US Aircraft carriers RAS also, where does its supply ships get their fuel from? How about escort ships?
What would a Chinese Aircraft carrier be doing in the north Atlantic, their territorial claims are in the South China Sea and Pacific.
Now you are rambling on....
The Aetas isn't a condo but serviced residence. It doesn't have 21 flrs but 18. The road width is nonsense. Aetas has easy access for fire trucks right around the building unlike nearby 14 floor fmr. Chateau de Bangkok which has no resp. narrow access only. But this will now become a full service brandname hotel.
She should be forced to sell her car (she paid with his money) or any other necessary assets, and reimburse the victim immediately. After that, she can spend the next year in jail, and pay the at least 20,000 baht fine to the court.
The challenge is that the people would complain that they can not get to where they work and sell their products.
The main areas in BKK for the problem are factories and along the BTS line because there is no where for fumes to go it is like being in a bottle.
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