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Excess saliva


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I've started producing an excess of saliva in the last few months which causes me to be swallowing more and also affecting my speech. Not sure if it's related but have lost all my molars in the last couple of years and have yet to get any dentures. A Google search of the problem doesn't offer much in the way of solutions other than an operation on salivary glands. Do I just learn to live with it?


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I have had the same problem for many years and basically have learnt to live with it. 
it can keep me awake for a long time at nights just laying there constantly swallowing but I do find that if I rinse my mouth with mouthwash a few times a day it does tell to relieve it considerably. 

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I had a similar problem many years ago.  I finally went to a gastroenterologist. He said I was producing excess stomach acid and my salivary glands were overproducing saliva as a defense mechanism.  He prescribed a strong PPI(Proton Pump Inhibitor) for about a month to reduce the amount of stomach acid production.  This gave me some relief but from time to time I still get bouts of hyper saliva secretion.  Your case could have a different cause but at the least might want to see an ENT(Ear Nose Throat specialist)? 

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1 hour ago, kidneyw said:

I get this sometimes, but it depends what GoGo bar I am in.

You do know this a medical forum for people with medical issues that are after sensible responses to their questions.

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Serious stomach conditions may occur while taking this medicine alone or together with antibiotics. Check with your doctor immediately if you or your child has stomach cramps, bloated feeling, watery and severe diarrhea which may also be bloody sometimes, fever, nausea or vomiting, or unusual tiredness or weakness.1 Nov 2022
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50 minutes ago, Sheryl said:

GERD and side effects of certain medications are the most common causes.Psych meds in particular can cause this.



I take BP meds and Allopurinol, also use a Symbicort inhaler once a day   that's it.

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