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POLITICS Trump says FBI raiding his Mar-a-Lago home


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39 minutes ago, LaosLover said:

I watch Fox for laughs while I work and people repeated Fox stuff 100% verbatim in this thread.


So not so much low information posters so much as outright ventriloquist dummies.

Some of us have brains of our own and don't need Fox News to tell us what to think. Not nearly enough of us though...

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30 minutes ago, michael87 said:

Who can trust a liar, especially the FBI. They cannot be trusted, only a gullible moron would trust the current two tiered justice system in America. These corrupt institutions are the culprits chipping away to the detriment of democracy with people calling out America as a banana republic now. This political stunt will be exposed and Trump will beat any and all challengers in Nov 2024. You can smell the fear emanating from the left.

Yet you seem to believe that Trump is whiter than white.


This is the same person who is a serial liar to the tune of around 20,xxx in 4 years as POTUS. That is at least 100 proven lies a week.


A small quote from the Christian Bible KJV.


In the King James Version of the Bible the text reads:

Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye;
and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.
The World English Bible translates the passage as:

You hypocrite! First, remove the beam out of your own eye, and then you can see clearly to remove the speck out of your brother’s eye.

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This smacks of desperation. Dems know Trump will win in '24 if he chooses to run. Ergo, close the door on him whatever it takes. And do it before the midterms when House and Senate both change hands.


Well, DeSantis is waiting in the wings pretending concern. A DeSantis WH backed by a red House and red Senate starting '25 ain't going to be any prettier than a Trump Admin.

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7 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

Personally, I would need to see any evidence before I made my mind up , or even see or hear what that evidence is , 

   Although I do realise that I am in no position to be shown that evidence , so I will keep an open mind  and neither agree or disagree that there is some evidence to support the FBI  breaking into Donald's home and safe at his home 

This was not anything even approaching a break in. That is just far right jingoism. They had legal warrants. All authorized. Break ins are typically illegal affairs. 

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1 minute ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

Which word would be better suited ?

Raided Donalds home ? 


Whatever the right word or phrase would be "breaking into" certainly isn't it.

Break into
"phrasal verb. break into something. to enter a building by force; to open a car, etc. by force."


Unless they had to bash down doors to get in. Think that's likely?

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7 minutes ago, placeholder said:


Whatever the right word or phrase would be "breaking into" certainly isn't it.

Break into
"phrasal verb. break into something. to enter a building by force; to open a car, etc. by force."


Unless they had to bash down doors to get in. Think that's likely?

Shut down the 2024 winner perhaps so the current mob can win

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Just now, placeholder said:


Whatever the right word or phrase would be "breaking into" certainly isn't it.

Break into
"phrasal verb. break into something. to enter a building by force; to open a car, etc. by force."


Unless they had to bash down doors to get in. Think that's likely?

Yes, I began to write "breaking into Donalds safe  " and I sort of changed that as I was writing my sentence to include his home , so I wrote "Breaking onto Donalds safe and his home" , but I changed it around a bit and wrote "Breaking into Donald's home and safe at home" .

  Anyway , I have edited my original post , could you check it to make sure its acceptable and you agree with it?

   I only have a few minutes left if you require me to edit it again 

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3 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

Yes, I began to write "breaking into Donalds safe  " and I sort of changed that as I was writing my sentence to include his home , so I wrote "Breaking onto Donalds safe and his home" , but I changed it around a bit and wrote "Breaking into Donald's home and safe at home" .

  Anyway , I have edited my original post , could you check it to make sure its acceptable and you agree with it?

   I only have a few minutes left if you require me to edit it again 

You will be relieved to learn that I approve of your emendation.

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3 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

"Sources say the Monday morning search was part of an inquiry into missing White House records"




   Maybe the FBI were searching for Bidens medical records ?

Medical records showing he's fit to be POTUS ?

Couldn't find then anywhere and thought the only place left to look would be in Trumps safe ?

Or maybe all the gifts to the government from 2020 for which, contrary to law, there was no list. But then, it's not so unreasonable to suspect that a grifter who used charitable funds to benefit himself might have helped himself to loot that didn't belong to him.

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"You use a search warrant, and not a subpoena, when you don’t believe that the person is actually going to comply," he said. "For me, the biggest takeaway is that the Attorney General of the United States had to make the determination that it was appropriate in this situation to proceed by search warrant because they could not be confident that the former President of the United States would comply with a grand-jury subpoena."

Weissmann also speculated that Trump could have asserted Fifth Amendment protections as reason to not supply with a subpoena under the so-called "act of production" privilege.



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13 hours ago, ozimoron said:

Manafort reportedly admitted to supplying Kilimnick with documents during the election campaign. There is the possibility that this issue is still alive as well although I think this is about the preservation of presidential records. If it's proven that Manafort cooperated with the Russians it could be a federal offense as well.

IMO the Mueller report needs to be trashed and re-done from scratch.  Either that or the unredacted version of the report needs to be released.  Perhaps Barr gets nailed for obstruction of justice.  It's taken so long to get this far because it somehow became acceptable for Federal investigations to file reports that look like this:



On the other hand I've been suspecting there has been a "give them enough rope" aspect to lull this bunch of blackguards into thinking they could get away with anything, providing enough shenanigans that would make going after them that much easier.

Oh Hillary, if only after calling DT "Putin's puppet" at that debate, and he said "you're the puppet!" (a weak retort by any stretch) you would have closed in for the kill!  IMO opinion this is a main problem with the Dems way of doing things:  they don't close in when they have the chance.



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1 hour ago, ozimoron said:

The following morning, the billionaire Trump sent out emails asking for money.

“I need every single red-blooded American Patriot to step up during this time,” read the email. “Please rush in a donation IMMEDIATELY to publicly stand with me against this NEVERENDING WITCH HUNT.”



He has been very successful in the past, of milking his supporters, and then it is sort of vague, where and how the funds are actually used. Remind anyone of his entire career? 

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4 hours ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

The FBI will need to find something here . 

They will need to justify their actions .

If they find nothing , heads will have to roll .

Unless something significant is found , everyone involved will need to go , even investigated and charged with any offences they committed . 

  They need to find a smoking gun to justify their actions 

Earlier today you were demonstrating your complete lack of understanding of how search warrants are obtained, now you’re pontificating on ‘heads rolling’.


 Nobody ‘needs to find a smoking gun’, they just need to do their jobs and follow procedure.


It’s not a drama, it’s a process.

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