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Kiwi locked up in Thailand with no clothes, food or water


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6 hours ago, mstevens said:

There are reasons why Thailand has long been known as a place to avoid illegal drugs. Disappointing to see the way this fellow has been treated but at the same time, Thailand is not a place to do anything with illegal drugs, irrespective of the quantity. The "price" you pay can be extremely harsh as this Kiwi has found out.

He should have paid the BiB...end of story....two pills....meanwhile LOS is flooded with yaa bah, heroin and the rich hi-sco kids are doing cocaine...Red Bull boy killed a cop...this kid did not kill anyone


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16 minutes ago, n00dle said:

he would have been far better off if hed knecked them back. That said he was pobably set up. Most thai copls wouldnt be able to recognize an dodgy pill unless they knew what they were looking for or it was suspiciuly wrapped.

Eh? Take two e tablets? At once? ???? Did you stitch up this stupid poor tourist trying to score drugs here? 

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1 minute ago, Foreign Jim said:

Eh? Take two e tablets? At once? ???? Did you stitch up this stupid poor tourist trying to score drugs here? 

i didnt say that he should take them bith at once, (he's not brit afterall) but if he'd  been high rather than holding he certainly woud have had an easier time'


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3 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

It is this which is utterly horrific....    the subhuman treatment and removal of prescription medication is more criminal than carrying two ecstasy tablets.




It's torture, that's what it is.


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21 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

Dangerous ???...  over egg yer pudding much.... 


And he does deserve sympathy - his treatment is inhumane.


People like yourself would have the same response to someone caught with weed a couple of years ago...   

As long as drugs are illegal, you don’t have a leg to stand on.

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29 minutes ago, AndyFoxy said:

As long as drugs are illegal, you don’t have a leg to stand on.

If I’m not mistaken your argument is that treating someone who breaks the law in a subhuman manner which contravenes basic human rights is justified because they did something illegal ?


Where would you draw the line ?... because I’d hope not to get stripped naked, denied access to water and medication and locked in a cell for 3 days because I broke the speed limit...


I know, I know... I provided a hyperbolic strawman example... but that highlights the madness here.


The Kiwi did break the law, but whatever his punishment it is not to be decided by cowboys in a police station to strip him and remove access to medication and water for 3 days.


IF as another poster pointed out (with what appeared to be a report, source unknown) the Kiwi was also behaving terribly - that is still not sufficient reason for such treatment (although it explains it).


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Have the conditions this guy's dad is claiming actually been verified or are people just assuming that they're true? In the original article linked in the OP, it also says  that he had to sleep in his underwear, not naked. Neither does it mention him being denied his medication, just that it was taken off of him, which sounds quite reasonable when you're incarcerated.


Not saying that what they're saying isn't true, but it seems people are accepting it as fact even though it's just second-hand information from this guy's father.

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1 hour ago, khunPer said:

It's common knowledge: Stay away from drugs and people taking drugs when in Thailand, so you are not in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Do you mean the fullmoon parties? Why does the police not do urine tests on all the participitants on these events, they would probably score 90% testing positive?

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21 minutes ago, watchcat said:

Do you mean the fullmoon parties? Why does the police not do urine tests on all the participitants on these events, they would probably score 90% testing positive?

Because they turn a blind eye. The income stream's derived from an alternative source.

Edited by torturedsole
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1 hour ago, richard_smith237 said:

First hand info ????


So, all prisoners in cells (police detention) are stripped and not given water or food for three days ???


That seems a stretch for this to be the norm,  even for Thailand...


As n00dle wrote... some thing else perhaps going on here...  Revenge for him refusing to pay out his bribe of 100,000 baht (or however much) and instead seeing it through to court where the fine is significantly less... BiB annoyed that their hard work didn’t pay off  ???   As others have pointed out, the Kiwi rubbed that in their faces / misbehaved  etc etc ??

Yes first hand info:)


No, detainees are not stripped, but searched, no shoes or belts


Its a big room with 3-4 separate cells within the room, daytime all allowed to roam around the cells, night time  all get locked up within the 4 cells.


There are no windows, so you do not know if its day or night, there was 1 small half broken fan for the entire room.

Daytime men and women all mixed, night time women get 1 cell and do have a small shower, men cells have no shower.

No food or water is provided by the police, no medical assistance either

Twice a day roll call and morning cells get searched.

Any food or drinks is what "friends" bring, normally it will get shared, this is why if you visit someone, you do not bring 1 bottle of water but bring a pack.

In my time there, we had a Korean couple who had medical emergency, they freaked and had a massive panic attack, both could not breath, were turning blue, police told us to look after them.


Luckily, had a few english speaking people, so we calmed them down, not sure if they would of made it if we were not there.

Edited by BestB
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29 minutes ago, newbee2022 said:

He got what he deserves. Good so.!!????

What he deserved ?   according to you maybe,  but  even by the medieval  standards of "an eye for an eye" he got a bit more than he deserved on the face of it.

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23 minutes ago, BestB said:

Yes first hand info:)


No, detainees are not stripped, but searched, no shoes or belts


Its a big room with 3-4 separate cells within the room, daytime all allowed to roam around the cells, night time  all get locked up within the 4 cells.


There are no windows, so you do not know if its day or night, there was 1 small half broken fan for the entire room.

Daytime men and women all mixed, night time women get 1 cell and do have a small shower, men cells have no shower.

No food or water is provided by the police, no medical assistance either

Twice a day roll call and morning cells get searched.

Any food or drinks is what "friends" bring, normally it will get shared, this is why if you visit someone, you do not bring 1 bottle of water but bring a pack.

In my time there, we had a Korean couple who had medical emergency, they freaked and had a massive panic attack, both could not breath, were turning blue, police told us to look after them.


Luckily, had a few english speaking people, so we calmed them down, not sure if they would of made it if we were not there.

Utterly horrific...   



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7 minutes ago, Bday Prang said:

                The treatment. on the face of it, does seem a bit barbaric if what has been reported is actually true,  I mean he was wearing clothes in the OP photo, how long was he actually naked for ? They probably took his clothes to prevent an embarrassing reoccurrence of the events that took place a couple of weeks ago when  that Aussie guy allegedly hanged himself. 

                And what was the exact nature of the prescribed medication he was deprived of, I was once prescribed medication for athlete's foot !  hardly life threatening to be deprived of it 

                There is , as others have mentioned probably a bit more to this than meets the eye. THe OP implies its not the first time he's been in trouble abroad 

               My money is on him being a bit of a spoilt brat with a rich and famous father, throwing water or whatever in some sort of temper tantrum , ) his clothes may have been removed because they were soaking wet) and then possibly getting a bit mouthy or belligerent when told to behave "do you know who my dad is" sort of thing 

                 I find it hard to believe that the police gave him a hard time for no reason, they can be cruel but normally would require at least some provocation, especially when dealing with a foreign national from a developed country like new zealand. 

                  What I find rather" comforting" is all the self appointed "responsible adults"  and "retired schoolteacher" types who invariably use events like this to repeatedly preach  their "stay away from drugs in Thailand " To other grown adults, Why do they do that , is it to help others or to make themselves feel smug in a sanctimonious sort of way ?

Now... some bright spark is bound to tell you your comments are conjecture and guess work... but thats all we have and a discussion forum such as this is designed for such comment..... 


I can easily see what you have written as being very a realistic explanation of events. 


That said, the use of ‘Prescription’ medication implies the medical was something more serious that couldn’t be purchased over the counter - but that also could be complete embellishment. 



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1 minute ago, richard_smith237 said:

Utterly horrific...   



i did not mention that for toilet there is a hole in the floor, in the middle of each cell, no flushing, hole is tiny, so most guys miss and spray all around it, then as there is no flush, everyone gets to enjoy the smell. Of course for number 2 is even bigger problem, putting aside the smell and no privacy, there is no toilet paper or the bum gun


everyone sleeps on the floor, no pillows or blankets, at night almost impossible to find a spot, like sardines in a can


Hotness level? imagine being in a sauna? this is about right, so everyone very lethargic , can hardly move around


On the plus side, because cut off from even a day light, get to sleep and relax, as there is nothing you can do or want to do ????


All the rubbish gets thrown into one corner and gets collected may be once a week if lucky, so on top of all the rest, get to smell rotting leftovers

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7 minutes ago, BestB said:

i did not mention that for toilet there is a hole in the floor, in the middle of each cell, no flushing, hole is tiny, so most guys miss and spray all around it, then as there is no flush, everyone gets to enjoy the smell. Of course for number 2 is even bigger problem, putting aside the smell and no privacy, there is no toilet paper or the bum gun


everyone sleeps on the floor, no pillows or blankets, at night almost impossible to find a spot, like sardines in a can


Hotness level? imagine being in a sauna? this is about right, so everyone very lethargic , can hardly move around


On the plus side, because cut off from even a day light, get to sleep and relax, as there is nothing you can do or want to do ????


All the rubbish gets thrown into one corner and gets collected may be once a week if lucky, so on top of all the rest, get to smell rotting leftovers

Gulp !!!!...  one can only hope we are never unfortunate enough to find ourselves in such a situation. 


....    just for two ecstasy tablets !! (I know you are describing conditions, not the actual situation the Kiwi was in)... 




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5 minutes ago, BestB said:

i did not mention that for toilet there is a hole in the floor, in the middle of each cell, no flushing, hole is tiny, so most guys miss and spray all around it, then as there is no flush, everyone gets to enjoy the smell. Of course for number 2 is even bigger problem, putting aside the smell and no privacy, there is no toilet paper or the bum gun

This is the fine deterrent to getting in trouble in LoS...and, if one wants to get up to no good, then be sure to have available funds to top up the tea money jar. 

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No-one can say for definite but the guy does seem a bit of a d1ck and drama queen who wants everyone to feel sorry for him?  After after all he did choose to break the law in a country where it is well publicised the world over to not have the most hospitable cells/prisons?  I'm no angel myself but live by the rule that if you're not prepared to do the time, don't do the crime? 


He's lucky that when he first got arrested, he didn't get put straight in front of a kangaroo court the following morning with no access to a lawyer and sent straight to the Hilton for 18 months, as happened to a guy who got caught with a minute amount of meth that I met whilst overnight in Soi 9 not so long ago?  Standard procedure to keep him in a police cell before they are ready to move him to IDC as they were doing to the guy that I met.


I've never been blessed with a visit to Patong nick but I assume that they are all basically the same?  Soi 9 wasn't as bad as I feared, they took your cigarettes but let you keep your wallet so that you can buy cigarettes from the police at over inflated prices.  They fed you rice and gave you water as well.  The thais in there were also very friendly and shared their drinks with me.  You could also order something from the 7-11 if you didn't like the cuisine and charities called in the morning to check that you were ok and gave you water and some bread.  They also allow you to move around within the whole cell area unless you're being a pain, whereby they will lock you up alone in a single cell,  Sleeping on a concrete floor is not that bad either due to it not being cold.


As said, no-one really knows the truth except him?  From the way that he has publicised this though , I do get the feeling that he sees himself as a bit of a rebel until things don't go his way and he cries like a baby? I also get the funny feeling that he was expecting to be deported and possibly blew all his money on one last binge before he went to court expecting to go straight to IDC and onto a flight?  When this didn't happen, he got upset and kicked off a bit, in the process upsetting the police and all around him who normally would have helped? 


I may be wrong though?

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