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Biden approval rating at 39% amid economic fears; 47% 'strongly disapprove': USA TODAY/Suffolk poll


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5 hours ago, Pedrogaz said:

Who in their right mind would "approve" of what Biden is doing??????? Who are these 40% of ordinary voters that support him and his policies after the total disaster he has made of them? What thoughts go though their minds as they answer the question? Idiots, total idiots. 

Answer read the other post! ????

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1 hour ago, nauseus said:

Talking rubbish like Spidey. The inflation of today goes back at least as far as the 2008 GFC, after which the Fed ran successive rounds of insane QE and asset purchases, printing trillions and enabling gross corporate share buybacks but only providing a superficial economic 'recovery' with this insanity. The Covid situation has made things worse at the end of Trump's term and at the start of Biden's.


However Biden's reach for a quick green transformation has not helped anyone because the US and the world is not yet ready for it. Now he wants to build back better with trillions more of the magic dollars but begs for oil from the Saudis etc. If you're going to burn oil anyway, why not burn your own? That would bring down inflation and afford more funds for serious R&D for green tech.



It's funny. Just today I cited how Republicans created the strong economy under Bill Clinton to measures taken by Ronald Reagan. I call it wormhole economic theory. Somehow the effects of Reagan's programs bypassed the Bush years and surfaced 2 years after Clinton was elected. Now in your case it's the A&E of Obama's early years somehow tunneled through the Trump years and surfaced now. Can you provide a mechanism of how that works? For most of the last 10 years inflation was hovering at around 2%. 

Just maybe, just possibly you might look at more proximate causes for the sharp jump in prices. For one things, Covid created a shift in demand away from services and towards good. Unfortunately, given labor shortages and supply disruptions the supply of goods couldn't keep up with demand. What happens when demand outpaces supplies? Things like used car prices selling for more than the list price of new ones because new cars just aren't available.

Also, there's a war going on and supplies of energy have been restricted. As for US petroleum supply. I guess you're not aware that unlike Saudi Arabia, or the UAE or Russia, oil companies are not official or defacto arms of the govt. So they can't be ordered by the govt to increase supplies. In the case of oil companies prices really weren't high enough to justify drilling in increasingly cost sites. 

"Crude oil prices have generally increased since April 2020, resulting in increased crude oil production."

https://www.eia.gov/todayinenergy/detail.php?id=51318#:~:text=We forecast that crude oil production in the United States,Federal Offshore Gulf of Mexico.

In the case of natural gas it was even worse with major companies going out of business because of the low prices.

As I've noted elsewhere, people like you seem to believe that all you have to do is stick a spigot in the ground and out comes petroleum or gas or both. They take time. . In fact, drilling and production is picking up in response to demand.

"We forecast that crude oil production in the United States will rise by 630,000 b/d in 2023 to average 12.6 million b/d. We expect more than 80% of that crude oil production growth to come from the Lower 48 states (L48), which does not include production from Alaska and the Federal Offshore Gulf of Mexico.

https://www.eia.gov/todayinenergy/detail.php?id=51318#:~:text=We forecast that crude oil production in the United States,Federal Offshore Gulf of Mexico.

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3 hours ago, talahtnut said:

All the money sent to Ukraine for a senseless conflict could have

helped the growing number of American homeless.

Instead the needless death toll of Ukrainians increases daily.

OK but don't blame Ukraine, they could have helped the homeless anytime.

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16 hours ago, Pedrogaz said:

Who in their right mind would "approve" of what Biden is doing??????? Who are these 40% of ordinary voters that support him and his policies after the total disaster he has made of them? What thoughts go though their minds as they answer the question? Idiots, total idiots. 

The super rich ones.

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10 hours ago, Fat is a type of crazy said:

On issues like oil prices that’s fine. But as I see it Biden and his ilk do not actively support the far left stuff that people don’t like. Whereas the Republican leadership do support many of the nasty ideas on the right wing side if only due to Trump’s power as a kingmaker. 
I feel bad for Biden. I think he has bad luck on the economy but he still has to take responsibility. People just seem to like those who exert power and control. Nice guys like Biden and Carter seem to be deemed as weak on the basis of personality alone in my opinion.

Good post.


But when you write "Biden and his ilk do not actively support the far left stuff that people don’t like" I wonder how many right leaning people make a difference between the radical left and the rest of the left.

In the videos which I mention above the right leaning presenters often speak about "the left" when they show example of i.e. gender politics and positions of the radical left. It seem the moderate left is too shy or incompetent to let other people know that they also don't agree with the radical left. And then it's no surprise if the left in general is seen as crazy. And what do people do when they think one side is crazy? They support the others...

Personally I think the not so radical left should spend a lot more time fighting the radical left and let people know they do that. I am pretty sure that will bring them some voters (back).


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17 hours ago, Thingamabob said:

Trump entirely right to try to decrease the disastrous trade dependency on China. Hopefully other Western leaders will do the same, but don't bank on it.

It was not a bad idea. Reducing the dependency on China would be a great thing to do. It was the thoughtless, reckless, unprepared, and mindless approach he used, that was so damaging. That was fairly typical of most of what he did. He got absolutely slaughtered, in every negotiation he entered into as president. By Kim, by MBS, by Putin, and by Xi. The man could not negotiate his way out of a paper bag. It was total decimation.

Edited by spidermike007
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