Popular Post owl sees all Posted May 31, 2023 Popular Post Posted May 31, 2023 3 minutes ago, Goat said: Not Thai. But i did have a casual sexual relationship with the number 2 ranked Synchroe swimmer in australia. The flexibility was something I will never forget. It wasnt a serious relationship because she was a real slut. But if the opportunity with a Thai swimmer comes up I will be more than keen to try. I've wondered about the flexibility. also, the 'lap swimmers' are very fit. I spoke to a swimmer on the internet, and she said it took hours to get rid of the swimming pool water smell, after a training session. Her b/f wouldn't lick her skin for at least 12 hours. Nothing sexual, but just licking. 1 1 2
Goat Posted May 31, 2023 Posted May 31, 2023 4 minutes ago, bobbin said: Personally I think I've sussed your "technique".. bang 'em until they want something in return (not just your handsomely toned bod) then onto the next lonely woman. Probably not far off the mark. But when they accept there will be no long term committment they quite often just accept the good casual sex. Sometimes straight away, sometimes up to a year or two later. They start to hang out for a good seeing to. They know I will oblige. 1 2 1 1
Popular Post Pink Mist Posted May 31, 2023 Popular Post Posted May 31, 2023 Personal attacks and baiting posts have been removed along with a post with a hidden vulgarity. Should you continue you will be looking at a posting time out. 9. You will not post disruptive or inflammatory messages. You will respect other members and post in a civil manner. Personal attacks, insults or hate speech posted on the forum or sent by private message are not allowed. 1 1 1
Popular Post David Whitemore Posted May 31, 2023 Popular Post Posted May 31, 2023 I agree with you bar girls are only interested in money, I met my wife very good education works hard never asked me for money, Northeast girls are better looking 1 3
Popular Post Goat Posted May 31, 2023 Popular Post Posted May 31, 2023 1 minute ago, David Whitemore said: Northeast girls are better looking They are are attractive but I and most thais rate Northern girls as the most attractive. Taller, whiter and less bow legged than their Issan cousins. 1 1 2
phetpeter Posted May 31, 2023 Posted May 31, 2023 Personly, I believe the difference in Asia is that sex is a different subject to love. Most treat sex as an enjoyable or business situration. Love is a different area of emotions. So Thai's can easily take sex as a climax to an evening out, but, love is an life long envovlement. unlike in UK where the 2 are combined and easily lead to break ups. It works for me! 1
OneMoreFarang Posted May 31, 2023 Posted May 31, 2023 How do these women know they want western guys when they don't even know how to meet them? Like: Oh, I saw these nice guys in some Hollywood movies. That's what I want. Until reality hits them. Western guys are different from Thai guys, often in many more ways than the women want or like. And obviously there is no such thing as the typical western guy. We are all different. Good luck, ladies. You need it. 1
Popular Post OneMoreFarang Posted May 31, 2023 Popular Post Posted May 31, 2023 How many western guys want a hard-working woman, possibly same age? And how many just want a hot girl to have fun? 2 3
Popular Post BusyB Posted May 31, 2023 Popular Post Posted May 31, 2023 45 minutes ago, Goat said: Not Thai. But i did have a casual sexual relationship with the number 2 ranked Synchroe swimmer in australia. The flexibility was something I will never forget. It wasnt a serious relationship because she was a real slut. But if the oppurtunity with a Thai swimmer comes up I will be more than keen to try. You brag about playing the field, yet when a woman does that you brand her a 'slut' not worth serious consideration. Why is that? Why does that not apply to you? 6 5 1 2
OneMoreFarang Posted May 31, 2023 Posted May 31, 2023 1 hour ago, JimTripper said: One way to never have the money problem in Thai-Foreigner relationships. Easy. Only pair up with someone who makes more then you do. ???? That doesn't mean that the rich girl doesn't want to be invited. Probably she also likes rich girl presents. But then, I never had a rich girl and never wanted one.
BritManToo Posted May 31, 2023 Posted May 31, 2023 1 hour ago, Goat said: Who is being taken advantage of more in these relationships is an interesting question. The needy loser who cant get a girlfriend in real life and who is spending his money lying to himself and convincing himself he has found true love? Hard to get any gf when you're over 60 ...... you should try it! 2
BarraMarra Posted May 31, 2023 Posted May 31, 2023 lets be honest iv'e had a go on all sites Tinder, TLL, Thai flirt, etc and within a few short hours comes the old "How much you give me " As for marrying a bar girl think of all the short-time customers they have had in a week let alone a month. I look at bar girls like a loaf of Bread on a shelf its there to be bought and used. 3
Popular Post Grecian Posted May 31, 2023 Popular Post Posted May 31, 2023 43 minutes ago, Goat said: Probably not far off the mark. But when they accept there will be no long term committment they quite often just accept the good casual sex. Sometimes straight away, sometimes up to a year or two later. They start to hang out for a good seeing to. They know I will oblige. How old are you Goat? Guys who can't attract never understand that some guys do. But I wonder how you'll feel the day you are relegated to this second group. 3
Popular Post Goat Posted May 31, 2023 Popular Post Posted May 31, 2023 4 minutes ago, Grecian said: How old are you Goat? Guys who can't attract never understand that some guys do. But I wonder how you'll feel the day you are relegated to this second group. 50 When i see the writing on the wall i will grab a younger one to see out my days. 50 is the new 40. which makes me 30 in thailand as a western male in Thailand. Which is why i could spot Dans botox overuse a mile off. Stay fit, learn polite Thai reap the rewards. 1 2
Popular Post Expat68 Posted May 31, 2023 Popular Post Posted May 31, 2023 3 hours ago, Goat said: Dan has got a fair point this time. It amazes me that so many farangs choose to marry the bar prostitues. There are thousands of attractive available women here with decent jobs. Why marry a hooker? Especially ones with SOCKS. Dan himself really needs to ease off the botox. He is overdoing it. Makes him look serious all the time even when he isnt. I think he has just offended half the readership. Just because the ladies work in bars does not mean they are bad people, they would admit themselves they are only doing it to support their families. Some of your called ladies with decent jobs also offer extra services on a night time (I can introduce you to nurses, teachers, etc if you do not believe me) 5
Popular Post Walker88 Posted May 31, 2023 Popular Post Posted May 31, 2023 3 hours ago, Goat said: It is weird how the farangs marry them. They need help. The often maligned on this forum Russian, Indian and Chinese wouldnt even consider marrying a Thai hooker. Or any hooker. Then you have the thousands of sex tourists sending money to the hookers weekly/monthly. It is a bizare phenonomen. I see you believe you think you live on the Moral High Road and are a flawless judge of character and integrity. It smacks of false virtue and some Dunning-Kreuger to boot. While I am not married to a woman who chose to work in a bar, nothing would prevent me from doing so if I fell in love. I am not a virgin, and I do not expect any long term partner to be one. A woman might have engaged in sex for money; I have engaged in non-paid sex simply because I was feeling randy. I do not view my exploit in any way morally superior. Women choose to work a bar for many reasons. I did not live their life, so not only do I have no right to judge them, but I have no clue how I would behave under similar circumstances. You seem to think you are better than what you call 'hookers', but I suspect that is pure delusion on your part. Certainly the stridency with which you dismiss all women who worked bars suggests you believe yourself to be a superior being, but I wonder what proof you have of that. I suspect none; just a kind of Potemkin ego that life has never put to the test. I have known many women who worked bars at one time or another. I include some as good friends, and find them to be extremely kind, caring, and generous....exactly the kind of people who could make a wonderful life partner. I have also worked in fields where people had easy lives and who ended up making millions not so much due to talent, but more to an accident of birth. I include myself in that, as I entered this world with more advantage than 99.999% of all the humans who ever lived. I see zero difference in character or integrity between former multi-millionaire colleagues with elite educations and some of my friends who entered existence in rural Isaan, got pregnant at a tender age, were forced to leave school, and who had precious few options other than find work in a bar. Without a HS degree, even 7-11 cashier is out of reach. I can judge such a person ? What makes me---or you---so superior than we can look down our noses? In every sphere of human existence there are good people and bad people. That includes women who worked bars. I might even think that someone who has experienced great difficulty in life, yet who is still kind and caring, may be a morally superior person. Goodness is a choice. As for what other people might think if I married a former bargirl? What do I care what others think if I am happy? Who are they to judge me? How has their supposed superior morality evidenced itself in making the world a better place? If it is just about 'face', that is a meaningless concept in my world. Anyone who looks askance at me is going to end up worm food in a short while anyway, and for the rest of eternity their sanctimonious opinion means exactly nothing. 4 1 3 7
Hummin Posted May 31, 2023 Posted May 31, 2023 2 hours ago, Goat said: It obviously has not occured to you, but most women actually enjoy sex. They dont need a financial reward. The orgasm is what they are after. No one like to be taken advantage of or being used. However everything is possible even with a middle aged man or older and a very young lady. You pick your own reality ????
OneMoreFarang Posted May 31, 2023 Posted May 31, 2023 1 hour ago, BritManToo said: Hard to get any gf when you're over 60 ...... you should try it! The father of my gf is over 60. He has what he would probably call a girlfriend. I am not so sure how many guys in this forum would want to have such a girlfriend... 1
BritManToo Posted May 31, 2023 Posted May 31, 2023 I'd like to know why Dan married a Russian and looks down on guys that married Thai sex workers? Shes got to have a dodgy past, probably worse than any Thai bar girl. 1 2
swm59nj Posted May 31, 2023 Posted May 31, 2023 Just because a Thai woman is not a bargirl doesn’t mean anything. During my three years staying in Bangkok. I met women who were not bargirls. They had anywhere from average to good jobs. The majority of them still tried to treat me like a walking bank. 1 1
Goat Posted May 31, 2023 Posted May 31, 2023 21 minutes ago, BritManToo said: I'd like to know why Dan married a Russian and looks down on guys that married Thai sex workers? Shes got to have a dodgy past, probably worse than any Thai bar girl. Not neccessarily, many russians do but most dont, similar to Thai women. I met Dan a couple of times in Pattaya darkside bars back when he was selling advertising for the infamous Niels Colov. Google that name. This was obviously before he met his wife and he was a typical newbie to Thailand enjoying himself in the bars but with plenty of opinions which he still likes sharing with everyone on Facebook/Tiktok etc etc. While a lot of people thought he was a bit of a tool {which was typical for newbies} he didnt seem the type silly enough to marry a 'woman of the night.' Or woman of the day as they are often in the Darkside of Pattaya. That was the days before he got into that stupid botox and all those fillers. I am waiting to see him post on this subject. I think you comment is typical of people who do marry bargirls. They say they dont have a problem with it but are overly defensive and like to pretend that normal girls are the same as prostitutes.
Goat Posted May 31, 2023 Posted May 31, 2023 9 minutes ago, swm59nj said: They had anywhere from average to good jobs. The majority of them still tried to treat me like a walking bank. I try to get in first and ask them if they can lend me some money. 1
scottiejohn Posted May 31, 2023 Posted May 31, 2023 1 minute ago, Goat said: Darkside of Pattaya. Who or what is the "Darkside of Pattaya"? Is It a specific place/bar or what?
klauskunkel Posted May 31, 2023 Posted May 31, 2023 2 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said: How many western guys want a hard-working woman I don't want one, it makes their hands too rough. 1
Goat Posted May 31, 2023 Posted May 31, 2023 1 hour ago, BarraMarra said: lets be honest iv'e had a go on all sites Tinder, TLL, Thai flirt, etc and within a few short hours comes the old "How much you give me " As for marrying a bar girl think of all the short-time customers they have had in a week let alone a month. I look at bar girls like a loaf of Bread on a shelf its there to be bought and used. The good thing about those sites is you can give a clear description of what you want. I put no tattoos, no smokers, no SOCKS, nothing overweight, nothing over 40, no prostitutes etc It isnt full proof but it helps. And write it in Thai so they cant say they didnt understand. I still occassionally get tattooed ladyboy hookers contacting me, but you just learn to sort through the chaff. 1 1 1
Goat Posted May 31, 2023 Posted May 31, 2023 5 minutes ago, scottiejohn said: Who or what is the "Darkside of Pattaya"? Is It a specific place/bar or what? East of Sukhumvit Road Pattaya. You find a lot of cheap expat housing there and many mostly often daytime bars there. Drinkers are more the hardcore sexpats versus the East side which is more tourist orientated and more hardened hookers with somewhat faded beauty who offer their services cheaper for the experienced punters who dont want to pay tourist prices. 1
Goat Posted May 31, 2023 Posted May 31, 2023 53 minutes ago, Hummin said: No one like to be taken advantage of or being used. But these blokes put themselves up for it by marrying prostitutes. They are sitting ducks for the slyer bargirls. Then they complain. 1
Goat Posted May 31, 2023 Posted May 31, 2023 1 hour ago, Expat68 said: Just because the ladies work in bars does not mean they are bad people, Most people would disagree with you. 1 hour ago, Expat68 said: they would admit themselves they are only doing it to support their families. or their shopping habits, their drug habits, the gambling habits etc Best avoided. 3 1
Goat Posted May 31, 2023 Posted May 31, 2023 2 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said: How do these women know they want western guys when they don't even know how to meet them? Like: Oh, I saw these nice guys in some Hollywood movies. That's what I want. They talk to each other, see their friends with me etc. You have told us before that the girl you are in a long term relationship was 16 when you met her in a bar. So to answer Dan's question, why did you choose her over the 600,000 other available women in Bangkok who are gainfully employed? When you have a girlfriend with a job they keep working. If you are in a relationship with a prostitute you either end up paying for her to do nothing or do you let her keep working? i think that is the most obvious disadvantage of committing to a prostitute right? 1
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