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The U.S. is set to outpace last year’s staggering total of 647 mass shootings.

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The US can improve background checks, require gun safety training, prosecute those who handle or store guns in a reckless and dangerous manner, prosecute those possessing guns while under the influence of alcohol or drugs, register guns so police can confiscate guns in the possession of people who are not the registered owners, etc.




More guns!  Only good guys with guns can stop bad guys with guns!


The most likely outcome is a lot of noise with nothing being done.

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Indiscriminate slaughter by a lone gunman blasting away at a store, school or some other public place is rare, according to a Washington Times analysis of the archive’s data, accounting for less than 4% of the total.




Somehow the term Mass shooting is being used for gang wars, robberies, home invasions and all other criminal activities. IMO the term is being used to push for gun control, problem is most of the shooters are criminals who don't follow the rules.

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