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Can you believe this is a PRISON !

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9 minutes ago, ozimoron said:

No reason to treat people like animals just because they got sent to prison. The whole idea of prison is supposed to be reform and life sentences don't adhere to that principle and remove all hope. The death penalty has resulted in many innocents going to the death chamber. It's barbaric.

Depends on the crime....  For extreme cases, cold blooded murder, child rapists etc... where there is no doubt I wonder why society should be burdened by people proving themselves sub-human, just dispose of them, they are deserving of nothing else. 

Of course, the burden of proof has to be unequivocal and as you mentioned there have been too many innocents going to the death chamber. 


Then there are other examples of lesser crimes where people can and should be reformed to give back to society from which they once took.


But, more than any reform, the prison should be something feared as a preventative measure, a deterrent.

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5 minutes ago, ozimoron said:

Prison has been shown to have limited deterrent value, the death sentence is unarguably little deterrence against murder. The real prison experience has been to produce hardened criminals rather than rehabilitate them. Then there is the profit motive in America and the bond system of course. The whole industry is rotten to the core.

Prisons might have limited deterrent value. But you have to lock away criminals to protect the rest of the society. Some of these criminals cannot be rehabilitated. 

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What is the goal? 

If the goal is to integrate criminals at some stage back into society, then, I guess, it makes sense to train them to be integrated.

If the goal is just to lock them up, then don't be surprised if they never integrate back into society.


I saw that, or a similar documentary, long version, some time ago. It seemed to make sense. And it seems they are mostly successful with that approach. 

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47 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

Depends on the crime....  For extreme cases, cold blooded murder, child rapists etc... where there is no doubt I wonder why society should be burdened by people proving themselves sub-human, just dispose of them, they are deserving of nothing else. 

Of course, the burden of proof has to be unequivocal and as you mentioned there have been too many innocents going to the death chamber. 


Then there are other examples of lesser crimes where people can and should be reformed to give back to society from which they once took.


But, more than any reform, the prison should be something feared as a preventative measure, a deterrent.

                    Absolutely agree, perpetrators of extreme crimes such as those you mentioned should be disposed of , and once guilt has been confirmed it should happen as soon as possible

                    incarceration should be reserved for those who need to be removed from society for the protection of others

                     I see little point or benefit to society  in locking people up for non payment of fines , drug possession etc and due to the current nature of prison it's unlikely that many will emerge from their sentence as improved characters  

                     The fear of prison should act as a deterrent and it normally does for those who have never experienced it ,it is based on the fear of the unknown. 

                      Career criminals  on the other hand regard prison as an occupational hazard, or inconvenience and for these people it holds little if any actual fear

                      I don't know what the answer is , although one common denominator that many of these criminals share is a fear of doing an honest days hard work , maybe there could be an effective way of exploiting that, perhaps supplemented by a bracelet to impose some sort of curfew

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Cheaper/better to do home detention with an electronic bracelet. Let them go to work at McDonald's etc.  Putting baddies together in close proximity never works out. But most people in jail are druggies. Not much you do to help them out with that.


I have a friend with a relative who got married twice while in prison to true crime nutters who wrote him. He got an every other month trip to the trailer for conjugal visits. He said that was one bad smelling trailer.

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