Retiredandhappyhere Posted July 2, 2022 Posted July 2, 2022 Steven 100, I am beginning to warm to you now that 100% of your posts are not clearly in support of the Government. I suspect that you suspect that a change is coming in the not too distant future. I wonder if this post will get me banned again like last time? 1
Popular Post whereyougo Posted July 2, 2022 Popular Post Posted July 2, 2022 7 hours ago, Jerno said: Thailand best country in the world? Oh Puh-Lee-zz! Try Canada....already 2.5 years of legal recreational cannabis across the board. And a country with a genuine Democracy, not fake illegal one created in Thailand by the Pray-hoot coup You forgot.. Its a <deleted> freezing siht hole! 5
Denim Posted July 2, 2022 Posted July 2, 2022 7 hours ago, ezzra said: Bite you tongue when criticising the Liberal use of ganja in this forum or you'll invoke the wrath of some of the members here who are staunch supporters of this country being over run with pot heads tourism.. (yeah, you know who you're)... Well, if its going to be over run its a bit of a hobson's choice. Hordes of Chinese Hordes of Indians Hordes of Arabs Hordes of Mongers Hordes of old men in sandals Hordes of smoking potheads Take your pick. If any of the above offend the simplest thing is avoid going to where they roost since birds of a feather flock together. Plenty of places left where you don't see any of the above. 2
Popular Post whereyougo Posted July 2, 2022 Popular Post Posted July 2, 2022 7 hours ago, Henryford said: Sure it will increase tourism from the back packing potheads but any decent tourists will avoid Thailand like the plague. What a drama queen! ???? 4
terryofcrete Posted July 2, 2022 Posted July 2, 2022 7 hours ago, Jerno said: Thailand best country in the world? Oh Puh-Lee-zz! Try Canada....already 2.5 years of legal recreational cannabis across the board. And a country with a genuine Democracy, not fake illegal one created in Thailand by the Pray-hoot coup. All of us Irish went there chasing the dream job as advertised ...Drink Canada Dry ! 1
terryofcrete Posted July 2, 2022 Posted July 2, 2022 I read the column twice and pinched myself ...Either Rooster got a job in TAT or a brown Envelope from Cha Cha I thought at first ... but I actually think he's genuinely happy to promote the country. Interesting reading , As one who never stopped being a tourist in Thailand during the covid restrictions and jumped through the maze of must do's to enter and caught covid while in Thailand, I'm genuinely very happy with the current situation. I do, however, worry about the lack of clarity in relation to the availability of cannabis and the promotion thereof , especially with regard to younger Thais. 2
futsukayoi Posted July 2, 2022 Posted July 2, 2022 8 hours ago, Jerno said: Thailand best country in the world? Oh Puh-Lee-zz! Try Canada....already 2.5 years of legal recreational cannabis across the board. And a country with a genuine Democracy, not fake illegal one created in Thailand by the Pray-hoot coup. Great weather too as long as you don't like sun and the food must be great I mean you see Canadian restaurants everywhere. No wonder they need their regular joints. 1
Popular Post crouchpeter Posted July 2, 2022 Popular Post Posted July 2, 2022 Most grass smokers are useless deadbeats. They can't get out of bed, can't hold down a job, can't have an intelligent conversation, always have a spliff in their pocket, because they get the urge no matter where they are, are only interested in when grass is legalised, and are lazy and unproductive! And I'm not anti marijuana; used to grow my own but only smoked on weekends. And supplied kilos of heads to Digger Revell and his band in the old days. It's just that these losers who smoke every day are a waste of space. 3 1 3
RocketDog Posted July 2, 2022 Posted July 2, 2022 8 hours ago, Jerno said: Thailand best country in the world? Oh Puh-Lee-zz! Try Canada....already 2.5 years of legal recreational cannabis across the board. And a country with a genuine Democracy, not fake illegal one created in Thailand by the Pray-hoot coup. Seriously? You're comparing Thailand to Canada? Are you in an alternate universe? Pot is legal in both but beyond that they are radically different in every way. I guess you're making a point but I missed it entirely. 1 1
BostonRob2 Posted July 2, 2022 Posted July 2, 2022 50 minutes ago, kidneyw said: Liked the accompanying photos with the piece. Thanks, one or two posters liked the pictures in the last two "Rooster investigates" weeks so the editor and I decided to continue with them for this and future editions. Thanks for reading. Rooster 1
fdimike Posted July 2, 2022 Posted July 2, 2022 What a total load of horse, chicken, cow & sheep manure. ???? 1 1
BostonRob2 Posted July 2, 2022 Posted July 2, 2022 10 hours ago, jvs said: Welcome to Thighland! "Comedian" Tom O'Connor on his quiz show once asked: What is the capital of Thighland? The Sun on a story about one of Diana's suitors on a boat off a southern Thai island said "it happened in Phuket (pronounced fuket)". True stories! Thanks for reading. Rooster 1
BostonRob2 Posted July 2, 2022 Posted July 2, 2022 20 minutes ago, fdimike said: What a total load of horse, chicken, cow & sheep manure. ???? All of which are absolutely excellent for the roses. Thanks for reading, I think. Rooster 1 1 1
Lacessit Posted July 2, 2022 Posted July 2, 2022 10 hours ago, Jerno said: Thailand best country in the world? Oh Puh-Lee-zz! Try Canada....already 2.5 years of legal recreational cannabis across the board. And a country with a genuine Democracy, not fake illegal one created in Thailand by the Pray-hoot coup. I was sitting on a concrete bench in Calgary stadium in the middle of summer a few years ago, watching an incomprehensible game called American football. Ten minutes to halftime which took half an hour to play. It was FOUR freaking degrees Centigrade. As a golfer, IMO Canada can't claim to be the best country in the world when its golf courses are under snow for almost half the year.
Denim Posted July 2, 2022 Posted July 2, 2022 4 hours ago, paulikens said: three long weekends??? as far as i know its two. how is it three? Inhale deeper. Then you can see the third out of the corner of your eye. 1
Popular Post unblocktheplanet Posted July 2, 2022 Popular Post Posted July 2, 2022 Wait a minute! We’re not “little more than police states or run by armies or religious fanatics.” Some of these are elected military fanatics. Just now we’re stoned. that works both ways. Could make dumb & dumber ignore the abuses & corruption or bring them into sharper focus to bring them down. Personally, I hope the 60s are coming back! (Didn’t work for Canada, though.) 5,000 years of clinical trials is pretty impressive. Needs frequent boosters, though. 2 1
Popular Post Papilon Posted July 2, 2022 Popular Post Posted July 2, 2022 2 hours ago, crouchpeter said: Most grass smokers are useless deadbeats. They can't get out of bed, can't hold down a job, can't have an intelligent conversation, always have a spliff in their pocket, because they get the urge no matter where they are, are only interested in when grass is legalised, and are lazy and unproductive! And I'm not anti marijuana; used to grow my own but only smoked on weekends. And supplied kilos of heads to Digger Revell and his band in the old days. It's just that these losers who smoke every day are a waste of space. I smoked 2x today and also biked 20km , swam a mile and played 3 sets of tennis. 5 2
StayinThailand2much Posted July 2, 2022 Posted July 2, 2022 5 hours ago, steven100 said: I thought they wanted quality tourists ....not quantity . These Thai authorities change their minds more than I change my jocks. First, they said they wanted hi-so people and celebrities (e.g. Oliver Stone, Emma Stone, Sharon Stone), but now they changed their strategy to attracting stoned tourists instead... 1
SiSePuede419 Posted July 2, 2022 Posted July 2, 2022 11 hours ago, Jerno said: Thailand best country in the world? Oh Puh-Lee-zz! Try Canada It's a little hot in the summer. I was explaining to someone in Vancouver why New Mexico was cooler than Canada in the summer and they were surprised because NM is a lot closer to the equator. Altitude isn't something most Canadians know about. ????
Popular Post khaowong1 Posted July 2, 2022 Popular Post Posted July 2, 2022 11 hours ago, Gecko123 said: I think there's a perception out there that driving while high isn't particularly dangerous and your chances of being caught are pretty low. Haven't seen much, if any, traffic safety education to prepare people about these risks. I'm especially worried about traffic related injuries and deaths among younger people and those experimenting for the first time who aren't familiar with side effects such as dilated pupils and reduced reaction time. Wonder what the traffic stats are going to look like this time next year in Thai stick land? I agree. I remember once in 1970, me and a friend drove into Los Angeles to go to a Doors concert. We were smoking that good stuff and I promise, we had no clue where we were or what we were doing. It was all a blur. It was amazing we didn't get into a big wreck. We never made it to the concert. We managed to pull over and park on some side street and set there for about 3 hours. 1 3
MaiDong Posted July 2, 2022 Posted July 2, 2022 50 minutes ago, Papilon said: I smoked 2x today and also biked 20km , swam a mile and played 3 sets of tennis. I used to smoke weed to motivate myself, the house was spotless and all chores were completed. 2
Popular Post kennw Posted July 2, 2022 Popular Post Posted July 2, 2022 11 hours ago, morrobay said: Only a Thai could have written this. Actually, I think Mr Rooser has gone "potty" Previously I read his postings with interest but sorry mate you have gone with your writings like someone who has already addled their brain. Why are you so kung ho about promoting this drug, which you inhale by the way into your lungs. Answer me this question "why do most people use it when there is no medical need? Is the answer "to get high" Where is useful benefit if it is only liberate emotions? Yes the anti alcohol lobby can raise similar arguments, But wines compliment and enhance meals and are healthy additions to a meal. Mr Rooster, stop trying to emulate our old friend Trink, he covered things as they were. You have lost my as a very long time resident with your drug pushing dialogue. For what ? monetary gain for some (no inference about you.) Shame on you. If you want to de-crimilize the social use OK but why? Oh! give at govt expense 2 MM plants to people "seems " SMELLY to me 3 1 1
thaichina Posted July 2, 2022 Posted July 2, 2022 3 minutes ago, kennw said: Yes the anti alcohol lobby can raise similar arguments, But wines compliment and enhance meals and are healthy additions to a meal. This argument is as strong as it gets. One question, What do 14 jack Daniels in Soi Bukao complement? 1
sambum Posted July 2, 2022 Posted July 2, 2022 4 hours ago, khaowong1 said: I agree. I remember once in 1970, me and a friend drove into Los Angeles to go to a Doors concert. We were smoking that good stuff and I promise, we had no clue where we were or what we were doing. It was all a blur. It was amazing we didn't get into a big wreck. We never made it to the concert. We managed to pull over and park on some side street and set there for about 3 hours. Cheech & Chong?
Popular Post Gecko123 Posted July 2, 2022 Popular Post Posted July 2, 2022 7 hours ago, khaowong1 said: I agree. I remember once in 1970, me and a friend drove into Los Angeles to go to a Doors concert. We were smoking that good stuff and I promise, we had no clue where we were or what we were doing. It was all a blur. It was amazing we didn't get into a big wreck. We never made it to the concert. We managed to pull over and park on some side street and set there for about 3 hours. That's a funny story. I once drove from California to Ohio happily smoking joints all the way. Then the sun went down and oncoming headlights became klieg lights shinning directly in my eyes. Mercifully, I quickly found a hotel and stopped driving for the night. Another time, I got into a cab at night somewhere in Issan and it immediately became apparent that the driver must have had severely dilated pupils, probably high on yaa baa. Every time a car approached he had to slow to a dangerously slow crawl because he was totally blinded. I don't think marijuana should be criminalized, but I have some very serious concerns about what impact this is going to have on traffic safety, given the absence of enforcement on Thailand's roads. When you consider the carnage on the roads as well as the sorry state of Thailand's public education, I can't help but wonder if this isn't all a cynical attempt on Anutin's part to bolster his popularity at the same time keeping the general populace sedated. The people trying to shout down anyone with reservations about the advisability of all this need to consider that there is more at stake than your freedom to smoke a joint. Road safety and the health and welfare of Thailand's youth are concerns we should all share. 3
bristolgeoff Posted July 2, 2022 Posted July 2, 2022 Thailand did it first from it,s neighbours,maybe the others will follow suit.The same issue exists in nearly every country.look at amercia since they made it farms profit and tax for the state.The only thing thailand needs to catch up is the casinos and the border countries have done well out of it,cashing in on the thais and the baht 1
MyFriend You Posted July 2, 2022 Posted July 2, 2022 17 hours ago, Bday Prang said: "wow far out man" Are you actually serious ? For once in my life words actually fail me I am literally speechless.!! May I suggest a half glass straight lemon juice, that should loosen up your tongue enough to cure 'speechlessnes' Guess you don't know me at all, a lot of my quotes are in jest, tongue in cheek, and well, I wasn't replying to you. Peace 1
sawadee1947 Posted July 3, 2022 Posted July 3, 2022 23 hours ago, webfact said: these are little more than police states or run by armies or religious fanatics Interesting your view...... How you would adress Thailand.? Can't wait to read your expertise.???? 1 1 1
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