section of the population has stopped wearing masks (and social distancing), with the consequence that the UK has been catapulted back into the worst decile worldwide and getting worse every week.


"There has to be a balance between crushing, punitive, sadistic regulations, and safety protocols" true, and there has to be a balance between rational discussion and purple prose hyperbole.


"At this rate, the majority of those businesses will never reopen" Most of the businesses that have closed are lightweight businesses requiring little investment. They can open and reopen at will. The bigger issue is the lack of a taxation system and tax base to support meaningful social security (welfare).


"We never closed before during flu season." Covid is not flu in any usual form.


"During 54 major pandemics stretching over 6 centuries since 1366, they never shut down the economy like they did during Covid madness." Actually some previous pandemics wiped out entire societies and economies.  Displays an anachronistic misunderstanding of the history of the world and how economies evolved (just to clarify - economies were not managed by "they" until well into the capitalist period).


"And the nation has not closed its highways" Those of us that use Thai highways a lot know that at various times over the last 18 months inter-province travel was substantially controlled, even if not closed 100%. 100% closure of course would have prevented your favourite wine being stocked at your favourite supermarket.







Edited by blackprince
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13 hours ago, Kopitiam said:

Nice to see many people wearing mask.  But social distancing would be difficult.

From what has been drummed into us is the virus enters through the nose and mouth and can carry through the air and can stay on soft and hard surfaces ,including clothing, for up to 24/48 hours. cant really see how much more vigilant the public can be.

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