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Sunaks first address to the British People as Prime Minister.

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8 minutes ago, JonnyF said:

So now the Conservatives have had multiple female PM's and a PM of colour (is that the right term? - I'm not fluent in Woke). Truly the Progressive party in UK politics.


I'm not a huge fan of Sunak's policies, but being pragmatic I can see that he's probably what's needed right now to steady the ship as The Tories stock has fallen recently. Fortunately they have 2 years to get it right before the next GE.

I’m not sure anything this Government has done to the UK can be reasonably described as ‘progressive’.


I’m very much in favour of this Government serving its full term, tge Tories need to deal with the mess they have created.



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2 minutes ago, JonnyF said:

8 million cannot afford regular meals? I find that VERY hard to believe.


I assume you have empirical data for this? Please provide it. Or did you read it in The Guardian? ????

I can’t say there’s any pleasure in demonstrating this truth to you:











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17 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

By example, It wasn’t COVID that just hiked mortgage rates.




I am sure you are aware the effects of shutting down an economy (due to Covid) for 2 years has on many aspects of said economy. For example, inflation, interest rates etc.


You might be aware that many countries are hiking interest rates. The European Central Bank is as well.




Your premise that this is nothing to do with Covid and all down to the "Bad Tories" is laughable.

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18 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Quit gaslighting already.


The hike in UK mortgage interest rates  was a direct result of the idiot Tory mini budget.


And here’s a thing, people in the UK witnessed it happening, people in the UK are facing massively increased mortgage payments.


Those people aren’t in the least bit concerned about what’s happening elsewhere, their focus is feeding their families, paying their bills and keeping a roof over their heads.

If ignoring these realities provides you with some comfort don’t make the mistake of believing it comforts those facing real hardship.

There are many factors affecting interest rates.


I don't believe the Tory budget affected the European Central Bank's decision, did it?

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8 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

I tried the informative post with credible links attached.

That comment and the links should be in the joke section!


Provide some real hard evidence from reputable mainstream sources please, not "axe to grind" sites with poor or no evidence!

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2 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Up next ‘Tory Austerity 2’.


The bit where an unelected PM, cosseted by his tax avoiding wife’s billions tells the already struggling nation they need to cut back on public spending and services.


This isn’t going to end well.

Please explain how she avoided paying tax? She published all her tax payments. All experts agreed all tax required has been paid.

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2 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

In 2020/21, before the cost of living crisis bit, the UK Government published a report stating “In 2020/21, 4.2 million people (6%) were in food poverty, including 9% of children.


Wriggle away:



Are you aware of how food poverty is calculated? 


My usual food shopping day is Wednesday. If I did the food poverty survey today, I would indeed be put in the bracket of being in food poverty.


The figures really are not a true reflection of reality.



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1 minute ago, puchooay said:

Are you aware of how food poverty is calculated? 


My usual food shopping day is Wednesday. If I did the food poverty survey today, I would indeed be put in the bracket of being in food poverty.


The figures really are not a true reflection of reality.



You need to take that up with the UK Government and the Office of National Statistics.


I’m sure your experience and expertise in data collection and analysis will be greatly appreciated.



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27 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

 Those 160k choose all the Tory candidates in the election.

No they don't.


Having been involved in local council, I can assure you 160000 members did not choose our candidate for MP. The system simply does not work like that.

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