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Kid goes home with a sign stapled to his shirt - teacher is transferred and father is furious


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6 minutes ago, Bday Prang said:

As do many if not all government employees, many, if not all, of whom display a very impressive collection of medals, I'm no expert but I'm thinking that the purpose of these uniforms is multi faceted. It designates the wearer as being a member of an authoritarian organization and as such (and for no other reason)  isuperior  to those who are not "entitled" to wear one, and therefore worthy and deserving of their respect, furthermore the trimmings and medals Identify the wearers "rank" within the organization that the uniform represents and  denotes where respect or deference is due from other members of the same group

                   Probably quite useful in the case of the police force or the military but a bit pointless and really just plain weird when it extends to the likes of "teachers" who should be able to earn respect by virtue of their words and actions, and "town hall" employees who are not really due anymore respect than anybody else

                     I doubt very much if the kid in question is going to suffer "long term trauma or any other distress"  they and the other kids will either be laughing about it or have forgotten about it already .

                    "long term trauma or any other distress"     is a relatively modern concept dreamed up by members of the woke west, as is the "counselling" required to address it       

"long term trauma or any other distress"  is a relatively modern concept dreamed up by members of the woke west, as is the "counselling" required to address it"


Correct - I get p**d off with all these miscreants and drug addicts that excuse their behaviour by saying that they "need help" and  the pussyfooting magistrates/judges who believe them!

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1 minute ago, Neeranam said:

When you integrate into Thai society, you understand that when two people meet for the first time, one is expected to show the other some kind of obeisance to show that they accept their inferior rung on the hierarchical social ladder. 

It is sometimes quite easy to ascertain who is on which rung but more than often not; this is where the uniform makes it much easier, although still sometimes complicated. 

As farang, it's made simpler - we are not even on the bottom rung of the said ladder.  As a teacher, this was obvious when the kids 'waaied' the janitor and cleaner but not the foreign teachers. When acquiring Thai citizenship, this totally screws people up, and many just can't handle it and want to run a mile, rather than apply the socially accepted obeisance. 

Myself and the  Thais that I know do not need to see a uniform in order to show due respect, I'm well aware of my place in the scheme of things as are they regarding their status amongst their own,  I have no time or respect for uniforms

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1 minute ago, Bday Prang said:

Myself and the  Thais that I know do not need to see a uniform in order to show due respect

Obeisance does not necessarily mean respect, your Thai friends will know when to show respect, even if they don't mean it. 

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8 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

Maybe not legal but could save your life. Wasn't it necessary to get a Covid jab?

you've lost me with that, and I would normally ask you to elaborate a little but every time I go "off topic" my posts disappear so I guess its one for another day ,however I pretty much agree with you on what you have posted

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Mmm, about teachers uniforms. Again there is the idea of uniformity within the group. Further, they are actually part of the government, they are considered civil servants. Their teachers are not laymen, and the history of schools and the development of an education system is not the same as in Western  countries. Westerners do not see teachers as part of the actual government, we’re used to “lay” teachers let’s say. In Thailand they are part of a very longstanding hierarchical system that does not exist in the West. A pyramid that has the King at the top, then monks, then the highly educated, then the wealthy, then the poor. There are some other gradations but this is basically the bones. Schools were formed fairly recently in history for the poor and almost all have royal patronage, without which they would not exist. Thailand does not necessarily have universal education. Oh they need to attend school to learn to read and write but that’s about it. If a family cannot afford to send their kid to school, he or she does not go to school. The main thrust of secondary school is to prepare for college entrance exams, which can make or break a family. It jumps the child to the highly educated class, and can potentially raise the family to a higher level of status. The uniforms of everyone from office worker, to professional man, to policeman, teacher etc… shows everyone their status.

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12 minutes ago, Bday Prang said:

Myself and the  Thais that I know do not need to see a uniform in order to show due respect, I'm well aware of my place in the scheme of things as are they regarding their status amongst their own,  I have no time or respect for uniforms

I don't show respect (or anything else) for anyone.

I'm not a serf in a feudal society.


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54 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

People rely on LINE for many things, like eating, communicating with teachers, etc. 

It is also the prioritized communication method for many other things. For example, where I live, if there's a cobra in my house, I call the relevant people with LINE. This could save my life, as well as other emergency services and as I mentioned the Covid Vaccines, one needed a smartphone. 

Ok I see what you mean ,  however I was in the UK when the vaccines were handed out, and there was no smartphone use required , good job really as I don't own one.

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1 hour ago, sambum said:

"long term trauma or any other distress"  is a relatively modern concept dreamed up by members of the woke west, as is the "counselling" required to address it"


Correct - I get p**d off with all these miscreants and drug addicts that excuse their behaviour by saying that they "need help" and  the pussyfooting magistrates/judges who believe them!

Quite the generalization and bears no relevance to this situation. Quite untrue additionally for child abuse be that physical, sexual or emotional. The long lasting effects of this can lead into adult life with many serious consequences without appropriate care.


Will this boy have long term effects, very much doubt it if it was an isolated incident. Extremely inappropriate behavior from the teacher however who should have consulted with the parents directly.

 To see what the problem was. That said I see the school has addressed this with the teacher and the parents seem ok with the outcome.


Oh this is also nothing to do with the woke as you call it.

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5 minutes ago, sambum said:

I didn't mention the word "woke" - I was replying to someone who did.


Maybe off topic, but I was merely making the point that discipline in schools (in the West in particular) has deteriorated over the years.


More on topic is that I think that stapling a piece of paper to a kid's shirt as a message to his parents is not a sign of good discipline! 

Apologies it was not you on the woke comment. I have no experience on whether discipline in Thai schools is deteriorating but agree with you that it was of course an inappropriate act by the teacher concerned. 

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On 7/27/2022 at 2:05 PM, Mac Mickmanus said:

That is rather contradictory .

Calling people "sheeple" (easily led people who just follow) , then saying that they shouldn't air an opinion on this subject and just act like sheep and therefore become a "sheeple" .

Yes its a made up word to try to denigrate  people who have an opinion that is not orthodox FB right wing

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53 minutes ago, The Hammer2021 said:

Yes its a made up word to try to denigrate  people who have an opinion that is not orthodox FB right wing

I was with you until you brought right wing and politics into the conversation sheeple is a word used by people of any political bent when trying to denigrate others who they don't agree with

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On 7/27/2022 at 2:09 PM, StevieAus said:

Do you have memory problems ?

My daughter wears three different uniforms but it is for the same days each week and never changes except maybe at Christmas for a party.

As far as uniforms generally I believe it creates a sense of belonging and ensures that some kids don’t turn up in designer labels and others in shabby clothes.


I dont have any kids going to school here but I like knowing what day it is by what the kids are wearing as they pass me on my daily walks and my niece told me only today that it had been Thai language day recently at her school.

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31 minutes ago, RobU said:

I was with you until you brought right wing and politics into the conversation sheeple is a word used by people of any political bent when trying to denigrate others who they don't agree with

By people who disagree with everything , everything's a conspiracy and everythngs a lie and if you suggest that something might just be true , they call you a "sheeple" and of course, they know everting about everything and what REALLY happens 

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1 hour ago, The Hammer2021 said:

When I first came here many Thais had a different coloured shirt each day of the week  based on Royal Colours, Yellow, Pink, Blue etc

Lots of uniforms for our two children!


Seems like I'm doing laundry everyday. 

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7 hours ago, Bday Prang said:

Myself and the  Thais that I know do not need to see a uniform in order to show due respect, I'm well aware of my place in the scheme of things as are they regarding their status amongst their own,  I have no time or respect for uniforms

They'd probably think you were nuts if they saw you wearing a uniform.



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On 7/27/2022 at 9:42 AM, JonnyF said:

Fascist countries are available if it's not authoritarian enough for you here.


Teachers in Thailand seem to have massive egos. There is no place for humiliating a child due to a parent not (or being unable to) complying with all the silly fancy dress days.

555 probably no malice. A kid that's a little slow, upcountry teachers never known for their intellectual accumen. Funny, you're so judgemental.

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On 7/27/2022 at 3:45 PM, proton said:

Is it compulsory to send kids to school here? can you home school them instead. In the UK education is compulsory but it's not illegal not to send them to school and educate them yourself. Schools are so bad here I would want to teach them myself and avoid the indoctrination, marching about and absurd multi uniform nonsense.

And your qualifications to teach are actually what? Can you teach 8-10 subjects to IGCSE level, 3 subjects to A level? AP calculus, IB? Leave your kid at home for 12 and they will not be able to function socially at all. Leve alone being miles behind in their learning. Forget it. There are good reasons to send kinds to school, even a lousy Thai school. 

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Most foreigners and 100% of Farang are already in their uniform. Just look in the mirror. And on Farang teacher status, I don’t know where you teach, sounds like you maybe got a raw deal, but everyone, except my fiancé and fiancés mother, (dad died last year), monks, and superiors in school and uppity ups don’t wait for my wai but do one every time, students included. It’s khru Bobbie this, khru Bobbie that. That said, everyone knows my fiancé and mother in the village she owns a cooking supply shop and sells lao khao and his brother owns a 7-11. And I am always being hit up for private English classes. I socialize with my fellow teachers, friends, the headman of our village etc… So not sure why you are being disrespected.

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50 minutes ago, DavisH said:

And your qualifications to teach are actually what? Can you teach 8-10 subjects to IGCSE level, 3 subjects to A level? AP calculus, IB? Leave your kid at home for 12 and they will not be able to function socially at all. Leve alone being miles behind in their learning. Forget it. There are good reasons to send kinds to school, even a lousy Thai school. 

You do not need qualifications to home school your kids in the UK, those that do seems to be quite successful. It's a myth home schooled children suffer from social isolation. Probably compulsory to send kids to the indoctrination camps called school here  

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2 hours ago, RobU said:

I was with you until you brought right wing and politics into the conversation sheeple is a word used by people of any political bent when trying to denigrate others who they don't agree with

My interpretation of "sheeple" is nothing to do with left or right wing politics.


I think that basically it means people following the crowd, without regard to where they are going, or why.

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2 hours ago, Billy Bloggs said:

I dont have any kids going to school here but I like knowing what day it is by what the kids are wearing as they pass me on my daily walks and my niece told me only today that it had been Thai language day recently at her school.

I empathise completely - I only know what day of the week it is by knowing that a certain day of the week is Quiz night at our local  - weekends as I used to know them don't exist anymore!

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