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'Do your own research / I do my own research' has become code for conspiracy theory followers


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1 minute ago, Marcomilton7 said:

Sorry but the truth is vaccinated people can still spread and become infected. Your just a vicious little man trying to create hatred against people for not undergoing a forced medical procedure that doesn't stop you from catching it or passing it on aka vaccinated people. People like yourself are destroying human spirit and creating apartheid, and seem to be enjoying it, thinking your some sort of important big man

That's a strong opinion. Nevertheless, I haven't been vaccinated, I stay at home with my happy family, including my children back at school. I fear not.

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2 minutes ago, Marcomilton7 said:

Sorry but the truth is vaccinated people can still spread and become infected. Your just a vicious little man trying to create hatred against people for not undergoing a forced medical procedure that doesn't stop you from catching it or passing it on aka vaccinated people. People like yourself are destroying human spirit and creating apartheid, and seem to be enjoying it, thinking your some sort of important big man

The truth is that people wearing seat belts can still get killed in motor accidents. Your claim has about the same degree of validity. Very little. What part of MUCH MUCH MUCH less chance are you refusing to acknowledge? This lie gets repeated here at least 5 times a day.

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2 minutes ago, blackprince said:

In the UK the highest correlation of non-vaxxers is in the black community.

Covid vaccine: 72% of black people unlikely to have jab, UK survey finds

Are they right wing extremists? Surely not, that wouldn't fit your narrative.





Your confusing those who are vaccine hesitant with those who spread anti-vax propaganda, ostensibly for political purpose.

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3 minutes ago, Marcomilton7 said:

Sorry but the truth is vaccinated people can still spread and become infected. Your just a vicious little man trying to create hatred against people for not undergoing a forced medical procedure that doesn't stop you from catching it or passing it on aka vaccinated people. People like yourself are destroying human spirit and creating apartheid, and seem to be enjoying it, thinking your some sort of important big man

Understood.  There's lots of articles out there by experts saying it's time to get tough with the unvaxxinated.  What Germany and Austria are doing is an excellent example.  As are mandates.  Which should not be required if people cared about themselves and others.  Obviously, they don't.


The people destroying the human spirit are the ones who won't vaccinate for silly reasons.  Man up.  Do the right thing for all of us.  Get the jab.




How the world is getting tough on unvaccinated people:


Singapore gives them the bill, New Zealand says ‘no jab, no job’ and the US says ‘please’

Despite the UK’s high Covid-19 vaccination rate, the country is experiencing a rise in infections described by some as a ‘pandemic of the unvaccinated’


Singapore, New Zealand and Malaysia are among countries with uncompromising ideas for how to make vaccine refuseniks have a rethink

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3 minutes ago, Khabib said:

That's a strong opinion. Nevertheless, I haven't been vaccinated, I stay at home with my happy family, including my children back at school. I fear not.

You can easily get infected by your kids.  They're the ones spreading this disease around in SA.  And then if you go out, you're infecting others.  I doubt you just sit in your home alone.

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Just now, Marcomilton7 said:

What business is it of yours to know others medical history? Your creating a climate of hatred towards unvaccinated human beings, when a vaccinated human being is exactly the same, can still catch / transmit.


The only narcissistic voice is your own thinking you have the right to dictate to others.


As per all my comments- I treat and respect everyone the same, regardless of vaccination status as it makes NO DIFFERENCE.


Just little people on power trips telling other people what to do

Again, you are conflating those who are afraid to get vaccinated with those who attempt to convince others not to do so, often hypocritically as they are very often themselves vaccinated.

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2 minutes ago, Marcomilton7 said:

What business is it of yours to know others medical history? Your creating a climate of hatred towards unvaccinated human beings, when a vaccinated human being is exactly the same, can still catch / transmit.


The only narcissistic voice is your own thinking you have the right to dictate to others.


As per all my comments- I treat and respect everyone the same, regardless of vaccination status as it makes NO DIFFERENCE.


Just little people on power trips telling other people what to do

A vaccinated human being is NOT exactly the same as an unvaccinated one.  Where do you get your info from? 

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2 minutes ago, Khabib said:

I really wish there wasn't so much vitriol on the forum. In the end, we are all entitled to our own opinion. For better or for worse.

That's not true.  We're in the middle of a global pandemic that probably going to kill somewhere near 20 million eventually.  Bad opinions aren't needed.

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1 minute ago, Jeffr2 said:

Understood.  There's lots of articles out there by experts saying it's time to get tough with the unvaxxinated.  What Germany and Austria are doing is an excellent example.  As are mandates.  Which should not be required if people cared about themselves and others.  Obviously, they don't.


The people destroying the human spirit are the ones who won't vaccinate for silly reasons.  Man up.  Do the right thing for all of us.  Get the jab.




How the world is getting tough on unvaccinated people:


Singapore gives them the bill, New Zealand says ‘no jab, no job’ and the US says ‘please’

Despite the UK’s high Covid-19 vaccination rate, the country is experiencing a rise in infections described by some as a ‘pandemic of the unvaccinated’


Singapore, New Zealand and Malaysia are among countries with uncompromising ideas for how to make vaccine refuseniks have a rethink

I wonder if you've considered the "conspiracy?" that the vaccines, particularly mrna, might be destroying people immune systems and then create dependency. After all, pharmaceutical companies would love it. I'm not saying I agree or not, I don't know.

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2 minutes ago, Jeffr2 said:

You can easily get infected by your kids.  They're the ones spreading this disease around in SA.  And then if you go out, you're infecting others.  I doubt you just sit in your home alone.

Not alone, with my happy family. I rarely go out at the moment.

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2 minutes ago, ozimoron said:

Again, you are conflating those who are afraid to get vaccinated with those who attempt to convince others not to do so, often hypocritically as they are very often themselves vaccinated.

I don't really care if people are, or they aren't.

I'm certainly not interested in changing anyone's POV, up to them.

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3 minutes ago, Khabib said:

I wonder if you've considered the "conspiracy?" that the vaccines, particularly mrna, might be destroying people immune systems and then create dependency. After all, pharmaceutical companies would love it. I'm not saying I agree or not, I don't know.

If you have some evidence then out with it, until them people are entitled to call that theory out as a lie. It is not acceptable to postulate an unsubstantiated theory which has the effect of destroying public confidence in covid vaccines without putting supported argument.

Edited by ozimoron
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Just now, Khabib said:

Sorry but the truth is vaccinated people can still spread and become infected

Absolutely right. From the BBC a day ago...


"With nine in 10 of those aged 12 or over having had a single jab and eight in 10 having had a second, the focus has shifted to boosters", yet the case rate and hospitalisation rate is soaring again, and the mortality rate is inceasing too. In adults this is largely to do with the vaccinated population throwing caution to the wind and not observing simple hygiene practices like masks and distancing. Understandable after so many months of on-off lockdown, but not very smart.


And needless to say the boosters will only offer temporary relief too.


Vaccines reduce the risk of serious illness and death. They do not eliminate the virus. They work by reducing the viral load. This is agreed by everyone except a few of the anti-anti-vaxxers here.




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4 minutes ago, ozimoron said:

Again, you are conflating those who are afraid to get vaccinated with those who attempt to convince others not to do so, often hypocritically as they are very often themselves vaccinated.

My conundrum is, I'm neither afraid of the vaccine or covid itself. So I sit on the fence.

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1 minute ago, ozimoron said:

If you have some evidence then out with it, until them people are entitled to call that theory out as a conspiracy. It is not acceptable to postulate an unsubstantiated theory which has the effect of destroying public confidence in covid vaccines without putting supported argument.

Everything's acceptable on an open forum where people discuss their beliefs. Nothing about this is cut and dried at the moment.

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19 minutes ago, ozimoron said:

Another is that most vaccines are actually mandatory anyway and nobody complains about them.


Certainly not mandatory in the UK.

I've had hooping cough, polio, and tetanus as a child before I was old enough to say no (age 13).

Yellow fever and COVID as an adult.

Edited by BritManToo
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Just now, ozimoron said:

You just posted the most egregious lie and conspiracy theory I have yet seen about coronavirus vaccines but you claim not to care!

I must look up egregious to be able to answer. I didn't swallow an Oxford dictionary you know 555

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7 minutes ago, ozimoron said:

You just posted the most egregious lie and conspiracy theory I have yet seen about coronavirus vaccines but you claim not to care!


I've just looked up egregious. I must be the big bad wolf 555

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