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Senna Tea - where to get it or/and "local name"?

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"Back home" I usually buy a package of Senna Tea OTC. Would you guys know if it's available here and if there's a particular local name/brand to it? Thanks! 


Like others have said quite a few Senna based natural laxative products hereabouts.

I saw a bunch of different things in Central Food Hall Bang Tao while looking for other bits n pieces in the pharmacy section the other day actually.

Not sure if you want it for laxative or you drink just cause you like it ? ... I eat fresh figs off my espaliered tree, and dried (store bought) ones, dates, and fresh fruit every day and I have no issues with constipation.

On an empty stomach fresh squeezed orange juice is a mild laxative, as is a decent cup of real, ground coffee but make sure you intake water after as coffee dehydrates you. Chilli seems to help too.

Liquids throughout the day are vital, none moreso than in LOS due to the constant perspiration and resultant dehydration. If you're not drinking enough water this can promote and exacerbate dryness, and difficulty passing.



Great input, everyone - thanks!

I was completely unaware about the "Fitne" brand and, according to their website, their whole Tea-segment included Senna. I'll probably go with that brand, since it's available in 7/11's/BigC's. 

Any other ideas on the topic of constipation? I don't want to go down the (dangerous) route of stimulative laxatives, instead trying to improve me overall lifestyle. (the senna tea is for days when I really need to empty it asap...). I've heard metamucil is a great supplement. Is there perhaps a Thai alternative for that as well? 


Have a good day gents 

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