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Jake Tapper admits ‘Trump was right,’ ‘Biden was wrong’ about Hunter Biden in 2020 presidential debate

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Clearly Biden and Trump are both criminals. Lies upon lies by each of them. Zero chance these foreign companies did business with Hunter unless they absolutely knew his old man was good with it. Trump stole secret government documents, was convicted of rape, lead an insurrection and attempted to intimidate governmental officials in a state to change election results. For the sake of that country let's hope they are both incarcerated by the time of the next election. How supporters of either of these men can continue that support in light of what has gone on is truly mind-boggling.

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Great example of their accusations being their own admissions.

If they had the goods on Biden or anyone else there would be new F-channel alerts every half-hour until the 2024 election.  But who is the one that likes to say anything against him is a witch hunt/hoax/fake news etc?

So Tapper admits DT was right.  Once.  Would F-channel and RT made such admission about anyone outside of the US fascist initiative?


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19 hours ago, pomchop said:

I did say if have proof then by all means charge biden....but all i hear from republicans every time the big orang man is mentioned is hunter biden hunter biden hunter biden....my head is just fine but there are a lot of heads that are so far up trumps behind that they want to use hunter as some kind of excuse as to why trump should not be held accountable..


.how many trumpers have said by all means if trump is guilty then prosecute him?  A handful....it is all a big witch hunt against trump and after all what about hunter biden?  I am glad at least u have not lost site of trump corruption and as soon as i see the long long long awaited proof of biden guilt i will say indict him...but so far for most repubs biden is guilty even though not charged..i will "gain sight" of the biden corruption when somebody shows me some solid evidence and tells me what crime was committed....not a bunch of he said she said conspiracy theories........meantime trump is charged and his charges are backed by a massive amount of evidence....and again u are right it is two separate issues so how about the repubs quit saying hunter biden hunter biden like a buch of head bobbing brain dead dolls everytime there is a story about Trumps problems?

Trump lives in your head... that's why that's all you hear... try letting go... 555

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18 hours ago, Bkk Brian said:

You're wrong. Please point me to the segment where Tapper admitted Biden lied? 


Here's the quote:


At the time Biden flatly rejected the claim, saying, "None of that is true." Tapper gave Biden the benefit of the doubt in his commentary, stating he didn’t know whether the then-candidate was "lying" at the time.


Its good to see we have hosts that can be critical and reflect on previous statements made by Joe even when it means they were wrong. Damn CNN eh.....


I wonder now if you'll admit you were wrong in your post?

Context is important... you missed it.  When Biden was first interviewed Trapper gave Biden the benefit of the doubt... now Trapper says that he now believes that Biden was lying... 

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1 minute ago, Skipalongcassidy said:

Context is important... you missed it.  When Biden was first interviewed Trapper gave Biden the benefit of the doubt... now Trapper says that he now believes that Biden was lying... 

Quote Tapper on that from the article.

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15 hours ago, Lacessit said:

Labeling someone is straight out of Trump's playbook, no surprise there. I'd much rather have that label than that of a right-wing fascist.


Fascism is based on the proposition one leader or elite knows better than anyone else, in itself a logical absurdity.

Trapper has worn the badge of being liberal left wing proudly... he admits to it... it is not labeling it is identifying.

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In talks with prosecutors, Hunter Biden’s lawyers vowed to put the president on the stand

It was Halloween of 2022, and Hunter Biden’s lawyer, Chris Clark, didn’t sound happy. Just three weeks earlier, news had leaked that federal agents believed they had enough evidence to charge his client with illegally buying a gun as a drug user.

Then he issued a warning: If the Justice Department charged the president’s son, his lawyers would put the president on the witness stand.

“President Biden now unquestionably would be a fact witness for the defense in any criminal trial,” Clark wrote in a 32-page letter reviewed by POLITICO.


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1 hour ago, Skipalongcassidy said:

YES it is...

Definition: 'A lie is something that someone says or writes which they know is untrue'.


Yet, you have no evidence to support your assumption that Joe knew what he said was untrue.


Perhaps in the dystopian alternate world of Trumpism there is also an alternate dictionary?

Edited by LosLobo
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7 minutes ago, LosLobo said:

Definition: 'A lie is something that someone says or writes which they know is untrue'.


Yet, you have no evidence to support your assumption that Joe knew what he said was untrue.


Perhaps in the dystopian alternate world of Trumpism there is also an alternate dictionary?

Anyway, Tapper explicitly said in the article that he didn't know if Trump was lying. So, case closed.

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8 minutes ago, LosLobo said:

Definition: 'A lie is something that someone says or writes which they know is untrue'.


Yet, you have no evidence to support your assumption that Joe knew what he said was untrue.


Perhaps in the dystopian alternate world of Trumpism there is also an alternate dictionary?

they live by "alternate facts"...when they don't like the facts that are proven by evidence provided and sworn to under oath and backed up by document after document they just make up their own version...perfect example...? 


The Big Lie.....oh that's right trump will release that long long awaited irrefutable proof that Ga election was rigged on Monday....that proof that accoring to the Ga republican governor and republican ga government officials who went through every single bogus claim with a fine tooth comb over and over, that were investigated by the GBI along with numerous recounts and investigations done almost exclusively by republicans....NO credible evidence of voting irregulariy or fraud...PERIOD......per them  not one person has presented any proof under oath in over 2 1/2 years but that crafty donnie has had all along just waiting for a ton of indictments to be filed and then he will reveal all.....how dumb do you have to be to believe such assinine garbage?


Next maybe donnie will reveal irrefutable evidence that the FBI planted all those classified top secret docs by sneaking into mar a lago in the dark of night unnoticed by any staff and spreading them all around in ballrooms bathrooms etc then making fake survelance tapes of trumps minions trying to move them around......next thing you know he will reveal that biden is an alien that came from the planet trumpet to take over the world and spread lies about donnie.

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13 minutes ago, SunnyinBangrak said:

It takes effort to set up dozens of shell companies to launder your illicit earnings through. Shell companies do not create themselves. Alias names created to try hiding nefarious deeds do not create themselves. 10's of millions of $ do not fall from the sky. How can it be that the same people that were so sure Trump was corrupt (with only false claims by fantasist Adam Schiff and some whistleblower that claimed he heard 1/2 a phone coversation across a table in a busy restaurant halfway across the world to back it up) yet with insider's testimony, bank records, IRS whistleblowers testimony, the laptop which has been forensically analysed by Marco Polo showing over 400 crimes which nobody is disputing, they claim biden is innocent as the driven snow. Either we are not having a sincere conversation or?


Of course you could be right, and Biden 4 year old grandchild could be a criminal mastermind that successfully shook down thugs from adversarial nations. Posters should start to think about their credibility.

 Evidence? Courts don't deal with theories and conversations..they sort of like to see real EVIDENCE that can be corrabarated by documents and testimony under oath.  Got it?  The world is very anxious to review it in a court of law.


  Will that also be presented by trump on monday with the irrefutable evidence of election fraud in Georgia??

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36 minutes ago, SunnyinBangrak said:

It takes effort to set up dozens of shell companies to launder your illicit earnings through. Shell companies do not create themselves. Alias names created to try hiding nefarious deeds do not create themselves. 10's of millions of $ do not fall from the sky. How can it be that the same people that were so sure Trump was corrupt (with only false claims by fantasist Adam Schiff and some whistleblower that claimed he heard 1/2 a phone coversation across a table in a busy restaurant halfway across the world to back it up) yet with insider's testimony, bank records, IRS whistleblowers testimony, the laptop which has been forensically analysed by Marco Polo showing over 400 crimes which nobody is disputing, they claim biden is innocent as the driven snow. Either we are not having a sincere conversation or?


Of course you could be right, and Biden 4 year old grandchild could be a criminal mastermind that successfully shook down thugs from adversarial nations. Posters should start to think about their credibility.

No one is disputing that there is evidence against Hunter Biden. The issuie here is Joe Biden. Are there any documents that tie Joe Biden to Hunter Biden's businesses? The Republicans tried their best to use Devon Archer to testify that Joe Biden was influenced by his son. He emphatically denied that. As far as Joe Biden is concerned, you've got nothing.

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22 minutes ago, JonnyF said:

Yet more of Biden's lies being exposed. Expect many more to come. The only question is how many leak before the next election. Can they bury them like they did with the laptop during the last election?


Yet still the supporters lap up the "sweet old grandpa" narrative. I believe the term is useful Idiots.

A lie is an intentional falsehood. You got any evidence  to share with us that Joe Biden knew about any payments to his son from Chinese private interests?

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1 hour ago, SunnyinBangrak said:

It is the whole point of the article. A reread(or a 1st read) might be in order?

Still waiting for that quote. I've already quoted the pertinent segment of his statement and its clear what he said. You can make things up or you can provide evidence to that effect.

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11 hours ago, Danderman123 said:

Your man Trump told 30,000 lies while in office.


Having said that, yes, Hunter Biden is a sleazeball.

yes i don't much care for Hunter either along with lots of other grifters like kusher and ivanka.....and of course that is the first time in history that a family member ever tried to make $$ off of his president/senator/governor/  daddys name....oh wait...i forgot a few dozen more over the past 200 years...my favorite was billy carter and his "billy beer"...seems sort of quaint now but what u saw was what u got with ole billy boy and his beer brand and he sure never tried to hide what he was up to or cozy up to dictators or foreign governments...

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33 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

Still waiting for that quote. I've already quoted the pertinent segment of his statement and its clear what he said. You can make things up or you can provide evidence to that effect.



this quote?


"He then took a swipe at Biden’s 2020 claims, before playing footage from the debates, "This directly goes against what Joe Biden said in the debate in 2020 with Donald Trump. Take a listen."

After playing the footage of then-President Trump’s allegations and Biden’s denial, Tapper admitted that Trump was correct about Hunter Biden's business dealings.

"So this is from two different debates but, I mean, Trump was right. I mean, he did make a fortune from China and Joe Biden was wrong," Tapper declared."


 Biden lied. Biden's fans are either gullible or dishonest. Trump was right (again). It is my opinion that no posters on this forum actually believed the laptop was a "hoax", no posters here actually think Hunter was acting alone and think the big guy literally phones up during dozens of meetings to ask about the weather with no ulterior motive. 

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59 minutes ago, placeholder said:

No one is disputing that there is evidence against Hunter Biden. The issuie here is Joe Biden. Are there any documents that tie Joe Biden to Hunter Biden's businesses? The Republicans tried their best to use Devon Archer to testify that Joe Biden was influenced by his son. He emphatically denied that. As far as Joe Biden is concerned, you've got nothing.

Are you discounting Tony Bobulinski's testimony? Note the bidens and their spokespeople never denied his claims. I think you know why.


 Joe Biden is neck deep in these dodgy business transactions that his fans moved heaven and earth to falsely deny ever were paid for more than 2 years.


"Archer told investigators that Hunter put his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, on speakerphone while meeting with business partners at least 20 times. Archer described how Joe Biden was put on the phone to sell "the brand."

"You aren’t talking about Dr. Jill or anybody else. You’re talking about Joe Biden. Is that fair to say?" Archer was asked.

Archer replied: "Yeah, that’s fair to say… Obviously, that brought the most value to the brand… It was Hunter Biden and him," Archer said. "We would discuss having, you know, an understanding of D.C. and that was a differentiating component of us being able to raise capital."



Funny to think how the narrative from the left keeps changing, we have moved a long way from the laptop being a hoax and requiring draconian censorship to stop democrat voters being correctly and factually informed, have we not?



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22 hours ago, Skipalongcassidy said:

This is about an influential liberal left wing reporter for the liberal left wing CNN now admitting that Biden lied during the debates... it's got nothing to do about Trump or his lies, but trust a lefty liberal to twist it around... 555

fancy thinking corporate media is "lefty" 

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