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Need to bring back Toolbars in the Windows 11 Taskbar.

There's a 3rd party  DLL file that can be downloaded to bring these back.

Its Explorer Patcher for Windows 11.

Is there any security risk when I do this - can I be hacked or my information compromised?

Or could it be safe to download this file and install it?


I need those Toolbars, may have to revert to Windows 10 to get them back.



19 minutes ago, toast1 said:

Need to bring back Toolbars in the Windows 11 Taskbar.

There's a 3rd party  DLL file that can be downloaded to bring these back.

Its Explorer Patcher for Windows 11.

Is there any security risk when I do this - can I be hacked or my information compromised?

Or could it be safe to download this file and install it?


I need those Toolbars, may have to revert to Windows 10 to get them back.


Nobody, except maybe experienced system developers, should mess around with DLLs!


If you know the source of any software for Windows (or any other OS) and you trust them, then maybe you want to use their software. But don't be surprised if some things don't work anymore or other unsuspected things happen.

Windows, and any other OS, is very complicated. And that won't change.

Sometimes some settings or toolbars are just hidden and maybe changing a 0 to a 1 somewhere in the registry will show them again. That is build in in Windows and not much can go wrong.


For you, first I think you should ask yourself: Do you really need those toolbars? Is there maybe another new way which you can use without the toolbars. Windows has so many details and settings. Most people, including the so called specialists, know not even half of those details.

I work with Windows since version 3.0. And since then I used all Windows versions (I think except Windows Millennium Edition). They change, they have new feature and they don't have some old feature anymore. And we all get used to the changes. And more precisely: We have to get used to many changes. Because we can't use any old Windows version after it is not updated anymore. Otherwise it won't take long before our system is compromised. Windows and the world changes. We better get used to it.

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You are an early adopter of Windows 11. Is there anything in 11 that you were looking forward to? If not, go back to 10, it still is fully supported for at least 3 more years! 

Btw: Chances are, that toolbars ( if they are really gone and not just hidden somewhere, I don't know, as I wait at least one more year with the switch) might come back to W11, if the pressure from the community is big enough. If yo go back to W10, don't forget to give feedback to Microsoft about your reasons, feedback in the Microsoft world is key to initiate changes


I use W11 on my two PCs with no problems whatsoever.

What do you mean by Toolbars on the Taskbar when you can customise how you access anything via Start, Desktop or Taskbar?


I tried Win 11 for about 10 seconds. When I discovered I couldn't put the taskbar on the top like a Mac without mucking about in the registry, I reverted back to 10.

  • Sad 1


Explorer Patcher for Windows 11  is used by many people. 
I haven't seen any bad reviews, but then I don't know where these would be found.
It brings back the Win10 Taskbar and so allows Toolbars.



I can't work without Toolbars, so perhaps I'll have to buy a Win10 license and go back to Win10.

Is it possible to go from WIn11 to Win10 with the Win11  license on my new laptop?







  • Sad 1
1 minute ago, HappyExpat57 said:

I tried Win 11 for about 10 seconds. When I discovered I couldn't put the taskbar on the top like a Mac without mucking about in the registry, I reverted back to 10.

You can more or less put the Taskbar where you want it, with whatever you want showing on it, on one or both monitors, left or centre. What more do you want?


  • Sad 1
23 minutes ago, KannikaP said:

You can more or less put the Taskbar where you want it, with whatever you want showing on it, on one or both monitors, left or centre. What more do you want?


Did you read my post?

  • Confused 1

Plenty of videos on YouTube about the Win 11 taskbar. Looks simple enough to move it to the top.

They do say that it's not designed to be on the top so some of the displays probably won't function as they should.


I'll stick with Win 10 for now. 

18 minutes ago, toast1 said:

This is about taskbars in the toolbars.
This is not possible in Win11.


How about this one? 

If this is no good, you need to explain precisely what you've got in Windows 10 that you can't do in Windows 11.



  • Like 1
3 minutes ago, toast1 said:

This is about taskbars in the toolbar.

This is not possible in Win11.

I heard you the first time.

You need to explain precisely what you've got in Windows 10 that you can't do in Windows 11.

Take a screen shot and post it.

3 hours ago, toast1 said:

Explorer Patcher for Windows 11

It's unlikely that it is malware or virus infected.

Just too many know sites have it on their tools list (and have it viruschecked).


Windows is a job creation machine.

Fiddle/abandon known/much used behavior and let developers create roll back tools :cheesy:

Thanks for another reminder: W10 till end of support lifetime.

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