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Govt Satisfied with First Week of Country Reopening


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BANGKOK, Nov 8 (TNA) – The country reopening was satisfactory in its first week as Thailand received more than 20,000 visitors, only 15 of whom were infected with COVID-19, according to the government spokesman.


Government spokesman Thanakorn Wangboonkongchana said that the number of 15 infected visitors was at a manageable level.


The Department of Disease Control reported that from Nov 1 to 6 the country welcomed 2,465 visitors from the United States which showed the highest number of visitors to Thailand during the period, followed by 2,334 visitors from Germany, 1,376 form the United Kingdom, 1,258 from Japan, 906 from South Korea, 905 from Russia, 838 from Switzerland, 724 from Sweden, 695 from France and 542 from the United Arab Emirates.


Full Story: https://tna.mcot.net/english-news-819169


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well wonderful and the few hundred that have ended up in Pattaya are now cramed into one place that is active ....................................................... and now very over crowded, it was already very busy and add a couple of hundred people and it is bursting - anyone from pattaya knows exactly where I am talking about - how does that make any sense ?, would it not be better to open up and spread the load ............................................................................ we now have an over crowding issue were enforcing any sort of covid rules is impossible 

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8 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

the number of 15 infected visitors was at a manageable level.

No comment should have been made on that one. Scary to think about the manageable number when I read that.  Hopefully it is more than two digits

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If they are satisfied with the first week then they must be satisfied every time they [blank] their pants. 

Someone should make a study of how many gave up entirely and on average how many friends they told to forget it.

The relatively small amount the hospitals lose to nonpaying farangs would be more than made up for by tourist volume if they would drop the insurance. I do know one friend who didn't pay, because he died intestate in hospital and his bank accounts were locked, still locked the last I heard. But isn't that what the new 500 baht entry fee is supposed to cover?

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11 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

The country reopening was satisfactory in its first week as Thailand received more than 20,000 visitors, only 15 of whom were infected with COVID-19, according to the government spokesman.

Satisfied with the "Thailand Pass" or just happy with those that managed to stumble over the hurdles and get to the finish line before their flight?


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