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Fatty liver ?


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Recently had a full blood test like I do every 3 months  ,the doctor called me in this time though .


She pointed to the AST 57 

 ALT. 68 

Previous month's they were 17 & 29

She asked me have you been drinking a lot ? No ,I don't drink 


I have no liver pain .but she has sent me for a liver ultrasound? 


I said it could be cancer ?

She said no more like fatty liver ,she sent me to a dietitian..I'm only about 20kg overweight 


What has caused this? 

How did the scores of the AST & ALT go up so quick ?


I feel fine though 

Should I bother with the liver ultrasound?

Will the scores of the AST & Alt go down if I lose weight ?




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4 minutes ago, still kicking said:

I had a fatty liver for about 30 years I am still alive at 75 

Well I would never had known if I didn't get a blood test every 3 months , I mean there's no pain .


I will pay to get a ultrasound but she said lose weight asap.

I look on Google it says we both have a 7 year survival rate 

I don't drink so no idea why .


I will have to go back see her next week,is there any medication?


You better lose weight asap too 

Edited by georgegeorgia
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I just googled there seems to be no medication for fatty liver .


What's the treatment plan if I go back to see the doctor ,she seems more concerned about sending me to a dietitian rather than a liver specialist.


I need to see a liver specialist immediately she doesnt obviously know about stuff like this 


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14 minutes ago, georgegeorgia said:

I just googled there seems to be no medication for fatty liver .


What's the treatment plan if I go back to see the doctor ,she seems more concerned about sending me to a dietitian rather than a liver specialist.


I need to see a liver specialist immediately she doesnt obviously know about stuff like this 

Bro the doctor gave you her opinion. If you want a second opinion go to a different doctor. But get a grip and dont start diagnosing yourself from Google. Google cyberchondria, it will surprise you. 

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Those numbers seemed to have jumped very quickly.  I would retest the blood first maybe try another clinic.  On the fatty liver; it is fairly common for older folks to have this even with a decent lifestyle.  Just follow the suggestions on diet etc. 

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I get full abdominal ultrasound with every check up (1-2yrs), and 1st one, 15 ish yrs ago told fatty liver.  AND ... means other organs are also have some extra fat around them.   Minor diet adjustment, and yes, lost weight, top out @ 100kgs, low 78kg, usually 80-83kgs now.


Prostate still growing, but no mention of fatty liver past check ups.  Had blood work done recently, all good except my usual high range blood sugar.  Due for an ultrasound though, as not done in couple yrs.  Actually think the prostrate is shrinking, or at least same size.


GET the ULTRASOUND, full abdominal.  It will find sh!t you want to find early, and I'd add it to your yearly check ups.

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- Yes, I would definitely get the ultrasound. 

- Why? because it will show you the % of fat in your liver. 

- A liver can be 35% fat, which is really dangerous. 

- This usually hits a person around their mid 50's as it takes about 35-40 years after graduating high school 

- Probably need to lose around 15kg. The liver fat % would go way down, you would be much healthier/happier. 

- There's a YouTube channel names "Nutrition Made Simple". He has dozens of videos on how to slowly change what you eat over months/years. This channel has helped me immensely, I hope it does you as well. Good luck!



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10 hours ago, bkk6060 said:

Those numbers seemed to have jumped very quickly.  I would retest the blood first maybe try another clinic.  On the fatty liver; it is fairly common for older folks to have this even with a decent lifestyle.  Just follow the suggestions on diet etc. 

Beat me to it. Check/test again. Many people have (mild)fatty livers.


Try more garlic, Omega-3, citrus. green veggies, turmeric and coffee.


Edited by nauseus
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1 hour ago, save the frogs said:

milk thistle supplements may help with fatty liver?


but maybe only fatty liver caused by alcohol?


not sure. you'll need to google it. 


AKA as silymarin 300mg once a day prescribed and had not been drinking for 50 years.  Not much help but not getting worse either.  Has OP been tested for hepatitis A or B (as could make more serious).  The ultrasound is easy and will provide good indication of liver condition.

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For NAFLD (fatty liver), avoid sugar and too many carbohydrates. When you hear fatty liver you tend to think of alcohol but these days more people present with a fatty liver due to a high sugar / high carb diet. Cut back on carbs and reduce or even eliminate sugar and this will go a long way to resolving fatty liver. It sounds counter-intuitive but actually good fats are great for a fatty liver so consume lots of olive oil, avocados, nuts, fish etc.

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OP could you clarify exactly how much time passed between the 2 sets of lab results? Your post mskes it sound like just 1 month but it would be unusual to repeat those labs after duch a short intervsl unless you had started a medication.


Which leads to second question: what medications (including supplements) do you take? Had you taken anything for sleep the nighf before the test?

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Between December & this test I was taking only Cialis 5 mg a day 

Horny goat weed & Tribulas 


But I just noticed I had a low testosterone score as well !?!!


Could the low test be contributing to the liver ???


I'm 63yo this year 

Now the strange thing is I have no liver pain ..


Today I feel so energetic,o will go to the gym and lift weights,I luv doing powerlifting at the gym every week but I'm muscle fat , so this blood tests are not consistent,unless it all hits me suddenly.





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Fatty liver is common in people who are overweight and weight loss will indeed usually resolve it. It is usually asymptomatic so the fact that you feel well does nto in itself mean anything. Please see   https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/15831-fatty-liver-disease


Fatty liver does not always cause a problem but in some cases it can lead to liver damage which is why it is advisable to address it. However if I read your post correctly you have nto yet had an ultrasound so do nto know if in fact you have fatty liver.


Regardless of whether or not you have fatty liver,  the amount of increase in just a few months is unusual, and elevations in the range you have are more often  medication-related.


Cialis does in some cases adversely affect the liver. Have you been taking it for a long time and at the same level of frequency, or did you start or increase its use recently? And when did you start the tribulus and horny goat weed? There are some reports of liver toxicity from tribulus  https://apjmt.mums.ac.ir/article_15318.html    Horny goat weed, while itself not known to be toxic to the liver, can alter the metabolism of Cialis in a way that increases the  risk of liver damage from Cialis.


If I were you, I would stop the Tribulus and horny goat weed (the efficacy of both is in any event not well established), keep the Cialis use to minimum necessary  and repeat the labs in a month or so. Quite possible levels will be back down. If not then get the ultrasound.


And regardless, do try to lose weight. While I doubt  fatty liver (if in fact you have it) accounts for the increase in enzymes that occurred in just a few months, over time fatty liver can indeed hurt your liver function and excess weight in general has many adverse effects on the body,


It is unclear if low testosterone is a risk factor for fatty liver or not. But I would hesitate to jump to the conclusion that your testosterone is low based on a single test when prior levels were normal. I would suggest first repeating the T level when you repeat the liver enzymes.

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I know a teetotaler in Italy who says he was referred by his GP to a hepatologist because of a fatty liver caused by an excessively high iron concentration in the blood. Apparently, his body does not metabolise iron adequately or something like that.

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10 hours ago, georgegeorgia said:

I just remembered in the last few months I took a lot of paracetamol, or cideine , Tylenol pain killers as I had cramps in the legs 


So maybe this caused it 

Could be the reason.


Stop all the meds you can and repeat the labs.

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