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Thai stargazers urged to enjoy view of a bright Venus on December 7th


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Credit: Narit Facebook Page


The planet Venus will be at its brightest this year on December 7th and stargazers in Thailand can see this celestial phenomenon with the naked eye by looking to the west, from sunset until about 8pm, according to the National Astronomical Research Institute of Thailand (NARIT).


The institute said that people living in Chiang Mai, Chachoengsao and Nakhon Ratchasima can also watch Venus with telescopes at its observatories in the three provinces.


Venus’s brightness depends on its proximity to the Earth and its phase. Its phase varies, depending on its position relative to the Earth. When it passes between the Earth and Sun, the side that is turned towards the Earth is entirely dark, like a new moon.


Full story: https://www.thaipbsworld.com/thai-stargazers-urged-to-enjoy-view-of-a-bright-venus-on-december-7th/


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1 hour ago, nobodysfriend said:

Looking at the stars at night when the sky is dark and clear makes me feel small and unimportant compared to what is out there ... and then , when I think about all the stupid laws and rules that are imposed on us by our " leaders " , I get angry ... for a short time , until I realize that all this is of no real importance , all life is suffering and learning anyway , and the only way to stop the suffering is to stop to want ( more and more ).

I think it was  Spock who jealous of Kirks cute round ears said " Live long and suffer, I hope you can hear that Kirk, with your small round ears

That's why I never look, and only want the same I wanted before. When I get that I will think about wanting more and more. 

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Surprised the once in a lifetime, newly discovered Comet Leonard hasn't been mentioned. Supposedly visible now about 2 hours before sunrise and closest on 12/12. Later in the month visible just after sundown. Info on viewing from Thailand is difficult to find, but everything says can be viewed from Northern Hemisphere. Plugged Pattaya into the site below.



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3 minutes ago, KannikaP said:

Absolute rubbish.

It's OK for me if that's your opinion. But I'm pretty sure you don't have an own opinion. You just repeat what they tell you on TV and other controlled media. Maybe one day the truth will set you free. By the way, if Venus, Mars and the Moon are simply reflecting sunlight, then why can't we see Ceres, the biggest asteroid, with a diameter of almost 1,000 Kilometer in the night sky? They got you fooled, like 99% of the population. Make peace with your creator, it's not too late.


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35 minutes ago, John Burati said:

How is it possible to see Venus (or Mercury) 2.5 hours after sunset in the night sky if it is located in a inner planetary orbit next to the sun? Not possible. And don't tell me it is possible to a certain angle. It is not. Definitely. Just do your research and don't let them fool you with their Satanic agenda. God created the Earth fixed and immovable with the Sun, Moon and Stars orbiting above Earth in the Dome. Saying anything else would be blasphemy and a sin.

Oh my F'n god that I don't believe in! It's a Big Ol' Troll...or a real life bible bangin' Geo-centrist. Probably a FLERF too. Am I correct? :cheesy:

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44 minutes ago, John Burati said:

It's OK for me if that's your opinion. But I'm pretty sure you don't have an own opinion. You just repeat what they tell you on TV and other controlled media. Maybe one day the truth will set you free. By the way, if Venus, Mars and the Moon are simply reflecting sunlight, then why can't we see Ceres, the biggest asteroid, with a diameter of almost 1,000 Kilometer in the night sky? They got you fooled, like 99% of the population. Make peace with your creator, it's not too late.


My gallstones were bigger than those. 

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8 hours ago, kotsak said:

Se was already very bright this past week, so let's see if the today's show will be any different.

If all planets, including the moon are so bright and are glowing in the night sky just because they are reflecting sunlight, then why don't we see the same with the Earth in NASA's photos? I just see a dark blue and dark green marble although the photo was taken at daytime, right? Otherwise the Earth would be pitch black if it is night-time.


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8 hours ago, jacko45k said:

Seems to have been very bright for a long time... so happens it is clear and obvious in the night sky through my French doors every evening. 

Yeah right. But it is funny to see that Astronauts on the ISS can even see street bulbs with a luminosity of 800 through thick clouds but we can see the Sun through the same clouds, although the Sun's luminosity is about 3.916 x 1026


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Just now, Burma Bill said:

With respect, please note (and for reference) TV (Thai Visa) no longer exists. It has been rebranded as Asean Now (AN)

I was talking about Television TV, not Asean Now. But enough distraction. Where is your explanation? I haven't seen anything. ????

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25 minutes ago, John Burati said:

I was talking about Television TV, not Asean Now. But enough distraction. Where is your explanation? I haven't seen anything. ????

Apologies regarding my misunderstanding of "TV" . Sorry, I am not a stargazer and have no interest in Astronomy.

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2 hours ago, John Burati said:

Ahhh, so that's how your parents told you to win a debate. With insults. But where is your explanation? I didn't come up with the solar system. If the solar system is real as they tell you then you should be able explain why we can see Venus and Mercury up in the night sky. But it seems you can't. Why don't you contact CNN and BBC or NASA directly and ask them for their statement so you can forward it to me. Until then you are not in a position, intellectually, to have this debate.

FLERF. Science denier. It's settled science so nobody bothers with you pulled-a-????????-crazy-idea-out-yo-backsde lot. Do you own research. It's easily explained. Also don't think in the 21st Century a dude believing in BS superstition and citing BLASPHEMY is hardly in any position of intellect


Hilarious! Please continue! :clap2:????

Edited by Skeptic7
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1 hour ago, John Burati said:

Just read the Bible. All previous cultures knew it. Or do you really believe that all different cultures which were separated by thousand of miles and huge oceans had the same ideas? And what about building pyramids all over the worlds. Just coincidence? I don't think so. NASA and Hollywood are CIA controlled and provide you just science fiction.


You seem to forget than none of the ancient cultures believed in a single deity and that certain shapes are far easier to build by blocks than others. Rectangular structures were much easier to measure. In addition to that it was also far easier to have a pointed structure to define a certain point in the sky so that seasons could be calculated. In homage to their deities temples were placed at the highest point although not all cultures followed that design. The original 'flat Earthers' were the Sumerians and if you do some research you will realise that many stories in the bible were probably handed down from them.

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2 hours ago, John Burati said:

If all planets, including the moon are so bright and are glowing in the night sky just because they are reflecting sunlight, then why don't we see the same with the Earth in NASA's photos? I just see a dark blue and dark green marble although the photo was taken at daytime, right? Otherwise the Earth would be pitch black if it is night-time.


Could it be that the Moon's surface is basically monochrome  wheras the Earth is covered in oceans, vegetation, deserts etc. And yes, when it is night time, NASA cannot see the Earth because it is the far side which is lit up by the Sun.

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5 hours ago, Skeptic7 said:

Surprised the once in a lifetime, newly discovered Comet Leonard hasn't been mentioned. Supposedly visible now about 2 hours before sunrise and closest on 12/12. Later in the month visible just after sundown. Info on viewing from Thailand is difficult to find, but everything says can be viewed from Northern Hemisphere. Plugged Pattaya into the site below.



At present Leonard (2020 H4) is in the constellation of Carina at present and does go much above 13above the horizon.

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