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 Have you had high cholesterol  – How successful have you been in lowering your numbers .


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29 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:

Looks healthy long term 555


I did not eat anything for 2 weeks. The first 3 days were a problem. But afterwards I felt great. No hunger and no appetite and a lot of energy. The only problem is that because of the ketosis you smell a little bit strange. I continued with little food to get enough protein. In total I lost 16 KG and was completely slim. In the meantime... ????????????????????????????????????

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10 minutes ago, Mickeymaus said:

I did not eat anything for 2 weeks. The first 3 days were a problem. But afterwards I felt great. No hunger and no appetite and a lot of energy. The only problem is that because of the ketosis you smell a little bit strange. I continued with little food to get enough protein. In total I lost 16 KG and was completely slim. In the meantime... ????????????????????????????????????

It seems useful for people who really struggle to lose weight, otherwise no need for an extreme diet

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21 minutes ago, ExpatOilWorker said:

How did you feel you had high cholesterol?

I thought there are no symptoms from having high cholesterol. 

You misunderstood. I didn't feel I had high cholesterol. What I mean was that after it had been cut in half my body felt healthier. Hard to explain.

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3 hours ago, scubascuba3 said:

Looks healthy long term 555


I don't follow a keto diet, nor do you know anything about it you haven't read in hostile sources, notably that discredited quack McDougall. If you were able to read the article critically, you'd merely find it the usual shoddy "science" ultimately emanating from food industry lobbyists and shills. 


Anyway, low carb has been bitterly attacked by various interest groups ever since Atkins. Big threat to the profits of the food, medical, and fitness "wellness" industries. It continues:


A spokesman for Corporate Accountability says the  new study  finds the federal scientific advisors to the dietary process “are even more conflicted than previously through.”


Some of the key findings:

    - 95 percent of the last Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee (DGAC) has at least one tie to an industry actor.

    - Researchers were able to document more than 700 instances of Conflict of Interest (COI) for the committee in total.

    - One advisor alone accounted for 152 of these instances.

    - Multiple advisors were connected to more than 30 industry actors.

    - Among corporations, Kellogg, Abbott, Kraft, Mead Johnson, General Mills, and Dannon had the most frequent and durable connections to advisors.

    - Among trade or front groups, the International Life Sciences Institute (ILSI) had the most extensive engagement with advisors, with the California Walnut Commission, Almond Board of California, and Beef Checkoff also looming large.

     --A second study finds Dietary Guidelines panel rife with conflicts of interest


There are currently >800 papers on low-carb/ketogenic diet trials (high-quality evidence). A draft list of Qs by for the next Dietary Guidelines did not include a single Q on this literature. Now, the list is being finalized.

     --Nina Teicholz

Edited by BigStar
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2 minutes ago, BigStar said:

I don't follow a keto diet, nor do you know anything about it you haven't read in hostile sources, that is to say, nothing. If you were able to read the article critically, you'd merely find it the usual shoddy "science" ultimately emanating from food industry lobbyists and shills. 


Anyway, low carb has been bitterly attacked by various interest groups ever since Atkins. Big threat to the profits of the food, medical, and fitness "wellness" industries. It continues:


A spokesman for Corporate Accountability says the  new study  finds the federal scientific advisors to the dietary process “are even more conflicted than previously through.”


Some of the key findings:

    - 95 percent of the last Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee (DGAC) has at least one tie to an industry actor.

    - Researchers were able to document more than 700 instances of Conflict of Interest (COI) for the committee in total.

    - One advisor alone accounted for 152 of these instances.

    - Multiple advisors were connected to more than 30 industry actors.

    - Among corporations, Kellogg, Abbott, Kraft, Mead Johnson, General Mills, and Dannon had the most frequent and durable connections to advisors.

    - Among trade or front groups, the International Life Sciences Institute (ILSI) had the most extensive engagement with advisors, with the California Walnut Commission, Almond Board of California, and Beef Checkoff also looming large.

     --A second study finds Dietary Guidelines panel rife with conflicts of interest


There are currently >800 papers on low-carb/ketogenic diet trials (high-quality evidence). A draft list of Qs by for the next Dietary Guidelines did not include a single Q on this literature. Now, the list is being finalized.

     --Nina Teicholz

With all the bluster you provide, still no sign of your blood test results and BMI? I reckon you don't agree with BMI as a measure because yours is too high

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3 hours ago, BigStar said:

I've given you my BMI before, but you forgot, probably from eating too many carbs. And you forgot my last reminder that I'd given it to you before.????


Consuming too many carbohydrates could be bad for your brain, according to recent research linking high carbohydrate intake to greater risk of mild cognitive impairment.

     --High-Carbohydrate Diets Connected to Cognitive Risk


Write these down and try to remember:


BMI 21.5

Waist to Height Ratio 0.48

HDL 65

LDL 109

TG 46

TG/HDL 0.7

FBS 83

Hba1c 4.9

RHR 53

BP 108/70 


No meds. Age 73, BTW.

You didn't reply to me before with the data but provide a link if you can find it.


As for the figures,looks like you could do with some carbs, BMI 21.5 for me would be about 67kg, no thanks, maybe eat some rice and potato.


Anyone interested in a low carb diet this video just out may be interesting, from 15 minutes. At 60 minutes Dr McDougall briefly talks about Atkins dying of heart disease, Bigstar doesn't like that





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12 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:

You didn't reply to me before with the data but provide a link if you can find it.

No, I'm not going to bother trawling through the forum searching for you. For what? You're such a waste of time, really. 


13 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:

As for the figures,looks like you could do with some carbs, BMI 21.5 for me would be about 67kg, no thanks, maybe eat some rice and potato.

???? Carrying around extra fat, great idea. Time for a visceral fat discussion? ???? Let's hear the waist-to-height ratio, too.

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21 minutes ago, BigStar said:

But McDougall is either ignorant or deliberately lying, as the truth has long been known. Either way, the fact that you believe him says everything about your own gullibility--and credibility on the forum. Not the only stuff that nutcase lies about, but I'm not bothering to look it up again. Yeah, all you old fat guys taking meds for your cholesterol, BP, pre-diabetes, and whatever--have yourself more sugar and carbs!????


The forum always offers entertaining examples of Social Darwinism at work.

I'm fit and healthy thanks no meds for cholesterol, BP and diabetes for me, lets see how you get on in the longer term. BTW when you learn some stuff on that video above the Eskimo and Masai parts are interesting for people like you, also low carbers 555

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51 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:

Lets see how you get on in the longer term.

We've already seen that, pal. I been in the longer term! Meanwhile, I've seen plenty of old friends and classmates leave in their 60s or earlier to play checkers with Elvis. Fat friend of mine is now in Param 9 hsp trying to survive a heart attack.


I see these old overweight guys around, drinking the bars, eating ice cream outside of KFC, pigging out in restos, and I think of this magic shout in the video game Skyrim. The hero, Dragonborn, can use a shout called Marked For Death rapidly to drain an opponent's health and stamina; and then easily kill them! I think of these guys, so unhealthy, surely taking a handful of meds, as Marked For Death.

Edited by BigStar
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58 minutes ago, BigStar said:

But McDougall is either ignorant or deliberately lying, as the truth has long been known. Either way, the fact that you believe him says everything about your own gullibility--and credibility on the forum.

And you've repeated that lie before, it was called out, and a poster gave you a link to the truth. So you then ignored the link, forgot you'd been told, and here are repeating it again!


Now don't ignore this one I gave you earlier:


Consuming too many carbohydrates could be bad for your brain, according to recent research linking high carbohydrate intake to greater risk of mild cognitive impairment.

     --High-Carbohydrate Diets Connected to Cognitive Risk


Other things are worrisome, too, like the straw man arguments and Complex Question fallacies. Sounds like you need fewer carbs, better carbs than you're getting in Thai food and fish 'n' chips, and more protein and fat.

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48 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:

BTW when you learn some stuff on that video above the Eskimo and Masai parts are interesting for people like you, also low carbers

I looked into that before and found it the usual nonsense. Try to read and listen critically. Do some real research and thinking for yourself.

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34 minutes ago, BigStar said:

I looked into that before and found it the usual nonsense. Try to read and listen critically. Do some real research and thinking for yourself.

You're just brainwashed, you don't believe any contradictory views to yours. Try and be a bit open minded, to think you know better than experts who have worked in the field for 50+ years is just laughable 

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On 12/17/2022 at 1:15 AM, scubascuba3 said:

Often vegans don't eat enough carbs

The big problem with vegan diets other than the obvious deficiencies of such a diet like B12, zinc and iron is oxalate toxicity. It can take a long time - not years, but decades - before oxalate toxicity becomes an issue. If you consume lots of spinach / rhubarb / nuts / dark chocolate and other high oxalate foods - and especially if your gut is not on top of its game - you might one day face oxalate toxicity. And if you do, it can take years to reverse.

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One thing I don't get from this thread is that most people seem to be just quoting their straight cholesterol numbers. I thought that was the old way of doing it and today it is generally considered a better measure to look at the ratio of cholesterol to HDL. You divide your total cholesterol number by your HDL cholesterol number and it should ideally be below 5. Below 3.5 is really where you want to be.

Edited by mstevens
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19 hours ago, scubascuba3 said:

It seems useful for people who really struggle to lose weight, otherwise no need for an extreme diet

Fasting like that has all sorts of benefits including greatly reducing toxicity, giving the gut a much needed break and can be a cure for some bacterial conditions like small intestinal bacterial overgrowth.

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On 12/16/2022 at 9:33 AM, BigStar said:

old Chinese men drinking snake blood to make themselves more viral

I tried that once as I was very new in Thailand, 1998 in Hat Yai. Sadly I was never able to find that Chinese backyard shop again, to ask what they mixed in with the cobra blood and gall.


I can only say: it worked, to the point of taking days to recede.

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RE: oxalates in vegetables

--> some people avoid all vegetables due to oxalates and other anti-nutrients. they eat NO vegetables at all ever.


RE:  Consuming too many carbohydrates could be bad for your brain

-- > is it a good idea to treat all carbs equally? is it the carbs that are bad for the brain or sth in the high-carb foods that is bad for the brain?

for instance, bread contains gluten. and many people are gluten intolerant to varying degrees. so maybe it's the gluten in bread causing issues?

cake sold in supermarkets contain seed oils ... could it be that the seed oils are causing problems and not the actual carb numbers?

and the reason I make this point is to point out that fruit is also a high-carb food, but fruit doesn't contain gluten nor seed oils. 

and therefore lumping all carbs together and reducing a food to a macro-nutrient may not be accurate. 

maybe some carbs like fruit are needed in the diet. i have some other points about this, but I don't want to make the post too long. 


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On 12/16/2022 at 11:53 AM, Sheryl said:

It is now known that glucose and lipid metabolism are closely connected and that avoiding processed carbs is as or more important than reducing fat intake.




People ought to (IMHO) take note of what Sheryl's saying here. 


Would suggest people check out the very convincing evidence out there to back it up, to an overwhelming degree. In my case mostly via youtube vids on the subject of low carb diets, including keto & carnivore. 



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1 hour ago, Toolong said:

People ought to (IMHO) take note of what Sheryl's saying here. 


Would suggest people check out the very convincing evidence out there to back it up, to an overwhelming degree. In my case mostly via youtube vids on the subject of low carb diets, including keto & carnivore.

What does processed carbs mean? Is it bread, cakes? What about rice and potatoes?

Edited by ozimoron
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7 hours ago, jts-khorat said:

Sadly I was never able to find that Chinese backyard shop again, to ask what they mixed in with the cobra blood and gall.

Could it have been gracku, with sildenafil and tadalafil?????


7 hours ago, jts-khorat said:

I can only say: it worked, to the point of taking days to recede.

Never underestimate the power of placebo.

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8 hours ago, mstevens said:

I thought that was the old way of doing it and today it is generally considered a better measure to look at the ratio of cholesterol to HDL. You divide your total cholesterol number by your HDL cholesterol number and it should ideally be below 5. Below 3.5 is really where you want to be.

Superseded by the TG/HDL ratio. Below 2, better under 1 is where you want to be. Great predictor of insulin resistance and all the rest associated with it.


Most doctors don't interpret this test correctly

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