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Do AIS sims have a prefix for cheap INTERNATIONAL CALLS like TRUE…?


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ive had a lot of difficulty communicating with the AIS staff and it seems I’ve been sold a SIM that has no option for using a budget prefix for cheaper International calls….especially to AUSTRALIA.


My friends tell me that TRUE has a 00600 prefix that they use and they get cheap calls.


Currently I have a ‘Super Social’ AIS sim in the phone and I can’t work out if any cheap calls are possible with this sim and get no sense from the staff.


So….if you have knowledge about this issue I’d be most grateful.  Am I doing something wrong…?  Do different AIS sims have different options….so would another AIS sim be able to get cheap calls…?


Do ALL TRUE sims have the 00600 option or only some..?


Or should I just leave …and get a true sim ….?

Appreciate any help on this troubling issue….Cheers.


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Thanks for everyone taking the time to reply…..all useful information.

I never thought of SKYPE for example. 
What’s APP is no good because the person you ring has to have What’s App installed also ……is that correct….

If so…that’s not going to work. My fiends are elderly and some just won’t do it…

Can SKYPE ring ‘any’ number….Even those numbers that don’t have SKYPE installed….?

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On 10/30/2022 at 12:10 PM, JAS21 said:

I use Skype, cheaper than either of the options above I believe.



Thank you…..can Skype ring any number….even those that don’t have it installed…..?

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I have a skype telephone number (mid-Michigan #) and pay $69.50 a year to maintain it.  With that, anybody in the US can call me on that number using their usual mobile service and I use the Skype app on my phone to call any US number, all at no cost beyond the $69.50 a year mentioned.  Calls are pretty much handled over the internet and are pretty decent quality.  I say pretty much because someone in the US calling me on their mobile phone are connecting via their usual cellular service to some Skype computer somewhere (in the US?) which then handles the rest of the call via the internet.  Pretty decent deal in my view.


(I understand that Skype to Skype or other message service to message service is basically free over the internet but how I do it doesn't require anyone I call in the US (or anyone in the US to calling me) to have the Skype or other messaging app on their phone).

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On 10/30/2022 at 11:25 AM, proton said:

00500 + country code etc, no need to do anything else. From 3 baht a minute.

it's my understanding that the 003 code is cheaper--it was recommended to me by AIS, but as an earlier poster has suggested, one must enroll  i am not prepaid, so that may, or may not make a difference??

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