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6 months to live what would you do?


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2 hours ago, Lacessit said:

Valid point. I have found most medications prescribed for me by the medical profession are unnecessary and harmful.

Ain't that the truth! 

The award-winning British cardiologist, Dr. Aseem Malhotra, is on the record for saying too much medicine is killing us. He said, and I quote... 

"We have an overmedicated population with a total lack of transparency in the prescription of drugs." 

I believe the situation is even worse in the US, where some would say the drug companies are killing for profit. Indeed, a 2018 report published in the peer-reviewed medical trade journal, The BMJ, has this to say: 

"Drug companies are incentivized to profit, not to improve health."

But umm... most people don't want to know the truth.

Credible source #1: https://doctoraseem.com/too-much-medicine/ 
Credible source #2: https://www.bmj.com/content/363/bmj.k4351 2 

Edited by AddyA
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12 minutes ago, AddyA said:

Ain't that the truth! 

The award-winning British cardiologist, Dr. Aseem Malhotra, is on the record for saying too much medicine is killing us. He said, and I quote... 

"We have an overmedicated population with a total lack of transparency in the prescription of drugs." 

I believe the situation is even worse in the US, where some would say the drug companies are killing for profit. Indeed, a 2018 report published in the peer-reviewed medical trade journal, The BMJ, has this to say: 

"Drug companies are incentivized to profit, not to improve health."

But umm... most people don't want to know the truth.

Credible source #1: https://doctoraseem.com/too-much-medicine/ 
Credible source #2: https://www.bmj.com/content/363/bmj.k4351 2 

Avoid doctors. Cut sugar. Add Magnesium.

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15 minutes ago, AddyA said:

Ain't that the truth! 

The award-winning British cardiologist, Dr. Aseem Malhotra, is on the record for saying too much medicine is killing us. He said, and I quote... 

"We have an overmedicated population with a total lack of transparency in the prescription of drugs." 

I believe the situation is even worse in the US, where some would say the drug companies are killing for profit. Indeed, a 2018 report published in the peer-reviewed medical trade journal, The BMJ, has this to say: 

"Drug companies are incentivized to profit, not to improve health."

But umm... most people don't want to know the truth.

Credible source #1: https://doctoraseem.com/too-much-medicine/ 
Credible source #2: https://www.bmj.com/content/363/bmj.k4351 2 

Fact:  53% of elderly patients worldwide die of acute kidney failure.

Fact:  Almost every medication prescribed by doctors is harmful to the kidneys.


I've found this guy is worth listening to:



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1 hour ago, Lacessit said:

Fact:  53% of elderly patients worldwide die of acute kidney failure.

Fact:  Almost every medication prescribed by doctors is harmful to the kidneys.


I've found this guy is worth listening to:



I do not discredit this guy from what he is saying in this video, but what is his real background? Common sense? 


Just be careful who you trust, even they claim to be experts, Dr, scientist or whatever. Everyone can be a social media experts these days and talk common sense. At some point they will do mistakes even it sounds good

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29 minutes ago, Hummin said:

I do not discredit this guy from what he is saying in this video, but what is his real background? Common sense? 


Just be careful who you trust, even they claim to be experts, Dr, scientist or whatever. Everyone can be a social media experts these days and talk common sense. At some point they will do mistakes even it sounds good



Drugs are bad for kidneys if taken over time

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43 minutes ago, Sparktrader said:



Drugs are bad for kidneys if taken over time

No kidding, yes it is, but still we all know that. Do the average doctors trying to kill us then? 

However I turned down th dr changed my lifestyle, and got away with it. Not everybody does that, and therefor. Need medication. Then you have other socalled dr in somethimg tell you commmon sense, and tell you to chamge your lifestyle, and quit your medication after joinedcthe regime. That can be dangerous sometimes. 

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52 minutes ago, Hummin said:

No kidding, yes it is, but still we all know that. Do the average doctors trying to kill us then? 

However I turned down th dr changed my lifestyle, and got away with it. Not everybody does that, and therefor. Need medication. Then you have other socalled dr in somethimg tell you commmon sense, and tell you to chamge your lifestyle, and quit your medication after joinedcthe regime. That can be dangerous sometimes. 

The average dr is a puppet to the system. The drug companies run the show. Most food advice is wrong in the media. Eat grains, balanced diet. There is no balanced diet. Grains make you fat.

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If I had only six months more to live,



Here is what I would do:

I would vacuum my house.


Love this Guy.


Everybody loves this guy.

He is just so loveable.


Half a billion views cannot be wrong.



Someday, soon, the reaper may be coming for you.


And then, what will you do?



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23 minutes ago, GammaGlobulin said:

If I had only six months more to live,



Someday, soon, the reaper may be coming for you.


And then, what will you do?




Someday, soon, the reaper may be coming for you.


And then, what will you do?



I'm ready


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14 minutes ago, GammaGlobulin said:

Don't wait until somebody tells you that you have six months more to live.

By then, it will be too late.


Do it now.

Is it ok to say I'm happy with my experience on this planet, and ready when my maker is ready? 


I had that feeling a long time already, and have been taken by surprise how much more I enjoy my life after 50 years then before.

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12 minutes ago, Hummin said:

Is it ok to say I'm happy with my experience on this planet, and ready when my maker is ready? 


I had that feeling a long time already, and have been taken by surprise how much more I enjoy my life after 50 years then before.

Are you referring to Natalie Wood, and Bob & Carol & Ted & Alice?




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Re the OP:


At the moment my inclination would be to go back to Colombia.


I spent a week with a 23 year old girl there at the end of September.


I would tell her the situation and ask her if she would like to accompany me on a world trip to all the places she told me that she dreamed of visiting.



Edited by Enoon
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14 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

Not necessary. Just a good deal of cash. Money speaks loudly here. 

I once stood next to Robert Redford at a way station on the slopes of Alta in Utah. He had blond hair and a heavy beard too. Anyone can have money. But then maybe you've aged a bit since you posed for that photo.

BTW Redford is about 5'8".

BTW2 When someone posts a picture of Steve McQueen as their avatar, I can be reasonably assured that the poster isn't him.

Edited by jerrymahoney
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6 minutes ago, jerrymahoney said:

I once stood next to Robert Redford at a way station on the slopes of Alta in Utah. He had blond hair and a heavy beard too. Anyone can have money. But then maybe you've aged a bit since you posed for that photo.

BTW Redford is about 5'8".

BTW2 When someone posts a picture of Steve McQueen as their avatar, I can be reasonably assured that the poster isn't him.

Redford is about 85

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