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Four possible cases of BA.2.2 Omicron sub-variant detected in Thailand no cause for alarm


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12 minutes ago, apetryxx said:

I just contracted sub-variant Greenie. Vax is 350ml of Heineken daily. Will this nonsense ever stop?

Unfortunately it is not nonsense as you indicate but a progression as the virus mutates and will continue to forever until it either dies out or becomes harmless.  Look at the Flu or the common cold they have continued to mutate for eons.....

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29 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

That is why my GF tested yesterday and bingo positive....has a fever, upper respiratory symptoms, a cough, and fatigue.......Not bad enough yet to go to a hospital, and we are self isolating as I said in a previous post.

Fair enuff. Get well guys.

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13 hours ago, Scouse123 said:

It is down to the Thai government to stop the spin doctors, conspiracy theorists and the uneducated people from spreading old wives tales about the mythical dangers of vaccination, because that's where the bulk of this nonsense is coming from. Sure, unfortunately, a few people with unforeseen health issues will react badly to the vaccine, the governments job is to look after the many not the few.


Many sit on their computers or their backsides in the villages spreading malicious nonsense and what they don't know, (which is quite a lot), they make up!


It is proven science, vaccinations save lives and by and large protect the majority of people from the worst effects of the virus.


They should put pressure on these anti-vax groups, because it is the unvaccinated that allow these variants to strengthen and evolve.


The powers that be should threaten with refusing to treat in the hospitals those who refuse vaccines or can't be bothered,where they are putting health workers lives at risk.


Incidentally, speaking to my son last night in the UK, where the vast majority are vaccinated and boosters have had a big response, he says people are back to normal and do not dwell on or have  conversations about Coronavirus.


He said the biggest talking point these days in the workplace of the UK is the war in Ukraine!

@Scouse123 you're last point totally contradicts your post. because according to you the vaccines are the way out of this and Thailand are not getting out of this because they're still thais refusing the vaccine and use the UK as the example because the majority of people in the uk are jabbed.    But the UK as far as i know are still having as many cases as thailand if not more and still as many deaths.        the UK are doing something that Thailand should be doing and that is learning to live with covid and moving on. because covid isnt going anywhere. so we have to learn to live with it

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2 hours ago, kiwikeith said:

Most of my sons school have had Ba2, and I have had it and my wife, my son and I were unvaccinated we breezed through with hardly a snivel , my Thai wife and my friends Thai wife both double Pfizer vaccinated spent a week in bed with omicron while all us unvaxxed got hardly a sign in fact I only knew by doing a RAT test which cleared after ten days, but  I never got sick at all and I am 69. Most of the people we know have it and get over it easy.

The problems are with the elderly , obese and diabetic, the average age of death un the UK is 82.5. I am surpised BA2has not displaced BA1 in LOS as it is doing so everywhere else in the world ,and it is very mild if you healthy.


What people are doing now just about everywhere is not reporting it or using tracer apps, so they say the official count could be over a million infections in NZ not a few hundred thousand. Its all over and if you have had it you  will develop natural immunity. That has been pointed out in many studies available online.

Agreed. I'm vaxxed, but I caught it (probably Omicron) back in February. Was like a mild flu (i.e., I've had worse flus)... only some sniffles, scratchy throat, and some shifts in my taste (nothing bad). Took 10 days to test negative again, but for most of that time I felt perfectly fine. I'm 60. My 75 year old friend (also vaxxed) just got over it too. Symptoms even milder than mine. He tested positive Monday last week and tested negative 4 days later. He could have been walking around asymptomatic. I think there are many, many people walking around with the 'bug' without knowing it. We're all going to get it at least once ... can turn the fear down a few notches.

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58 minutes ago, Credo said:

Wrong.  The majority of people get sick and that is why they get tested.

Nope. The Thai work force (especially contractors), school teachers, schoolchildren, etc have to be ATK-tested every week, (or every three days for the big corporations here).

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2 hours ago, Dialemco said:

This was to be expected Thailand is one of last countries to maintain a state of emergency and entry restictions in respect of covid. Why?

Both sheer and grotesque  cowardice, and a desperate administration seeing it as their best hope of clinging to power. 

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This is from https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-03-10/what-we-know-about-covid-omicron-sub-variant-ba2/100899980 posted last Thursday 10th March.....    The WHO released a statement calling it a "variant of concern", but Dr Wood said there was no need to be "overly concerned". 

Is BA.2 more transmissible?

The World Health Organisation (WHO) says studies have shown the BA.2 variant appears to be more transmissible than BA.1.

UNSW School of Population associate professor James Wood said the new sub-variant was about 25 per cent easier to catch than the original strain.

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1 hour ago, Stubby said:

Four possible cases of BA.2.2 Omicron sub-variant detected in Thailand NO CAUSE FOR ALARM!

OK, fine, so here's an idea. How about not posting about stuff until there IS cause for alarm? I mean, how do you want the reader not to panic or react to the news? Geesh, there's enough global doom and gloom to last a generation., so please... STOP IT, just STOP IT.

Thank you.




Unfortunately, media & news today is increasingly focused on generating traffic, clicks and likes.

Put another way - money.


It's part of our make-up that we will find exiting or sensationalist news of interest and go down the rabbit hole, many people lack the skepticism or self-control to avoid.


Always worth keeping in mind as we digest and evaluate the news....

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2 hours ago, paulikens said:

@Scouse123 you're last point totally contradicts your post. because according to you the vaccines are the way out of this and Thailand are not getting out of this because they're still thais refusing the vaccine and use the UK as the example because the majority of people in the uk are jabbed.    But the UK as far as i know are still having as many cases as thailand if not more and still as many deaths.        the UK are doing something that Thailand should be doing and that is learning to live with covid and moving on. because covid isnt going anywhere. so we have to learn to live with it

In the UK the common flu is more deadly than covid. This is due to the high vaccination rate and the sheer number of people who were previously infected.


Most knew at the start that zero covid is a bird brain idea and China and Hong Kong were wrong to think that it was feasible.


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3 hours ago, paulikens said:

@Scouse123 you're last point totally contradicts your post. because according to you the vaccines are the way out of this and Thailand are not getting out of this because they're still thais refusing the vaccine and use the UK as the example because the majority of people in the uk are jabbed.    But the UK as far as i know are still having as many cases as thailand if not more and still as many deaths.        the UK are doing something that Thailand should be doing and that is learning to live with covid and moving on. because covid isnt going anywhere. so we have to learn to live with it

The UK has said that the vaccine greatly reduces the effects even of this so called Omicron variant which has the ability to evade parts of the vaccine and still infect people. The UK government still insists that vaccination is the only way to go forwards, and vaccination protects against the worst effects.


Yes, I agree they have adopted a policy, as have other countries, in learning to live with the virus similarly learning to live with the flu virus.


I do not think the UK has as many deaths as Thailand because they say that hospital admissions are down to a great extent as are deaths.


Also, Thailand lies as to how many are infected and dying because they neither have the expertise to check, they don't test enough nor would they want those figures coming out to the public because of their reliance on tourism and it would be seen as a failure of government policies.


This is the way I see it.

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5 hours ago, 10baht said:

And just wait for it......... China is next. 

already there, over there, this things happen for a reason  555




China placed all 17 million residents in one of its biggest cities under lockdown on Sunday, as virus cases doubled nationwide to nearly 3,400 and anxiety mounted over the resilience of its 'zero-Covid' approach in the face of the worst outbreak in two years.





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