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Show some humanity, support Ukraine and don't blame ordinary Russians


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And Vladimir Puttin and what he has done !!! And is doing !!! Really does make me so sick !!! (And Angry !!!) That I do not even know what to say here !!! !!! 


But well, I have s very VERY Goot Friend in Germany ! .. . A kind and even handed man ! As most of them over there are ! ... and he IS SCARED !!! ... Like he says that they all were scared !!!  ... after Vlad started to make Nuklesr thrrats !!! .


....Like he is 5 muinets away by bike, from his nearest Bomb Sheltet !!! ..


... Like I heard a good ? British Joke once ...Said in fake pompas accent of course ...  " We will fight the Russians !!! ...  to the last German" ! Right. ... ..  There country being pretty much on the front line in Centeral Europe right ? 

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21 hours ago, Joules said:

I will reiterate:  Citizens of a country are responsible for their leaders.  Yeah some leaders may be tough, hardened killers, but ultimately it is the citizens who must rise up and depose such despots.  Yes, I blame the common Russians, just as I blame the average German citizen of the early 1940's for Nazi atrocities and average American citizens for the unprovoked invasion if Iraq.  


So these Russians who have had their vacations ruined need to go home and do something about it.  

I do get where you are coming from, but let's take America and Iraq as an example, a despot and his soldiers can plan an invasion or coup quite quickly with trained soldiers and weapons, so the ordinary people will be no match for them, and have no time to do anything about it but protest.

Then you have Blair, a British PM who was also responsible for the invasion and murder of many innocent people in Iraq. I can assure you that the vast majority of UK citizens like myself condemned Blairs government at the time, but what can the ordinary people do about it?

What gets me is why Blair and the American president at that time were not arrested and jailed for what they did, surely the ordinary people could have done something about that.

If power and money mad people go against the biggest majority of their countries population, like invasions or coups knew that there was the possibility they could be jailed for a long time after their time of rule is finished, then they might think again about their actions in the future.

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18 hours ago, Neeranam said:

So you have never voted?

 As a UK citizen I have never voted for any major British political party. It has always been the SNP for me, although if I was still living in the UK today I would not vote for them. The reason why would be going off topic, so I will leave it there.

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20 hours ago, Jonathan Swift said:

I've lived in Thailand 9 years. I'm really surprised at all the stereotype button pushing in this story by a supposed old timer who ought to know better. I've met some of the "typical" characters here, but nowhere near the seeming plague Rooster describes. I afford the story minimal credibility  because of its obvious bias and questionable story examples.

But the story does it's job in getting so many to click on it, gets airtime for the ads.

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6 hours ago, ozimoron said:

I read this as a strong  message to the recalcitrants to get the memo that bigotry is bad for the board. There was no hint of any prejudices other than against bigots, in particular those who have made it a passionate hobby to bash Thais and Thailand (and ordinary Russians).


And concisely.

Can I hire you as my brevity consultant? ????



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21 hours ago, Jonathan Swift said:

I've lived in Thailand 9 years. I'm really surprised at all the stereotype button pushing in this story by a supposed old timer who ought to know better. I've met some of the "typical" characters here, but nowhere near the seeming plague Rooster describes. I afford the story minimal credibility  because of its obvious bias and questionable story examples.

In my opinion it wouldn't take many to become a plague but I suspect not many of them are in Thailand. If even a fraction of the posters on this board who fit the narrative are in Thailand then there's definitely a plague of them. They really are a scourge and wish not to meet any of them. I get sick of their constant negativity and bigotry.

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On 3/5/2022 at 12:41 PM, John Drake said:

Hate filled anti-American rant that employs all the bigoted stereotypes the author wants to condemn in those applying similar descriptions to Russians.

Saw the unfortunate “ Nam” aside not as anti- American but as pointing towards Thailand being perfect for “reinventing” yourself on the plane over, from some 20k year mid western Walmart LBH ( Loser Back Home) to some Rambo SF Killing Machine ! 
As nobody challenges you …as nobody cares here about you & your “ past”. Applies to all Westerners but UK & US “ expats” particularly well known here for this.????????????

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On 3/5/2022 at 11:50 AM, ezzra said:

If the rest of the world with some powerful countries sits idle and do do much other than the token sending a bit of arm and financial blockades, what the use of our "support" and not blaming ordinary Russians? it's a shameful times whereby a single man is allowed to start a war because of his lunatic grandeur whims and wishes?... 

‘twas ever thus. Absolute / Divine Rule by maniac Kings & Dictators the human default norm for five thousand years of advanced civilization with very few exceptions indeed. Ancient Greeks then Romans   introduced Democracy then English slowly revived it over 700 years…

Screw all “ Leaders”. Responsible for 99% of all human misery like forever.

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On 3/5/2022 at 1:20 PM, jesimps said:

 I bet the author of this tirade votes Democrat or Lab/Lib/Green or Scots Nat in the UK. Most Russians I've ever encountered here have been big miserable troll-like oafs.


Moving in packs where they are told by their local “ agents” …..spectacular women though…..

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What a nasty, snobby, judgemental post!

The writer is so far up their own rectum to see that. Yes, there are boorish people about (ever been in a Weatherspews pub in UK?) but to spend such a long monologue dissing these harmless, lonely people in this way only reduces the writer to his/her imagined level of them.


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5 hours ago, Jingthing said:

I wouldn't take his rantagrams too seriously. Take them as entertainment.

And Like all Comedy contains elements of truth & falsity.


I DO blame ordinary Russians for largely supporting Putin for 20+ years without much protest. People are FULLY Responsible for their Govts.


And Indian anti- Female Culture & Males are AWFUL. Burning Widows, Gang Rapes, Honour Killings, Acid Disfigurement…..That Dreadful Body / Breath STENCH. Banned from Pattaya Premises. Don’t Spend.


the exaggerated fantasist loser expat may be stereotypical BUT does exist in large numbers. 

Humanity not expressed by Action is worse than no humanity . Well Done the West with steps taken in firm support of Ukraine.


Be aware that Ukraine & Russia have similar people, history, culture, corruption, nationalism, bigotry, human rights abuses etc.  
Ukraine is smaller, weaker, more democratic & west- leaning for commercial & security advantage.

THAT last point is Putins false pretext for invasion & control aim. 

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14 minutes ago, Red Forever said:

What a nasty, snobby, judgemental post!

The writer is so far up their own rectum to see that. Yes, there are boorish people about (ever been in a Weatherspews pub in UK?) but to spend such a long monologue dissing these harmless, lonely people in this way only reduces the writer to his/her imagined level of them.


Fair Comment but such people, although pitiable stereotypes, do need to be identified & challenged especially in this age of social media. In measured factual way of course, avoiding mental cruelty.

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2 minutes ago, TropicalGuy said:

And Like all Comedy contains elements of truth & falsity.


I DO blame ordinary Russians for largely supporting Putin for 20+ years without much protest. People are FULLY Responsible for their Govts.


And Indian anti- Female Culture & Males are AWFUL. Burning Widows, Gang Rapes, Honour Killings, Acid Disfigurement…..That Dreadful Body / Breath STENCH. Banned from Pattaya Premises. Don’t Spend.


the exaggerated fantasist loser expat may be stereotypical BUT does exist in large numbers. 

Humanity not expressed by Action is worse than no humanity . Well Done the West with steps taken in firm support of Ukraine.


Be aware that Ukraine & Russia have similar people, history, culture, corruption, nationalism, bigotry, human rights abuses etc.  
Ukraine is smaller, weaker, more democratic & west- leaning for commercial & security advantage.

THAT last point is Putins false pretext for invasion & control aim. 

I don't because if you match geographical areas to media control and voting patterns you can see that most people are products of the media they consume. Those areas with greater media diversity are far more bipartisan.

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1 hour ago, ozimoron said:

In my opinion it wouldn't take many to become a plague but I suspect not many of them are in Thailand. If even a fraction of the posters on this board who fit the narrative are in Thailand then there's definitely a plague of them. They really are a scourge and wish not to meet any of them. I get sick of their constant negativity and bigotry.

They are an infection here. For me it’s usually their low level of brain power / education / added value that grates.

Can handle Negativity & Bigotry if factual e.g. “South Asian” or Desert Dweller types or indeed various Western thicko groups. 

Although hard, I have long since concluded it’s best to assess individuals rather than groups…. as many groups do not present well under the harsh spotlight of facts / actions, when measured against western civilized standards, including many western groups of course.

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4 minutes ago, Will B Good said:

Agree.......in a democratic country.

Yeah sure but imagine if the Russian people had shown even a tenth of the fighting will as the Ukrainians. Maybe just maybe they could have toppled Putin and his ilk. Sure he would murder many people but my impression is that they didn't try very hard. I don't think there was any kind of democracy long enough in Russia for it to take root. They're a culture used to czar types. It has in the Ukraine. 

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11 minutes ago, ozimoron said:

I don't because if you match geographical areas to media control and voting patterns you can see that most people are products of the media they consume. Those areas with greater media diversity are far more bipartisan.

Correlation & Causality are often Different. However you have me worried with your Most People are Media Products Assertion …..as it might in fact be true …..for those Twitter Fools receiving the clearly reduced leftist standard of higher western education these last thirty years ……including our elected leaders under 60 , even “ Tory” Bojo. 


most Boomers remain sensible conservatives, rational independent thinkers & original source fans. 
Can’t imagine in 20 years we are gone, replaced with 150 million (90%) voters for POTUS Kamala Harris ???? …… and Prime Minister Liz Truss ????


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On 3/5/2022 at 4:14 PM, Nicholas Paul KNIGHT said:

I really like this bit the resistance in the face of terrible odds in the 1940s. 

To put it correctly token resistance and then allowed Japannese Soldiers to walk through Thail;and and onto Malaya and then Singnapre causing tens of thousand of ALLIED soldiers to lose their lives as well as the thousands together with Thais who DIED in the construction of that Railway . The Allies may well have lost Singapore anyway but only from sea-borne actions Thailand opened up the land bridge 

PLUS they DECLARED war on the UK in 1940 . Which bit of the RESISTANCE in the FACE of terrible odds was that one asks .


Rooster please get your Historical facts straight if not why bother posting ....OKAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well they had little choice but to capitulate to Japan ….and “ declare war” ……but there was no “resistance” and none expected ….. Thais owed Allies nothing, were incapable so made the smart move. 

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On 3/5/2022 at 5:27 PM, Stevemercer said:

Evil, cruelty and bigotry will continue to flourish if good men (or even mediocre men) say nothing. The Thai Government's refusal to name or condemn Russia's actions does seem to hint at a lack of principle or concern for human values.


Or maybe it just reflects a lack of care about anything much beyond Thailand's border. Perhaps the government's instincts are to stay out of trouble and hope it all goes away tomorrow


Whatever, it is a little sad.





Agreed, but is there really any need for the Thai government to say anything locally when the majority of Thai's wouldn't know there Russia or Ukraine is nor care one iota about the current conflict, that's assuming they even know one thing about it. 

Having said that, on the world stage the pxssweak Thai government should show some balls and comment rather than the waffle on with their usual a-se covering nonsense. 

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31 minutes ago, TropicalGuy said:

Well they had little choice but to capitulate to Japan ….and “ declare war” ……but there was no “resistance” and none expected ….. Thais owed Allies nothing, were incapable so made the smart move. 

If you care to look a little deeper, there was considerable underground resistance to the occupation and atrocities by  many Thai people, not all that effective overall, but it was there. 

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1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

Yeah sure but imagine if the Russian people had shown even a tenth of the fighting will as the Ukrainians.

I think though know when they are beaten........the death of a tyrant is usually the only real opportunity for change............the clue is in the name tyrant.

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28 minutes ago, Boomer6969 said:

I read the OP very carefully, itand came to the conclusion: Rooster and Poutine, same same.

I have never considered myself to be French fries topped with cheese curds and gravy. Never. 


Though the missus thinks I'm similarly delicious. 






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4 minutes ago, BostonRob2 said:

I have never considered myself to be French fries topped with cheese curds and gravy. Never. 


Though the missus thinks I'm similarly delicious. 






But are you a heart attack on plate? 

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