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Tourism group asks government to reconsider scrapping Test and Go; opposition MP urges compensation


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17 hours ago, DLock said:

There are plenty of online resources to argue any narrative, but recent experts suggest that Omicron spreads 70x faster than Delta, and there is no conclusive evidence that Omicron is a milder variant and is causing infections in triple vaccinations and people that have already recovered from COVID.


I guess time will tell who is right.


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18 hours ago, cedel said:

No, I don't agree. It's already known and confirmed by now than "Omicron" , although spreads about 3x faster , is much less dangerous and less able to send people in hospital in ICU or to death though...so, if clever and logic (but are they ...;- ?) , they shoud reinstall the test and go procedure quickly, also, the incubation of the omicron is muc shorter than the previous variants (sometimes just a few days), and is not worse on vaccinating people than a cold of a few days....

I beg to differ, while you might be right in general some have it a lot worse. My SIL in the Netherlands caught it and was really sick. Not a few days weeks already. While the others my dad, mom, her husband (my brother) and their daughter were ok within a few days. All were of course vaccinated. 

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21 minutes ago, Sheryl said:

 True, but there is a difference between active local spread and the variant having entered the country at all. It could be argued that there is not yet evidence of uncontrolled local transmission here. There surely will be, eventually, but there is not yet.


However once there is, based on past performance the government will not lift the travel barriers.  They really could have done so by April 2021 yet they waited till November....just in time for the next variant. By April the rates of positivity in the population well exceeded what was seen in international arrivals and travek barriers were serving no function.


The other important issue is whether time gained by travel barriers is used to good effect which in this instance would mean rapidly immunizing the still unimmunized plus rapidly administering booster doses. Not at all clear this is being effectively done. In that sense,  travel barriers may actual serve a negative function as it seems to lead to a false sense of security. Again, what happened the first time around.

Unfortunately these folks are always late to react and when they do it becomes overkill and strangles the country for a lot longer than necessary, just as you said @Sheryl

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The worldwide reaction to Omicron is complete hysteria and political theater. I am not a Covid denier and have taken it seriously throughout, but the media and government outlets conveniently ignore the latest news that this is not a dangerous variant, may actually help end the pandemic, and instead revert to their comfortable stance of controlling the population for the sake of acting like they are doing something rather than helping anyone at all. Thailand in particular has gone full retard since the pandemic began. Making the wrong decision at every turn while congratulating themselves regardless. Every action is either an under or over reaction but not never a measured and sane course. The shutdown of Thailand Pass has already done much more economic damage than protecting a single person's health. I am lucky that these clowns have no effect on me personally but it is sad to see.

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On 12/28/2021 at 11:51 AM, cedel said:

No, I don't agree. It's already known and confirmed by now than "Omicron" , although spreads about 3x faster , is much less dangerous and less able to send people in hospital in ICU or to death though...so, if clever and logic (but are they ...;- ?) , they shoud reinstall the test and go procedure quickly, also, the incubation of the omicron is muc shorter than the previous variants (sometimes just a few days), and is not worse on vaccinating people than a cold of a few days....


They all love the rhetoric of 'LIVING WITH THE VIRUS' but when it comes to it, most countries in SE Asia instinct is to lockdown and not live with it, even it's going to be impossible this time. 

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5 hours ago, CG1 Blue said:

No proof then? 

I don't believe governments really care about deaths. They are moreworried about hospital systems being overrun. No government wants to be the one that is publicized as leaving. People dying in car parks because of lack of beds. I think Spain and Italy were the last examples of this.

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9 hours ago, Wongkitlo said:

I don't believe governments really care about deaths. They are moreworried about hospital systems being overrun. No government wants to be the one that is publicized as leaving. People dying in car parks because of lack of beds. I think Spain and Italy were the last examples of this.

You're probably right. Thankfully there's no sign of a similar catastrophe at the moment, probably because a lot of people are vaccinated plus Omicron has less severe symptoms. 

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On 12/28/2021 at 11:51 AM, cedel said:

No, I don't agree. It's already known and confirmed by now than "Omicron" , although spreads about 3x faster , is much less dangerous and less able to send people in hospital in ICU or to death though...so, if clever and logic (but are they ...;- ?) , they shoud reinstall the test and go procedure quickly, also, the incubation of the omicron is muc shorter than the previous variants (sometimes just a few days), and is not worse on vaccinating people than a cold of a few days....

I have to agree, My Thai wife, my son and myself are all just getting over a dose of the "Omicron" and all 3 of us have had no more than normal flu symptoms, both my wife and myself have had 3 jabs and my 14 year old has had the mandatory 1.

Cough, runny nose and 38 degree fever which was sorted with paracetamol. 

The media from all countries should be ashamed of themselves for initiating mas hysteria when there is no major problem.


All the deaths that are now being reported are all saying that they had tested positive for COVID within 28 days, what has happened to the people who have passed with natural causes, ie; Heart attacks, Flu and Strokes, are they not dying anymore.

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On 12/29/2021 at 6:18 AM, Sheryl said:

 True, but there is a difference between active local spread and the variant having entered the country at all. It could be argued that there is not yet evidence of uncontrolled local transmission here. There surely will be, eventually, but there is not yet.


However once there is, based on past performance the government will not lift the travel barriers.  They really could have done so by April 2021 yet they waited till November....just in time for the next variant. By April the rates of positivity in the population well exceeded what was seen in international arrivals and travek barriers were serving no function.


The other important issue is whether time gained by travel barriers is used to good effect which in this instance would mean rapidly immunizing the still unimmunized plus rapidly administering booster doses. Not at all clear this is being effectively done. In that sense,  travel barriers may actual serve a negative function as it seems to lead to a false sense of security. Again, what happened the first time around.

i personally believe the omikron variant and all the anglo saxon stats involved with it are

just another lie to keep people at home in the festive season.

i base my opinion on stats from south american countries and even south africa, who do not

follow any new restrictions and do not show any rise in infections, let alone deaths.

hard to admit,but your countries are lying to you. thaland is just obeying anything the big boss

from UK / US are telling them to do.

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On 12/28/2021 at 8:26 PM, EricTh said:

Huge Jackman got Covid and all he got was just flu-like symptoms. So I think it is overkill to scrap the test-and-go.



Finding one or a few people who do well does not mean everyone will fare as well.   There is a 107 year old woman in Minnesota who survived Covid.  She also survived the Spanish Flu, but she is an anomaly.   On the other side you have people like Nick Cordero, the Broadway actor who died of Covid at 41 after many months of battling the disease.

Most of the evidence seems to point toward Omicron being milder, but even a mild disease that affects thousands or tens of thousands of people is going to strain the medical system.  Some people will simply get sick enough to require medical attention and a few will die. 


It's difficult to know what is the best strategy for any country including Thailand.

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