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Hypocrisy everywhere as Thailand - and her detractors - stumble into 2022!


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2 hours ago, ASEAN NOW said:

Cue Rooster being accused of “fattism” (is there such a word?) as well as being a devout atheist, insurance denier and realist. I’m really quite proud of myself this week.

The correct woke term is "fat shaming". Careful you're not banned from all social media for such a heinous crime.


I for one can forgive you since you've "come out" as Tottenham supporter. We're a long-suffering bunch and need all the emotional help we can get. Come to think of it, we should probably start a support group ,,,,,, call it Spurs Anonymous for want of something more original!

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Har Har "Novax Djokovic" ... Good one Roostef !!! ... Yes say what you like about him but our Ex-usedcar sailsman, ... Who has found a better Scam, Prime Ministeran, can quite well predict, the effect of what ever comes out of his moth's ..  Direct effect on "His" ... VOTERS !!! . ... Like that is why he is Prime Minister ! ... Right !


...   And  poor old ? ??  .. "Novax" just unwittongly came along nicely ! (And Tennis Australia decided to bend the rules, as they thought that they were above every one else ? (Or could buy them ?) ...  !!! Like "Money Talks" !!  Right !!!  ... ... When "Our Boy Scott" REALLY needed a BLOODY Good Scape goat ! ... To take every one's mind off of the just Totally <Deleted> disaster of Ovicron ...


... So now it can be kick "Novax" and forget about the empty supetmarket shelves, as all of the Delivery drivers and other staff are off sick or Quatintining !!!


... It is Like when John Howard won an Election (???) After the "Babies Over board" lies ? Were spreas around after a regugee boat sank off our North west Coast ! ... ( and your Maggie won one also by Invading the Falklands, instead of talking with the Argentinians !!!) ? ... ?? ???


But well Novax is a pretty good Scape goat I think !!! As well he might be able to play tenis !!! ..  ... But he is an Anti Vackser also !!  !!  (And I need every one TO get Vacsinated !!! ..  ... So that one day !!!I might rven be able to get home again some time ... And we ALL might be able to live ???? Normally again ???) ...


And well it looks like lies are coming out in Novax's story also ! ...Like, did he have it ? Or didn't he ? ... it actuary looks like he Actualy !!  Didn't. ...  (So he lied also ??? Or was just totally irespondible while infectious !!! Still he is Novak Jokervic isn't he ?) ..   So he WAS also just breaking the rules ? Also ...


... Tenis Australia gave all of the Anti or just, not vaccinated ? Players ? Incorect Information ... as they thought it was all about money ? ... so they woukd get away with it ? ... and The Players who were not Vacdinated ?? ? ... Well As Raffa said !! About Jokervich,   Well he knows the rurks ! ... and he could have been vaccinated ... and then played any where in the wourld !  any time ?


But they were not. ... Yes "Novax" is a good show !!  ...But well ? I can do with out it. ! ? ..  and well bad luck they all tried to bend the ruels ! ... And the Ex- Used Car sailsman saw an opportunity, to grab a just grest Scape goat !!! ... To help him will the upcoming Election ???  ...


Babies Over board ? ... or rotten South Americans ? ..  No that was actually not true !!! ..  It as an Un vaccinated Rich ? and Successfull Serb ! .. who tried to break the rules ! .??? .. because he did not like them ??? ... So yes a very good target ! ... and Scomo might be the worlds best <Deleted> scammer !!! ... But well you can not underestimate him ... Unfortunately !!! ... I think !!! 

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6 hours ago, ASEAN NOW said:

At least when betting you had a chance - if you worked hard and studied the form - of beating the odds. Insurance is a gamble that can only pay off if the worst happens.

Yeah, fire insurance only pays out if your house burns down.  Who wants that? 


The point is that it will replace something that would be difficult for you to cough up the money to do so.


Every Farang can afford hospitalization costs for COVID at government hospitals and many can afford private hospitals.


So the insurance was unnecessary.


I'd advise you to maintain fire insurance.  Everything in Thailand is cheap including the insulation on the wiring in your attic.

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Rooster, thanks for providing us with more chuckles.  I agree that no matter how rich or famous you are,

get vaccinated.  As many doctors have said, there are few reasons that a person cannot get the vaccine,

and an in shape person, basically only has excuses. Good Luck in the next few weeks with the increasing COVID numbers

due to the omicron variant.  

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Wow! Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed with his britches in his ass. To each their own. Some points were spot on, others just showed a negative Nancy looking to complain. At least you’ll get support here with all the other moaners. 

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14 hours ago, roquefort said:

I for one can forgive you since you've "come out" as Tottenham supporter. We're a long-suffering bunch and need all the emotional help we can get. Come to think of it, we should probably start a support group ,,,,,, call it Spurs Anonymous for want of something more original!

They need you help in here ????


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23 hours ago, Stevemercer said:

'If I get sick I go to Google, the Pharmacy, the Doctor and the ATM in that order. '


I'm surprised you don't seek advice on the ASEAN NOW forums, like many posters!

I do actually and have found people to be very helpful once you sift the wheat from the chaff. In my early days on the forum before I worked for the site one post saved me 100,000 baht. Another later pointed me in the direction of a brilliant eye doctor who saved me money and improved my health. There are many excellent aspects to ASEAN NOW. 


Not least of all my column of course ????


Thx for reading.

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8 hours ago, jcmj said:

Wow! Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed with his britches in his ass. To each their own. Some points were spot on, others just showed a negative Nancy looking to complain. At least you’ll get support here with all the other moaners. 

Thanks for the general theory of negativity. Have you thought of applying for a Noble prize.

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