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Opposition builds to the magic of Khaosad 420 on World Cannabis Day


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11 minutes ago, JayBird said:

So, ban alcohol?

I didn't indicate banning anything.

I said like alcohol to some people cannabis is a stepping stone to harder drugs.

Regulation is the only way to go.

And so far that has been farcical at best.

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I don’t do any form of drugs but theses parties need to wake up and listen to the public otherwise they will lose May seats in the GE . Thailands economy can grow like no tomorrow with the change of law regarding the introduction of weed . 

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1 hour ago, KhunLA said:

Nothing, by why flaunt it, with a public event, counter to the law itself.


Just giving the naysayers what they want  .... an excuse/reason to restrict it's personal use for enjoyment.

Exactly. Smokers working towards a crackdown or ban. 


They need to learn how to be discrete if they want to smoke. 

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28 minutes ago, n00dle said:

what is your point?

I lost a good friend when I was younger.

He started to try cannabis, said it was just like a cigarette.

Then it wasn't enough, so he tried other substances.

Then they weren't enough, when at university he got in with an older crowd.

Lets just say three years later he was on heroin and eventually died.

I'm not saying ban cannabis, but it's use and availability has to be controlled.

Too many young people get on it for a joke, and then find they can't handle it.

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23 minutes ago, n00dle said:

Can you honestly tell me he hadnt tried alcohol before he tried weed? Why arent you blaming alcohol for his death?

He was a very social drinker, not an alcoholic.... but the need for drugs controlled him form the day he started cannabis.

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24 minutes ago, n00dle said:

while i comsierate with the loss of your freind, bad choices killed him not cannabis. By your logic, univeristy is as much to blame as weed here. If he hadnt gone to school he wouldnt have met that older crowd.  Actually, maybe the older crowd are to blame.

Yes the older crowd participated in his demise, he had the craving and they happily supplied him.. ultimately it was his choice, but it started with cannabis.

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26 minutes ago, n00dle said:

As for heroin, it is very controlled, illegal in fact, but he still managed to find that. Why arent you blaming the police for his death?

I don't blame the police, as I don't in Thailand for failing in their duty.

Drugs will always be available if one wants to chase them.

My point was what started as a "safe recreational" smoke tuned into something far sinister for him.

And that same fate will be waiting for some Thai youths who think it's cool to smoke cannabis.


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