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NGO says mercy killing of stray animals is strictly controlled by Thai government


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3 hours ago, JensenZ said:

This is a ridiculous idea. They are small targets and they run fast. Do you think the dog packs will stand still waiting for the gunman to shoot them all in the head? It's very unlikely a gunman would make a clean kill shot, and more likely they will injure the dog so it will limp away and bleed out slowly. If he did make a kill shot, it would be his last in that area as the dogs would get the hell out there very quickly and hide in the bushes. Dogs are quite smart too and have good eyesight and memories. After one kill, as soon as a gunman turned up with a rifle, they would disappear faster than lightening. If he discharged one shot, that would warn all dogs in the next 5 sois that a killer with a gun is on the loose.


There are many other reasons why you don't want idiots with guns chasing soi dogs too.


Regarding dogs' eyesight and memories. Here's an example from my own experience. There was a dog in the park that persistently chased me when I was walking in his territory. One time I picked up some stones to throw at him. I didn't even hit him, but whenever I'm there, he recognises me from quite a distance and runs away. This dog sees a lot of people every day. I was absent for 4 months, and upon my return, he still ran when he saw me. Good luck to anyone stupid enough to chase them with a rifle. 

I'm against killing these dogs with rifles, and instead prefer the only way to curb the population, which is spay-neuter, and hopping it up to where it's done countrywide and not just certain areas. Your response is ridiculous because you don't understand what a legitimate gunman could do. They would be in vehicles, after gathering a certain amount of dogs in an area with food. Using suppressed rifles, they could shoot many in one sitting. A "gunman", like many hunters like myself, is capable of head and torso shots, which are instantly fatal. Dogs hear fireworks almost every day with all the funerals going on, so even a gunshot that wasn't suppressed wouldn't scare them away from inside a vehicle. This was done with deer a few times in Princeton, New Jersey, where people stopped legal hunting and the deer population of course exploded, causing hundreds of traffic accidents and some deaths, besides the destruction the deer did with flora in that area. The man killed a few hundred deer, by himself, with a suppressed rifle, with multiple kills before the deer realized what was happening. If a dog doesn't see the shooter, they aren't smart enough to understand what's happening to others going down while they're eating. Again, I'm against this sort of thing, and would like to see the numbers controlled in a humane way, keeping the population from going out of hand like it is now.

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7 hours ago, ujayujay said:

A Pest are Humans like you, they want solve Problems like A.H. 90 Years ago.......

you really are wrong in every way here .... you think it's ok for soi dogs to be everywhere ?  you think it's not a problem?  you need to get out more.  99% of posters feel the same,  just goes to show yeah  !!

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16 hours ago, transam said:

I do not have male cats, think you need to read up on the subject...........:coffee1:


But, does your urine smell, naaaah, your sh_t don't either, I guess....????

Sorry didn't mean to touch a nerve ......LOL

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This story really illustrates the illogical thinking from Thai people .....


so they think that their CNVR is fixing the problem !    they really are a strange uneducated society.


This is the result of their work .....      haha  .. laughable   !!



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3 hours ago, fredwiggy said:

I'm against killing these dogs with rifles, and instead prefer the only way to curb the population, which is spay-neuter, and hopping it up to where it's done countrywide and not just certain areas. Your response is ridiculous because you don't understand what a legitimate gunman could do. They would be in vehicles, after gathering a certain amount of dogs in an area with food. Using suppressed rifles, they could shoot many in one sitting. A "gunman", like many hunters like myself, is capable of head and torso shots, which are instantly fatal. Dogs hear fireworks almost every day with all the funerals going on, so even a gunshot that wasn't suppressed wouldn't scare them away from inside a vehicle. This was done with deer a few times in Princeton, New Jersey, where people stopped legal hunting and the deer population of course exploded, causing hundreds of traffic accidents and some deaths, besides the destruction the deer did with flora in that area. The man killed a few hundred deer, by himself, with a suppressed rifle, with multiple kills before the deer realized what was happening. If a dog doesn't see the shooter, they aren't smart enough to understand what's happening to others going down while they're eating. Again, I'm against this sort of thing, and would like to see the numbers controlled in a humane way, keeping the population from going out of hand like it is now.

Thank you for your reply. 


I was sure a trained hunter would be more than capable of shooting to kill a large fat sick feral dog with a single shot. 


And an instant death by a bullet to the head is causing far far less suffering to a street dog than the other do gooders 'kind' option involving..... 


1. Chasing the frightened dog about and putting it through the stress of capture. 

2. Keeping it in a cage at the medical place while holding it down and jabbing needles into it. 

3. Cutting it open and cutting out its reproductive organs before stitching it back up and leaving it with a painful wound. 

4. Keeping it caged up on a strange place while it recovers, surrounded by loud barking dogs and scary people. 

5. Stress of handling and transport before being throw out onto the streets to fend for itself and avoid getting run down by a truck or poisoned / abused by cruel people. 



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11 hours ago, brianthainess said:

Cats seek out people, the cat choses You, they will turn up if need be, and love you forever if you feed it. just to say I have never seen a cat " Running wild" in Thailand. Yet :giggle:

I have had 3 generations of cats that lived outside the house (NO animals were allowed in the house at all). I fed and watered them every day. Some left "home" and came back, some simply left, some were killed by other animals or by the traffic.


They lived at my MIL old house in the ceiling or around the house.


Just because you have never seen a cat running wild does not mean that they don't run wild.


My cats had 15 rai of land to use and they still disappeared.

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4 hours ago, fredwiggy said:

I'm against killing these dogs with rifles, and instead prefer the only way to curb the population, which is spay-neuter, and hopping it up to where it's done countrywide and not just certain areas. Your response is ridiculous because you don't understand what a legitimate gunman could do. They would be in vehicles, after gathering a certain amount of dogs in an area with food. Using suppressed rifles, they could shoot many in one sitting. A "gunman", like many hunters like myself, is capable of head and torso shots, which are instantly fatal. Dogs hear fireworks almost every day with all the funerals going on, so even a gunshot that wasn't suppressed wouldn't scare them away from inside a vehicle. This was done with deer a few times in Princeton, New Jersey, where people stopped legal hunting and the deer population of course exploded, causing hundreds of traffic accidents and some deaths, besides the destruction the deer did with flora in that area. The man killed a few hundred deer, by himself, with a suppressed rifle, with multiple kills before the deer realized what was happening. If a dog doesn't see the shooter, they aren't smart enough to understand what's happening to others going down while they're eating. Again, I'm against this sort of thing, and would like to see the numbers controlled in a humane way, keeping the population from going out of hand like it is now.

Soi Dog foundation has been spay-neutering for 20 years, made hardly any difference and the dogs are still there afterwards being pests and limping around half starved and diseased. If is possible to knock then out/capture them and kill them, like the billions of animals people eat every year. No need to be sentimental about it, but it needs to be seen as a problem first, Thais don't see it as a problem, that's the problem. Not only that, the major reason it has become a much bigger a problem over the past 25 years cannot even be discussed for fear of breaking the law! 

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1 minute ago, billd766 said:

I have had 3 generations of cats that lived outside the house (NO animals were allowed in the house at all). I fed and watered them every day. Some left "home" and came back, some simply left, some were killed by other animals or by the traffic.


They lived at my MIL old house in the ceiling or around the house.


Just because you have never seen a cat running wild does not mean that they don't run wild.


My cats had 15 rai of land to use and they still disappeared.

Define ''running wild'' 

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3 minutes ago, brianthainess said:

Define ''running wild'' 

quote "  11 hours ago, brianthainess said:
Cats seek out people, the cat choses You, they will turn up if need be, and love you forever if you feed it. just to say I have never seen a cat " Running wild" in Thailand. Yet :giggle:"


You brought the subject up.


You explain it.

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11 minutes ago, proton said:

Soi Dog foundation has been spay-neutering for 20 years, made hardly any difference and the dogs are still there afterwards being pests and limping around half starved and diseased. If is possible to knock then out/capture them and kill them, like the billions of animals people eat every year. No need to be sentimental about it, but it needs to be seen as a problem first, Thais don't see it as a problem, that's the problem. Not only that, the major reason it has become a much bigger a problem over the past 25 years cannot even be discussed for fear of breaking the law! 

Spay-neuter is a good way to keep the population from getting out of hand, and it has to continue forever, as a lot here don't really care about their "pets" running wild. It also, after they have been fixed, especially the males, makes them  less aggressive and won't range anymore to look for females. Females usually stay in their home area more anyway. That would curtail the roaming, which causes accidents and dogs going into areas where they encounter people who are bothered by them. Shooting a sick, disabled or dangerous animal is a no brainer, and that I can't argue.

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43 minutes ago, fredwiggy said:

Spay-neuter is a good way to keep the population from getting out of hand, and it has to continue forever, as a lot here don't really care about their "pets" running wild. It also, after they have been fixed, especially the males, makes them  less aggressive and won't range anymore to look for females. Females usually stay in their home area more anyway. That would curtail the roaming, which causes accidents and dogs going into areas where they encounter people who are bothered by them. Shooting a sick, disabled or dangerous animal is a no brainer, and that I can't argue.

If it worked the population of soi dogs would not keep on growing, it's little more than virtue signalling at the scale it's done on. There is just no desire on the part of Thais to do anything about it at all. Neutering by NGO's has not worked, despite their boasts about success on Phuket strays are still a problem there as well

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11 minutes ago, proton said:

If it worked the population of soi dogs would not keep on growing, it's little more than virtue signalling at the scale it's done on. There is just no desire on the part of Thais to do anything about it at all. Neutering by NGO's has not worked, despite their boasts about success on Phuket strays are still a problem there as well

It works but it has to be funded by the government and not just by donations, so they can do it all over the country. Consider the fact how it would be if they didn't use this program. People here aren't caring of their animals like they are in the US, so it has to be done from other sources, and not just in Phuket, bangkok and Trang. There are millions of loose dogs here, so this has to be a priority. It's in everyone's best interest, not just the people who own pets and feed them because they feel for them.

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41 minutes ago, fredwiggy said:

It works but it has to be funded by the government and not just by donations, so they can do it all over the country. Consider the fact how it would be if they didn't use this program. People here aren't caring of their animals like they are in the US, so it has to be done from other sources, and not just in Phuket, bangkok and Trang. There are millions of loose dogs here, so this has to be a priority. It's in everyone's best interest, not just the people who own pets and feed them because they feel for them.

Kill them all, no point pussy footing about to make people feel more virtuous and compassionate, they should be shot on sight.

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9 hours ago, Seppius said:

That's the spot I got chased by a pack, I would never live in that area Pratumnak soi 1 and 2

Pratumnak Soi 1 has very few dogs. There's about 5 that I know well, and none are aggressive or chase motorcycles. In the adjoining alley (Soi 4 Theppraya Road) there are a few more, but I've only been chased twice in 6 years, and they were half hearted chase at that. Soi 2 is at the top of the hill - I don't go there, so I can't comment on that soi.

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6 hours ago, fredwiggy said:

I'm against killing these dogs with rifles, and instead prefer the only way to curb the population, which is spay-neuter, and hopping it up to where it's done countrywide and not just certain areas. Your response is ridiculous because you don't understand what a legitimate gunman could do. They would be in vehicles, after gathering a certain amount of dogs in an area with food. Using suppressed rifles, they could shoot many in one sitting. A "gunman", like many hunters like myself, is capable of head and torso shots, which are instantly fatal. Dogs hear fireworks almost every day with all the funerals going on, so even a gunshot that wasn't suppressed wouldn't scare them away from inside a vehicle. This was done with deer a few times in Princeton, New Jersey, where people stopped legal hunting and the deer population of course exploded, causing hundreds of traffic accidents and some deaths, besides the destruction the deer did with flora in that area. The man killed a few hundred deer, by himself, with a suppressed rifle, with multiple kills before the deer realized what was happening. If a dog doesn't see the shooter, they aren't smart enough to understand what's happening to others going down while they're eating. Again, I'm against this sort of thing, and would like to see the numbers controlled in a humane way, keeping the population from going out of hand like it is now.

You might get some, but the dogs would soon be very hard to find. They would soon scramble off into the bushes.  Apart from the fact there aren't fireworks every day, the dogs would certainly be able to distinguish the difference between gun shots and fireworks. 


Catching them at feeding spots is the easy and obvious way to clear them. They need to eat, and most only eat food they are fed every day by Thai people.

Edited by JensenZ
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2 hours ago, billd766 said:

quote "  11 hours ago, brianthainess said:
Cats seek out people, the cat choses You, they will turn up if need be, and love you forever if you feed it. just to say I have never seen a cat " Running wild" in Thailand. Yet :giggle:"


You brought the subject up.


You explain it.

It was not me that brought it up, it was another members post. i'll let you go through all of them. I stick by what i said.

I have never seen a cat "Running Wild'' free to move around yes, but Running wild?

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11 minutes ago, JensenZ said:

You might get some, but the dogs would soon be very hard to find. They would soon scramble off into the bushes.  Apart from the fact there aren't fireworks every day, the dogs would certainly be able to distinguish the difference between gun shots and fireworks. 


Catching them at feeding spots is the easy and obvious way to clear them. They need to eat, and most only eat food they are fed every day by Thai people.

You're giving these dogs more credit than deserved as far as thinking they can differentiate between fireworks, which are used a lot here for funerals, and gun shots, especially when suppressed, which aren't loud at all. Like I said, I'm not for shooting any dogs besides disabled, sick, rabid or dangerous, and there are so many dogs here, they aren't hard to find, even if they were pressured. Dogs need to eat, and breed, and that leaves them vulnerable to contact, for spaying or otherwise.

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13 minutes ago, fredwiggy said:

You're giving these dogs more credit than deserved as far as thinking they can differentiate between fireworks, which are used a lot here for funerals, and gun shots, especially when suppressed, which aren't loud at all. Like I said, I'm not for shooting any dogs besides disabled, sick, rabid or dangerous, and there are so many dogs here, they aren't hard to find, even if they were pressured. Dogs need to eat, and breed, and that leaves them vulnerable to contact, for spaying or otherwise.

Of course they need to eat, that's why rounding them up at their feeding spots would be a very easy way to clear them if it was felt necessary by the council to do so. Having hunters running around with rifles is a bit dramatic and it would not work out as well as you seem to think. It would at the very least cause quite a public outcry as the Thai people love these animals.


Obviously if a public park is a sanctioned breeding ground for dogs, and their numbers continue to increase, and they are always fed, that's a fairly good indication that nothing will be done and that no one wants to do anything.

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6 minutes ago, JensenZ said:

Of course they need to eat, that's why rounding them up at their feeding spots would be a very easy way to clear them if it was felt necessary by the council to do so. Having hunters running around with rifles is a bit dramatic and it would not work out as well as you seem to think. It would at the very least cause quite a public outcry as the Thai people love these animals.


Obviously if a public park is a sanctioned breeding ground for dogs, and their numbers continue to increase, and they are always fed, that's a fairly good indication that nothing will be done and that no one wants to do anything.

In Princeton, New Jersey, they hired  sharpshooters, along with bowhunters. They did the shooting after dark so no one knew they were around. It's not people running around with rifles. It's a controlled hunt with just a few shooters. If it is allowed, the public wouldn't have much to say, because it's been their lack of input that's let the animals overpopulate. This is a job for the government to endorse.

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1 hour ago, brianthainess said:

It was not me that brought it up, it was another members post. i'll let you go through all of them. I stick by what i said.

I have never seen a cat "Running Wild'' free to move around yes, but Running wild?

But I was responding to your post and not another poster.


Why don't you ask that poster what was meant as I have no idea nor do I care.

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46 minutes ago, fredwiggy said:

In Princeton, New Jersey, they hired  sharpshooters, along with bowhunters. They did the shooting after dark so no one knew they were around. It's not people running around with rifles. It's a controlled hunt with just a few shooters. If it is allowed, the public wouldn't have much to say, because it's been their lack of input that's let the animals overpopulate. This is a job for the government to endorse.

Each Soi dog is someone's pet. Their "owners" expend a great deal of effort to feed them to the best of their financial capabilities. You don't think a lot of people would be very angry if you killed all their pets? They might not seem like pets in the traditional way, but they are pets and people care about them. You often see people playing with them and even looking for ticks.


As I already illustrated, using the park as very good example, the govenment stands by the dogs. We're talking about a famous public park which is a breeding ground for these dogs. In fact, I'm barred from entering the park between 10pm and 4am, so the dogs have more privileges than park users LOL

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1 hour ago, JensenZ said:

You might get some, but the dogs would soon be very hard to find. They would soon scramble off into the bushes.  Apart from the fact there aren't fireworks every day, the dogs would certainly be able to distinguish the difference between gun shots and fireworks. 


Catching them at feeding spots is the easy and obvious way to clear them. They need to eat, and most only eat food they are fed every day by Thai people.

Poison is a good option, they are NOT pets they are vermin

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32 minutes ago, JensenZ said:

Each Soi dog is someone's pet. Their "owners" expend a great deal of effort to feed them to the best of their financial capabilities. You don't think a lot of people would be very angry if you killed all their pets? They might not seem like pets in the traditional way, but they are pets and people care about them. You often see people playing with them and even looking for ticks.


As I already illustrated, using the park as very good example, the govenment stands by the dogs. We're talking about a famous public park which is a breeding ground for these dogs. In fact, I'm barred from entering the park between 10pm and 4am, so the dogs have more privileges than park users LOL

Actually,although it may be true for some dogs, a lot are born after the fact, out in the woods so to speak, and aren't anyone's pets but the offspring of those pets. I feed dogs at my house all the time, although there is a scumbag farmer that's been poisoning dogs in my village. They come to my house because I'm friendly to them. They have had puppies out somewhere I never get to see, although these dogs are at my house daily I'm sure the puppies that live are spreading out in the village area, so they aren't anyone's pets either, even though they might find food at someone's house. I love dogs and have mentioned I am against killing just because they are nuisances. Killing those that are diseased, sick, disabled or dangerous I'm not against, nor should anyone else be. That's humane. Killing dogs because you learned by example from your parents to hate animals or because that hatred came from somewhere else isn't humane.

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It's a touchy subject, as we are seeing in these posts.


Some people are dog lovers and hate to see them hurt, I have had dogs when I was young, but I hate the soi dogs after years of having problems with them.


There has to be a good way to reduce their numbers.


Between soi 5 and 6 Pratumnak, the soi that runs from the new big 7/11 on 5. There are 2 dogs down there chase bikes a lot, I won't drive down it. One black and a one tan

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On 7/19/2023 at 8:35 AM, Geoffggi said:

Absolutely, I have outdoor furniture & motorbike seats that have been ripped up by feral cats and the smell of cat urine all over not a nice smell

I could loan you one of my Jack Russell Terriers you will never have problems with cats or other vermin including some two legged varieties. 

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On 7/18/2023 at 5:12 AM, JensenZ said:

I'm sure this dog spends all his waking hours scratching. I've never seen him awake and not scratching.

A pack of soi dogs near my condo looks healthy and not always scratching. The sick and infested ones should be treated and all male dogs should be neutered. Let their population decline by natural means of not able to reproduce. 

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