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Thai govt needs to keep a close eye on rising Covid cases

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Living with covid means since day one get your house in order to deal with it. 

Facilities, equipment, medication,  Stop looking for blame at the airport your problem is look in the mirror your own borders has been the problem and will continue to be the problem. 

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6 hours ago, webfact said:

and 2,428 new cases during the previous 24 hours,

And the previous two days it was dropping to below 2,000 cases.

Hype to induce panic amongst the population?


54 minutes ago, arithai12 said:

Would it be too much to ask that pieces written by Michael Bridge are published with this name, and not as "webfact" ?


Just so that we know what to expect.


Agreed, it would save time in the morning just scrolling past it.


Actual covid cases should be 5 times than the published and it means nothing, only hospitalization matters and it should be monitored closely along with oxygen and ICU beds. Covid is not a threat as it used to be so stop scaremongering.

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  • Haha 1
8 hours ago, webfact said:

Thailand is not alone as many SE Asian countries also reported a surge in cases

and Cambodia is no exception, but the Government's current policy here is (for reference 7 July 2022):


"Prime Minister Hun Sen said yesterday, “Those who worry that the government would close a school or a factory, or even the entire country should know such steps are completely unwanted now.”



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12 hours ago, webfact said:

Meanwhile, just when we all thought the pandemic was over and we could go around our business without wearing masks, Covid cases have risen again.

Mostly domestic cases one would surmise, nothing to do with international arrivals.?


FDA just approve and allow pharmacist to prescribe the covid pill call Paxlovid, must be taken within 5 days after symptoms begin


I have heard about 50 Covid stories in my personal surroundings during the last approx. 1.5 years.


In terms of INFECTION, no significant difference between vaccinated and unvaccinated, although subjectively, I would say that the # of vaccinated catching the virus has been rising during the last few months.


There was 1 person I know who died *from* Covid since 2020 - 78 years old and heavily overweight, Diabetes patient. Unvaccinated only 1 more severe case, had to stay in bed for about 2 weeks and felt like <deleted>. No hospitalizations (except for the died one). Vaccinated severe cases about 1/3 of all.


Mentioned side effects attributable to the shots: unvaccinated 0 (lol).

Vaccinated: 4, 1 of them is permanently disabled now (caught myocarditis), can't work anymore. A student was unable to attend school for over a year and has to undergo physiotherapy and psychotherapy (social issues) now.


My conclusion: the vaccine doesn't only NOT protect from catching infections at all, but also give people more severe symptoms. On top of that, a risk of serious side-effects.


I hope the Thai government really goes with SCIENCE and gives up on the ridiculous restrictions finally, which have been proven to not only be useless, but even counter-productive. PEOPLE CAN GET SICK. It's part of life. At least _these_ 'vaccines' don't help, but have serious risks. STOP the hysteria already. Please.

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