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Opinion: Thailand’s ambiguous stance on Ukraine’s highlights her own insecurities (even among her liberals)


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11 hours ago, John Drake said:

Not choosing a side means you have chosen Russia. Choosing Russia means you have chosen China. Not choosing a side, then, means you have chosen China.

If possible I want to choose for both, I like some stabilty ...

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5 hours ago, 2umich said:

Russia is becoming now most hated nation in the world, for the reason.

Nah, Russia and their, for now silent, sympathizers are, what population numbers concerns, more then half +1. of the world population.

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2 hours ago, Pdavies99 said:

Thailands usual two-faced attitude, I hope many countries will come to remember this in the future.



THAILAND continuing business as usual with a killer!

Simply meeting (very low) expectations.

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13 hours ago, Pique Dard said:

the question is WHY russia "invaded" ukraine? who remembers james baker "U.S. Secretary of State James Baker's famous “not one inch eastward” assurance about NATO expansion". 

this statement was made in 1990 and  now suddenly has become a myth in some media!

the current war  isn't  SPECIFICALLY against ukraine, it is  against the expansion of nato. those are facts, however it doesn't  mean i support the war.

Why shouldn't there be a wall against Russian imperialism ?  Remember the history of communist Eastern Germany, Poland losing land in its eastern area, Russian war in Afghanistan, Russians meddling the Cuascasuus area- etc.

Following your crazy/stupid logic, all countries which have boders with Russia, should say and do the same:

We are against the  "expansion" of Russian/Putin imperialism to justify a war ???!!!

Edited by puck2
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31 minutes ago, Henk Langeweg said:

Nah, Russia and their, for now silent, sympathizers are, what population numbers concerns, more then half +1. of the world population.

Please show us your numbers to improve the nonsense you are writing.


In 2021 Russia had a population of only ~145 (!) million people. The world has a population of a little bit below 8 BILLION.  And including "sympathisers" it should be more than "half + 1"  ??? :cheesy:

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15 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

Yet, they still wish to continue with their trading and shipping of exports to Russia as well as keeping the tourism hope alive.  Phuket is full of Russian nationals who own property there, run rentals and sell real-estate.  One has to wonder if they are managing oligarch monies or laundering profits from wherever much like some of the Chinese.

It could be worse..they can provide R&R services for the Russian murderers just as they did for the American murderers taking break in Pattaya after they burned women and children with napalm in Vietnam.

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On 3/1/2022 at 2:12 AM, Bkk Brian said:

Russia and Russia alone is responsible for this war and whats looks like crimes against humanity

... if you take time to read the history, i'm sure you'll see it's the other way round. that said, once more time, i don't support war

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On 3/1/2022 at 9:08 AM, 2umich said:

It is just another russian propaganda narrative. The fact is that russia invaded Ukraine and right now russians in Ukraine killing Ukrainians.  And you support it.

i don't  think you read my comments! read again please!

and if you have time, read the history from the time the berlin wall fell...

again, i've never said i support the war, i just want you "people" to understand the reasons that led russia to take this decision with serious consequences 


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25 minutes ago, Pique Dard said:

i don't  think you read my comments! read again please!

and if you have time, read the history from the time the berlin wall fell...

again, i've never said i support the war, i just want you "people" to understand the reasons that led russia to take this decision with serious consequences 


Don't assume that everyone doesn't know that narrative. I certainly do. But they didn't have to take Crimea. They didn't have to spur a rebel movement in the east. They didn't have to invade now and commit war crimes. Their issues around NATO could have been negotiated. They were never serious about that phase. They've crossed the Rubicon and they're now the biggest pariah state on the planet and they DESERVE IT!

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On 3/1/2022 at 3:30 PM, puck2 said:

Why shouldn't there be a wall against Russian imperialism ?  Remember the history of communist Eastern Germany, Poland losing land in its eastern area, Russian war in Afghanistan, Russians meddling the Cuascasuus area- etc.

Following your crazy/stupid logic, all countries which have boders with Russia, should say and do the same:

We are against the  "expansion" of Russian/Putin imperialism to justify a war ???!!!

but not a wall against the usa imperialism? i tried to explain why poutine felt entitled to take this UNFORTUNATE decision, but most of the comments here accuse me of supporting the war!

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1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

Did Ukraine invade Russia?

Is Ukraine slaughtering Russian civilians?
Does Ukraine want to Russia to be their puppet?

1. the first question. the answer is no

BUT more more thant 15.000 who speak russian have been killed by ukranian soldiers  dombass and donesk (not sure of the spelling) under 8 years now.
2. yes, see (1)

3. no, BUT russia don't want to be the USA's puppet either. and if ukrainia become nato's member, the USA = Nato will place missiles there. please read about the cuba crisis, the american invasion of grenade, james baker's statement..

i'm NOT a russian, not an ukranian, not an american. i'm AGAINST  any kind of armed conflict. but honestly, one must analyse both sides deeds. i'm old enough to remember the vietnam war, every one was blaming cassius clay alias mohamed ali, calling him names ...because he refused to go nad fight, what happened afer that? where are we to-day? all these deaths, for what? that war could have been stopped immediately if some powerful politicians have taken time to think and to analyse the facts...

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1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

Don't assume that everyone doesn't know that narrative. I certainly do. But they didn't have to take Crimea. They didn't have to spur a rebel movement in the east. They didn't have to invade now and commit war crimes. Their issues around NATO could have been negotiated. They were never serious about that phase. They've crossed the Rubicon and they're now the biggest pariah state on the planet and they DESERVE IT!

have you listened Poutine's defense? he said - and you can read this on most of social networks - he has done anything he could not to declare war.

he has explained: nato which are the usa's armed arm wanted to place missiles there, i.e. in crimea . i repeat: HE SAID, not me!

when the berlin wall fell, what did james baker said about nato? let me remind you, byt that time, nato had only 19 members vs 30 to-day.
ONCE MORE, i dont't support war, i don't support poutine, i'm trying, based on facts, to explain russia's reaction

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47 minutes ago, Pique Dard said:

1. the first question. the answer is no

BUT more more thant 15.000 who speak russian have been killed by ukranian soldiers  dombass and donesk (not sure of the spelling) under 8 years now.
2. yes, see (1)

3. no, BUT russia don't want to be the USA's puppet either. and if ukrainia become nato's member, the USA = Nato will place missiles there. please read about the cuba crisis, the american invasion of grenade, james baker's statement..

i'm NOT a russian, not an ukranian, not an american. i'm AGAINST  any kind of armed conflict. but honestly, one must analyse both sides deeds. i'm old enough to remember the vietnam war, every one was blaming cassius clay alias mohamed ali, calling him names ...because he refused to go nad fight, what happened afer that? where are we to-day? all these deaths, for what? that war could have been stopped immediately if some powerful politicians have taken time to think and to analyse the facts...

What a load

Donbas is not Russia 

Its Ukraine.

Russia stole Crimea.

Separatist Russian backed rebels have been in an armed conflict.

You're painting them as innocent victims.

That is a crock.

Does your country just accept separatist rebels? 

Enough with the Vietnam whataboutism.

Different topic.

I was an antiwar protester.

There is zero threat of Russia being a US puppet! That is completely absurd. Russia has the most nukes in the world.

No need to reply.

By taking Putin's paranoia seriously that is the POV that suggests his barbaric war crimes assault on Ukraine is justified. NYET!


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From NYTImes 21:00 2 MAR BKK time

We Are on Our Side’: Across Asia, a Mixed Reaction to Ukraine War
While most American allies in the region have fallen in line, authoritarian governments and those with weaker ties to the West have been more reluctant to act.


And in Vietnam, Vladimir V. Putin, the Russian president, is being affectionately referred to as “Uncle Putin.”


“I am a big fan of Uncle Putin because he always takes drastic actions,” said Tran Trung Hieu, 28, an independent filmmaker in Hanoi, using the same term of respect that locals use for Ho Chi Minh, the revolutionary who led the independence movement in Vietnam.




(Only marginally about Thailand)


Edited by jerrymahoney
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16 hours ago, Pique Dard said:

but not a wall against the usa imperialism? i tried to explain why poutine felt entitled to take this UNFORTUNATE decision, but most of the comments here accuse me of supporting the war!

You seem not to understand the world "imperialism".


To help you understanding:

Imperialism is a policy or ideology of extending rule over peoples and other countries, for extending political and economic access, power and control, often through employing hard power, especially military force, but also soft power.
According to this definition I can explain it by the German history after WW II:
The US, GB and the Soviet Union  tried to stop the German Nazis and occupied this country. The US and GB influenced people in their occupied area to get used to DEMOCRACY. That was welcomed by the Germans and learnt to use this system very well and successfully.
On the other (EASTERN) side there have been the Soviets. They forced their their own communist Sytsem on the Eastern German population. And this was 100% imperialistic, as described above. The majority of the people there didn't like it, but have been forced to use it to upheld the Sovietic system (against the will of the people). I think, this was "a little bit" different of the democratic system in Western Germany, introduced thankfully by the USA.
Concerning the Ukraine, Putin behaves like an ugly  IMPERIALIST, not the USA. You are deflecting!
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On 3/3/2022 at 2:09 AM, Pique Dard said:

i don't  think you read my comments! read again please!

and if you have time, read the history from the time the berlin wall fell...

again, i've never said i support the war, i just want you "people" to understand the reasons that led russia to take this decision with serious consequences 


I was born in USSR, so I know history of this region. Moscow was always looking to expand its territory since time when it was established by Mongols as base to loot neighbors.


NATO is defensive alliance, to protect from aggressive countries like Russia is.

Serbia is very pro-russian country in a middle of Europe, but nobody force them to join NATO or EU, nobody invade them.


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12 minutes ago, 2umich said:

I was born in USSR, so I know history of this region. Moscow was always looking to expand its territory since time when it was established by Mongols as base to loot neighbors.


NATO is defensive alliance, to protect from aggressive countries like Russia is.

Serbia is very pro-russian country in a middle of Europe, but nobody force them to join NATO or EU, nobody invade them.



Putin is paranoid to an insane level.

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On 3/1/2022 at 7:11 AM, webfact said:

Thailand’s (and ASEAN’s) stance on this matter has been ambiguous and half-hearted at best. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ ridiculous two bullet-point statement appealing for peace through dialog clearly illustrates the government’s unwillingness to get involved in the matter.

Whose opinion is this?


Why on Earth should Thailand care about a war in Europe? Anyway, it's not a European war but just two neighbouring countries who have been at it for years. 

Don't be fooled by the US and others' propoganda. 

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