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London And Glasgow Suspected Bombs


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1. They keep referring to Bombs on the news (there has been no disclosure of explosives found on any of these vehicles) I believe very bad reporting, people are being mislead, official statment from BBC news ........ A controlled explosion was carried out on the car, packed with 60 litres of petrol, gas cylinders and nails, in Haymarket, near Piccadilly Circus. NO MENTION OF EXPLOSIVES

2. They moved in on the vehicles very quickly again indicating no explosives involved

3. They have not stated at any time the presence of explosives refering to these cars as potentially explosive devices (suggest referring to the gas cylinders)

How many people here are under the impression that these cars where packed with explosives with a suicidal driver with a finger on a button that didn't go off

my take on all of this is that there where a group of people that thought they could drive cars loaded up with petrol and gas cylinders crash the cars into areas packed with people and get the gas cylinders to somehow explode, probably quite nasty if it had worked but hardly the work of expert terrorists, not easy to get a gas cylinder to explode like that

The glasgow incident is probably exactly the same crude attemt as in london..................no explosives

I just find the reporting on this very missleading as to what is exactly going on and with what.

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you have missunderstood my post, I just find the media coverage missleading, these where very crude attempts to kill people, that is far from what the media is reporting, I have lived in N.Ireland all my life and been somewhat in direct touch with terrorist attacks, I'm not saying these individuals intent was innocent, they obviously where intent on injuring and killing people but it should also be disclosed that their attempt was poorly planned equiped and executed, hardly what the media is reporting is it ? they would have us believe these where bombs - they wheren't

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? they would have us believe these where bombs - they wheren't

So what would you call a bomb ,

a device like a car full of gas bottles nails petrol and a crude timer is a bomb

they are called car bombs, ,, crude yes but still a car bomb

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The bbc reported that a mobile signal was to set the bomb off ,,

(gas bottles are classed as an explosive)

the gas in the bottles heats up and expands then explodes = explosive's

and just waht was going to cause the detonation ? maybe they had a box of matches, sorry but the press is still being very missleading, you me and others may be able to conclude some facts from what has been said but the general public won't, bomb to them means explosives detonators big bang, again i am not saying these people where inocent, they set out with the intent on killing and injuring - no debate there and not the intention of this thread, i just find the news reports missleading, now if you just disagree because you like to argue wether right or wrong like lots of people on here seem to do i'm not interested, my point was simple and obvious.

Oh and definition of a bomb would be a device rigged to cause an explosion by means of detonation, like I said already, I have not heard of any means by which these gas cylinders or anything else for that matter could have been detonated, again you are missreading the intention of my post, the press reports are very missleading, people believe the london cars where bombs with explosives that failed to detonate, that is inaccurate, wether you could define them as bombs at all is debatable Glassgow being a fine example, mobile signal ???? like i said missleading reporting

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? they would have us believe these where bombs - they wheren't

So what would you call a bomb ,

a device like a car full of gas bottles nails petrol and a crude timer is a bomb

they are called car bombs, ,, crude yes but still a car bomb

I think a lot of cars have 50 lts of petrol in them - but that doesnt make them bombs.  Anyway not to worry

because there are more than 4 million surveylance cameras in london, so every single moment of these people will

have been clocked and they will soon be arrested - and we will all be nice and safe again.  

Edited by observer21
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? they would have us believe these where bombs - they wheren't

So what would you call a bomb ,

a device like a car full of gas bottles nails petrol and a crude timer is a bomb

they are called car bombs, ,, crude yes but still a car bomb

eh harder than you think without a primer, but i see you have heard something in the news i haven't heard, there was a timer ? and what was this timer going to do, waken the driver so he could light a match.

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listen to fox news any moment police update to see if they actually disclose what these so called devices or bombs actually where and the danger or likelyhood of danger thay actually existed.

I believe this could all have been a lot worse if these people had of had the resource materials and knowledge.

Edited by gharknes
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? they would have us believe these where bombs - they wheren't

So what would you call a bomb ,

a device like a car full of gas bottles nails petrol and a crude timer is a bomb

they are called car bombs, ,, crude yes but still a car bomb

eh harder than you think without a primer, but i see you have heard something in the news i haven't heard, there was a timer ? and what was this timer going to do, waken the driver so he could light a match.

Actually, it was reported that there was a mobile phone which was to be used to detinate the 'car'.  So they had a car with a full tank and a couple of calor gas bottles (like an average caravan - if you like) and a box of nails,

and they were going to set it all off with a mobile phone. Bloody marvelous eh, who writes this stuff!

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and they were going to set it all off with a mobile phone. Bloody marvelous eh, who writes this stuff!

Perhaps the mobile was set to vibrate, and it had a load of red matches strapped to it and... and... :o

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? they would have us believe these where bombs - they wheren't

So what would you call a bomb ,

a device like a car full of gas bottles nails petrol and a crude timer is a bomb

they are called car bombs, ,, crude yes but still a car bomb

Also known as an IED. They are bombs all right...

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? they would have us believe these where bombs - they wheren't

So what would you call a bomb ,

a device like a car full of gas bottles nails petrol and a crude timer is a bomb

they are called car bombs, ,, crude yes but still a car bomb

Also known as an IED. They are bombs all right...

Seems a strange mix of technology - if you like - nails petrol and gas bottles to be set of with a mobile phone.

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latest just 5 minutes ago - this is what I talking about .....quote

Man seen running away from car PACKED WITH EXPLOSIVES IN LONDON - exact quote

My worry about all this is that it is a diversion of some kind, not sure how but it all just seems a bit strange, 3 attempts to make an explosion and they didn't come close, are they really that stupid ?

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latest just 5 minutes ago - this is what I talking about .....quote

Man seen running away from car PACKED WITH EXPLOSIVES IN LONDON - exact quote

My worry about all this is that it is a diversion of some kind, not sure how but it all just seems a bit strange, 3 attempts to make an explosion and they didn't come close, are they really that stupid ?

Forget the "exact" quotes, confusion happens in fast moving events. Were these viable devices ? They were crude, so were the nail bombs around the corner in Old Compton st a few years back that killed 3 & injured many, that was tiny compared to this, you could easily multiply X100 for car devices. When will they get it right you asked ? It would seem that the smoke coming from the first suspect car came from a failed detonator, same as the failed London tube bombings. How do you get that wrong ? Far be it from me to say that most of the clandestine websites that carry this sort of information somehow manage to get it slightly wrong ? Think on it.

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detonation is the easy part of bomb making, timers, tilt switches all very basic to anyone that has a basic understanding of simple electrics, finding the right material to detonate is more difficult (the primer) don't know what these people where trying to do but again the point of my original post was simply that the news reports didn't make any sense when lined up with actual activities

Last night I was with 2 people and we where talking about the situation, going from the reported news the 2 guys where convinced these cars where loaded with explosives, I told them that there was no explosives involved just gas cylinders and petrol, they didn't believe me, but i do understand why they would think such a thing, the news reporting hype would have lead anyone to believe that.

Even now they keep saying "packed with explosives" this is very missleading. and the guy in scotland wearing a suicide belt, again that has not been confirmed, he was wearing something that was removed and checked, no report as to what it was.

PS when I say explosives I mean semtex or some other purpose manufactured high explosive bomb material

"fast moving events" we are now almost on the 3rd day and still hearing this crap. Fox news is the worst.

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Look news reporting is not always the most intelligent. Just because they don’t describe all the components and the manner in which things where wired doesn’t mean the bad guys didn’t have the detonation figured out. If you can get gas canisters to explode, especially if you can get them to explode with a large quantity of petrol, you can cause a very large explosion. Therefore the use of the word explosive is accurate, just not used in the way you prefer. All they need is some very simple bits of plumbing hardware a simple ignition source. Not to hard to figure out. I could say exactly how to do it, but it would be stupid to say any more.

Anyhow, as soon as I heard a description of the components I thought to myself, yes very crude, but if they got it right, it would do the trick.

The newsies love to get the people stirred up; it makes them a lot of coin. But these were real attempts to kill. Thank God for terrorist incompetence

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incredible ... fanatic muslims and other sick extreme lefties are killing people all over the world, still you find a way to point the finger at the establishment ???

Fanatic muslims are "extreme lefties"? &lt;deleted&gt;!

You've been watching too much Fox.

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It may be time for the UK to consider getting out of Iraq immediately and moving back to a more neutral policy on Israel-Palestine. It doesnt make sense for any country to upset its minorities by enacting polices that make no sense anyway. That is just reality.

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It may be time for the UK to consider getting out of Iraq immediately and moving back to a more neutral policy on Israel-Palestine. It doesnt make sense for any country to upset its minorities by enacting polices that make no sense anyway. That is just reality.

Keep dreaming. Britain is not Spain.

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It may be time for the UK to consider getting out of Iraq immediately and moving back to a more neutral policy on Israel-Palestine. It doesnt make sense for any country to upset its minorities by enacting polices that make no sense anyway. That is just reality.

And in one swift move you justify the usage of bombings to gain political power.

gharknes>> Your problem is that you are ignorant. You claim that explosives have to be semtex or dynamite, when the fact of the matter is that the car was filled the same way carbombs in Iraq are. They 'crude' bombs are called IEDs (Improvised Explosive Devises) and the material doesn't matter as long as the result is the same - death and mayhem.

And to move you back into reality some more: Oklahoma City, 1995, blue pellet fertiliser* and racing fuel**, 180 dead and 800 wounded.

(*:Ammonium nitrate fertilizer, **:liquid nitromethane)

A very crude bomb you might say. But very much a real deadly threat.

Your attempt to try to minimise the danger in this is just irresponsible.

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The police labelled the two CAR BOMBS in London each as 'a viable device'.

This means that they would WORK.

The one in Glasgow sure worked, even if it only damaged the Islamists, plus one civilian.

The authorities are not going to publish all the details, this would only benefit wannabe copy-cat bombers.

By ther way - have any of you signed a petition to stop Ken Livingston spending one hundred million pounds on a 'mega-mosque' in east London in time for the 2012 Olympics. This is his latest brainwave - could build a good hospital for that money - unless you're brown-nosing the Islamists.

Edited by Humphrey Bear
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It may be time for the UK to consider getting out of Iraq immediately and moving back to a more neutral policy on Israel-Palestine. It doesnt make sense for any country to upset its minorities by enacting polices that make no sense anyway. That is just reality.

Can you spell a-p--p-e-a-s-e-m-e-n-t?

Where is Churchill when we need him? :o

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detonation is the easy part of bomb making, timers, tilt switches all very basic to anyone that has a basic understanding of simple electrics, finding the right material to detonate is more difficult (the primer) don't know what these people where trying to do but again the point of my original post was simply that the news reports didn't make any sense when lined up with actual activities

Last night I was with 2 people and we where talking about the situation, going from the reported news the 2 guys where convinced these cars where loaded with explosives, I told them that there was no explosives involved just gas cylinders and petrol, they didn't believe me, but i do understand why they would think such a thing, the news reporting hype would have lead anyone to believe that.

Even now they keep saying "packed with explosives" this is very missleading. and the guy in scotland wearing a suicide belt, again that has not been confirmed, he was wearing something that was removed and checked, no report as to what it was.

PS when I say explosives I mean semtex or some other purpose manufactured high explosive bomb material

"fast moving events" we are now almost on the 3rd day and still hearing this crap. Fox news is the worst.

You say "Tomato" 'They' say your splitting hairs, I say get a life.

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Gharkness, I suppose the car driven into Glasgow airport front doors and 2 muslims with suicide belts etc was just bad parking. All you seem to be bothered about is the correct wording of the reports. Maybe you cant afford BBC world but these were REAL BOMBS designed to KILL. The fact they did not explode is very lucky. Back to Glasgow. " guys leapt from the vehicle, 1 poured petrol over himself and set it alight. the other had an explosive belt on and ran into the terminal only to be subdued by members of the public. And as for the guy WHINGING on about it not being about Thailand. There are many British expats here who are interested and concerned. I suggest if you dont want to read anything concerning the UK not to And save your fingers by typing PATHETIC whinges. GET A LIFE LOSER!!!!!!! :o:D:D

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