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Show some humanity, support Ukraine and don't blame ordinary Russians


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Ranting here.  Perhaps a bit off topic.  I didn't even read the other comments except in passing as I scrolled down to the field where you click to post comments. 

I think I have read some of this, rooster's writings before.  Not very impressed.   

I was in Vietnam during the Vietnam war for 20 months.  In Thailand outside of Udon Thani for 7 months of the Vietnam war (not U.S. Airforce).  Some of the internet sleuths can figure out what that place, with the Elephant Cage, did.    We had knowledge of some Thai forces in Vietnam.  Some of their activities, based on the intell that the people I worked with generated about them (yeah we spied on our own allies), was impressive!

I had to have a Top Secret clearance before I could start my primary school.  The kind of clearance that is now is a TSC/SCI.  Everyone I worked with or around had the same clearance I did, cooks, clerks, motor pool mechanics, etc.  Everyone had the same clearance, just in case those people that had actual access to the classified intell, got drunk and talked about it.   

But the, I have to kill you if I tell you, saying is a joke!  Not something of actual fact.  Unless, you never, actually, were one of those special people, then I can see those, not ex-special people use that saying, thinking it is real ... I guess.  I have been telling people for years what my job was, the government does not care.   The government only cares if you give the actual data to someone that not only does not have the clearance to hear it, but even those who have the clearance but not the access to it.   You can have the highest clearance in U.S. or foreign governments, but if you have not been granted, what we used to call "access" (and still may be) you can't be told what the intell is!  I guess the short version of this paragraph would be, if someone tells you they would have to kill you if they told you what they did, and says it seriously, not as a joke, then they  were never Special Forces, Force Recon, CIA, NSA, ASA, NSG, AFSS,  etc. 

Not all the people who had highly classified positions in the military were "Green Berets", (most were not) although, some were.  My Detachment Commander at Phu Cat, Vietnam was an Army Special Forces guy that was pulled from MACV-SOG when the Detachment needed a Commander after the previous commander was removed for incompetence!  And this guy was one of the 400-600 that one internet website claims were "running recon and direct action operations".  He was a school trained in the MOS 05D, as I was (tooting my own horn here folks).

None of the work I did is classified  any longer.   Some of the intell generated by what we did is still classified but if you know what to search for, you can find and download pdf documents of declassified intell that has redacted words, names, places, sentences, paragraphs and sometimes whole pages and get an idea of what we did.  As an aside, some government leader, recently gave intell to the Chinese government, about the Russian invasion, and it was promptly given to the ... Russian government that was doing the invading.   Talk about telling the enemy how we collect intell ... but that is my opinion.

Well, I got to get ready to pick up the grand daughter, so won't be able to edit and correct any mistakes I wroet (hee hee) if any!


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10 hours ago, Obiwan said:

Show "some" support and "don´t  blame the ordinary Russians". Well I think the ordinary russians are 100% to blame. They let it all happen. For many years it is clear that Putin is is a crook and  a big big liar and traitor who poisoned, killed and imprisoned all of his opponents, created fear and suppressed free speach. And the ordinaruy russians let iit all happen an even now stand by their Fuhrer more than ever. It is the russians fault that now we have the equivalent of Adolf Hitler who has as a deranged  person the power to destroy half of the world. It is their fault that we live in the nightmare that has come to be. Shame on you russians!

Rigth.I been working in russia.Worst country ever.Criminals and alcoholics.People drink vodka in the streets and beat up thier wifes and kids.I see it myslef.My brother buy a expencive gift from a streevendor.When he left the same person who sell it charge him in the airport.He was an IMM officer.

Even in hotels they skim ur credicards.If you take a lady to ur room she will steel eveything you have.

If you tell the manager they dont care.In murmansk the securite dont allow me in to the bar because i had only cash.My friends get in and get scammed about 3000 US in the hotel bar.Eastern countries is only scammers.I was in poland for as holiday.10 days.I went o a bar and they want me to pay my beer with my creditcard.I said no,,i had cash.My friend accept and everyhing ok until his bank in norway called him.1 beer cost him 2500 US.He contact the police...didnt help at all.Anyway the incurance help him so he get his money back.

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12 hours ago, Obiwan said:

Well I think the ordinary russians are 100% to blame. They let it all happen. For many years it is clear that Putin is is a crook and  a big big liar and traitor who poisoned, killed and imprisoned all of his opponents, created fear and suppressed free speach. And the ordinaruy russians let it all happen

Do you see the flaw in your logic?

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18 hours ago, Jingthing said:

The difference is about nukes. Nobody wants a direct war between nuclear powers.

So true but one thing we have learnt is that if you mention the threat of nuclear weapons the opposition backs down . The possession of nuclear weapons is meant to be a deterrent against nuclear war because of the potential global destruction . So Putin has used the threat that enabled him to attack Ukraine and be unopposed by NATO forces and he now has control of the chess board . NATO must be naive and unprepared as there have been altercations within Ukraine for 8 years . The writing was on the wall when Russia reclaimed Crimea . Will the west continue to watch the murder of innocent Ukraine citizens ? As it stands the western governments are prepared to let 100 s of 1000 s of innocent people get slaughtered , hoping that it will avert Putin pressing the button but there is no guarantee because he knows the west will back down again if he threatens nuclear weapons . Putin may not stop in Ukraine and he will take actions against all recent sanctions and possibly double the price of Russian oil & gas .

As a footnote , I see next to no Thai TV coverage on this war and the Thai people I speak to have little or no knowledge of this event . Is this your experience too ?  

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21 hours ago, superal said:

So true but one thing we have learnt is that if you mention the threat of nuclear weapons the opposition backs down . The possession of nuclear weapons is meant to be a deterrent against nuclear war because of the potential global destruction . So Putin has used the threat that enabled him to attack Ukraine and be unopposed by NATO forces and he now has control of the chess board . NATO must be naive and unprepared as there have been altercations within Ukraine for 8 years . The writing was on the wall when Russia reclaimed Crimea . Will the west continue to watch the murder of innocent Ukraine citizens ? As it stands the western governments are prepared to let 100 s of 1000 s of innocent people get slaughtered , hoping that it will avert Putin pressing the button but there is no guarantee because he knows the west will back down again if he threatens nuclear weapons . Putin may not stop in Ukraine and he will take actions against all recent sanctions and possibly double the price of Russian oil & gas .

As a footnote , I see next to no Thai TV coverage on this war and the Thai people I speak to have little or no knowledge of this event . Is this your experience too ?  

Typical Thai, "not my plobem", however my 12 year old son is fully up to speed on this to the point I ask him for updates on the current situation. 

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I have friends who know younger Russians. And they say they are kind, friendly and progressive. I have no idea what percentage of the population these younger people represent, nor how representative they are of the Russian population. I have never met any friendly Russians. 


I can only speak from my experience. Have run into alot of Russians both in the US, and on Phuket and Samui, 98% of them seem to be grumpy, unfriendly and gruff. Some of them are downright hostile. So, perhaps it is not a coincidence that the world is not standing up to support them and show them kindness? Just an observation. 

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6 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

I can only speak from my experience. Have run into alot of Russians both in the US, and on Phuket and Samui, 98% of them seem to be grumpy, unfriendly and gruff. Some of them are downright hostile.

Getting them to shuffle up on a baht bus between Jomtien and Pattaya or dodging their shoulder barging you on Walking St was also a detraction. But some others told me these were 'barbarians' from The East.....

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6 minutes ago, jacko45k said:

Getting them to shuffle up on a baht bus between Jomtien and Pattaya or dodging their shoulder barging you on Walking St was also a detraction. But some others told me these were 'barbarians' from The East.....

Many are but I have encountered some rich young arrogant Moscovite snobs as well. One even condescendingly  offered me money on a baht bus. But they of course are all individuals and some are lovely friendly people.

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1 minute ago, Jingthing said:

Many are but I have encountered some rich young arrogant Moscovite snobs as well. One even condescendingly  offered me money on a baht bus.

Were you wearing a peaked hat and ticket dispenser?

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On 3/7/2022 at 2:08 PM, sqwakvfr said:

Graham said "Putin mut be taken out".

And he asked for a Brutus.  Where did he get a "Brutus"?  Why doesn't he see his friend Google instead of mixing the things up? What was the name of the funny man in Dallas? However, the killing was not for going to war, but for not going...

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Nam' Rooster !!! … Viet Nam !!!


… With all Due respect, I do think that you should have a bit more sympathy for any Old Guy, that was one of the most Unfortunate men of that time,  if he had been sent to the Vietnam / American War, when that just total Colonial, and Arms testing, sails, and Cluster <Deleted> was on, !!! …  Like these Poor buggers sent to a war, that was about the most unpopular war ever !!! But also was the first fully covered,  and reported Live by Video and Photo journalists War, … and One where you very rarely know who was the actually enemy in many cases !!! … and also one that was an Un Winnable one also as well !!!   …. Well unless we had just totally flattered the Whole of the North !!! and not just parts of it, that made good Targeting testing !!! ??? …


See Harold Salisbury’s ? Was it ?  book, the first American Journalist ??? … I think that was allowed to report Directly from Hanoi, as Nixon’s Bombing campaign was just starting to pick up ! ?


My Uncle was a conchiencious objector in Melbourne, and I think that he was the Real Hero, he objected to it ! and refused to go !!! … The federal Police chased him all over Melbourne,  and eventually caught him hiding in his Grand Mothers house I think, ?  and sent him to Goal, …Like HE was the Hero.


… Like I never would have done that !!! I would have just put my Draft form in and taken my Chances !!! (But luckily I was only 10 then, and even at only 10 I DID realize just how lucky I was not to have to put on it !!! as I peddled past our local Post office on my bike !!! … )  … ... But if I had been old enough I would have just put my Form in, and just hoped for the best that they did not draw my Birthday out of the box !!! … and if they did, ! Well I would have gone !!! … Probably killed a large number of people, fpr np real reason ! and that I probably did not even Know !!! … And got killed Wounded myself !!! … or most certainly Mental destroyed, if I had survived it !!!  … Like I would have been the Gutless one !!! ... My Uncle was the Brave one !!! … He had Morals, and … he refused to go … And then did a lot of <deleted>, ... and then Goal time for it. … (Until Gough bought them all home in 1975 I think ?)


Yes and my Friend from the Pizza Cooking days, when we had a “What is the worst thing that has ever happened to you” Competition … who told us of being Drafted, for that just totally bad, and stupid War … … and being a conchie also, he got put in as a Medic, but got very limited basic Training, and when on Patrol, over there, when 2 Figures appeared on the track ahead of them, in the half light of the jungle …, …. Someone shouted "Contact" … and he hit the ground, and fired 3 shots at them. …  the only training that he had, had he said ... Like if someone shouted Contact, then you hit the ground, and fire 3 shots !!! … Right ! ? ...


They all got up, and moved forward, and he discovered that they had just shot a 35 Year old woman, and her 10 year old daughter, …  who had just been out looking for food !!!


... Like he won "The worst thing that had ever happened to you” competition, hands down, and no one even said a Bloody Thing. … and the competition was just dropped, ... there and then. 


No Any One who is a Real Viet … Or possibly ? even a surviving participant from ANY War I think !!! … ... Should be Much MUCH respected !!! MUCH Respected … For what they had to put up with !!! ... and also how their lives quite probably were destroyed by it also I think ???  ... Even if a burnt out now (Like I actually am now, and I only did <Deleted> Scheismic continuous night shift, for 20 Years to destroy my Mind) …


Like I also do know a story about one of your UK Sub Mariners,  from Whales actually, Cardiff I believe !!! ??? … One of yours ??? .... Who was on the Destroyer that was escorting those cargo supply ships to the Falklands, and they had to do a full speed hard Port Turn !!! … And steam off as fast as they could, !!!  … as the Argentinians had just fired a French Exocert at them …  But they only got one of the supply ships !!! I think ? …. and not the Much more valuable !!! Destroyer ! as it had a LOT of speed I think, !!!  ... Those sporty Little things ??? … It is interesting working with Ex Submariners right … Like Real ones !!!


… And well,  ALL of our Vietnam Vets AND ALL of the American ones should ALL be cut a bit of Slack !!! I think !!! ...  Well the ones that are still alive now right ??? …. As Poor men, who had the misfortune to be sent to a potentially totally unnecessary and very <deleted>ty War, (Which we lost any way, apart from all the new weapons we developed and the money we made out of it ???) … where you did not even know who your enemy was half of the time. … Even if they might be a bit burnt out now … Like the Real ones would be about the most Honest ones that you could listen to right now I would think !!! ???  … Well I do think. (The ones that are still alive !!! ??? Right ???)


But well we did have some success also … like anyone who has read the REAL time line description, of the Battle of Long Tan, in South Vietnam, where 30 Australian troops lay Face down in the mud and in the rain for 12 Hrs. was it ??? … In front of thousands of well trained, and armed, North Vietnamese regular army, ... like battle Hardened Soldiers … But held them off … ... Also thanks to an almost Continuous, and very accurate Artillery barrage from the New Zealand Gunners, who continuously landed shells about 50 or 100m only, in front of them, for the whole time to protect them … and the Australian Heli-copter Pilots I think ? that did not ask for permition from Above (Which they probably would not have got) … but who just loaded the Rearming supplies, on to their choppers, as fast as they could,  … called up the Kiwis, and got them to halt the barrage, for was it only 3 Minutes ? or less … So that they could safely fly in there, ... and re supplied the 30 Guys, laying face down in the Mud !!!  … ... And well, basically they all, ensure the eventual Victory of the operation !!!


(No comment on what they found on the Vietnamese side of the Line after 12 hrs, of continuous attacks and shelling to repel them.!!!) ....


Not much about any war is good I think.


Woops, going on but well “Nam” as you say … No Brits there ??? was there ??? …. A Lot of Thais though !!! ? I do believe, nearing losing my Life in a Bar in Changmai over that one once !!! When I foolishly said there were not !!! .... Like I was WRONG then, and well Saved by the Wife again !!! ... Like TIT … like a country where a woman can stand in between two men in a bar, and in front of their husband, and say “Well you are not going to hit me” ??? “Are you” … and get away with it !!!  ... Like I would NOT like to try that one in Australia if I was a good Woman I think ??? ... Or possibly in the UK ??? either ? … Right good old Mates !!! ???


...  Wops better get back to the Stocks … and let the Real Reality Heal me. …


Mark mark

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"ordinary" russians have empowered rootin tootin pootin for 20 years.


I don't "blame" them, but I certainly hold them responsible, at least in part.


But my individual response will hardly harm or help "ordinary" russians. 



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On 3/5/2022 at 1:55 PM, spidermike007 said:

Does Thailand not realise that sucking up to these horrendous bedfellows reflects so badly on them in the international arena. 


No. They do not seem to have any idea how the world perceives their extreme cowardice and lack of morality. 


Then Thailand's UN Rep. voted with 140 countries apparently contradicting the government back in Bangkok. This, however, was to condemn violence not Russia itself. Prayut refused to do that at a cabinet meeting hiding behind neutrality showing a sickening lack of backbone.


Few expect Prayuth to ever do the right thing. He simply does not have it within himself. He is an empty suit. 

And Thailand an empty country that only thinks about money..... I'm afraid to say...

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13 minutes ago, scotsdude said:

And Thailand an empty country that only thinks about money..... I'm afraid to say...

I would agree with you, that the vast majority of the people in government and politics here are empty suits. And the same applies to the vast majority of very wealthy Thais. But, the average Thai this does not apply to. The average American, maybe. Most Thais are pretty cool. Alot have a great sense of humor, are very pleasant and kind people, and in my opinion are fun to be around. Granted, Thailand does not have much culture. And many Thais are obsessed with talking about money. But, the vast majority come from poor backgrounds, and for many, this is the first time they have had access to money, within the past decade or two. So, some understanding of that needs to be taken into account.


The nation's future prospects are dim. But, there is a dynamic portion of the youth that I do have faith in, and if they can manage to displace the dinosaurs, the nation has a chance at a decent future. 

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