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Trump legal team claims trial dates ‘by design’ clash with election campaign

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33 minutes ago, placeholder said:

When someone repeatedly makes empty and baiting generalizations about liberals, I think the suspicion is clearly justified.

By "Liberals" I assume you really mean Left Wing Authoritarians?


Because I consider myself extremely liberal on most issues in the classic sense of the word. Of course, if you are referring to Liberals in the more "progressive" sense (i.e. a word that extreme left wing authoritarians have hijacked to label themselves, in an attempt try to ban and regulate everything while still appearing kind/virtuous), then you may have a more noteworthy point.

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13 minutes ago, JonnyF said:

By "Liberals" I assume you really mean Left Wing Authoritarians?

What made you assume that? 


13 minutes ago, JonnyF said:

Because I consider myself extremely liberal on most issues in the classic sense of the word. 



14 minutes ago, JonnyF said:

Of course, if you are referring to Liberals in the more "progressive" sense (i.e. a word that extreme left wing authoritarians have hijacked to label themselves, in an attempt try to ban and regulate everything while still appearing kind/virtuous), then you may have a more noteworthy point.

There you go again making assumptions and in addition claiming that they try to ban and regulate everything.

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1 hour ago, poyai111 said:

Documented and corroborated. 50 ex CIA officials lied. Indictments inspired by radical Da's to interfere with 2024 election. 

No, they did not lie.  But you just did.


""We want to emphasize that we do not know if the emails, provided to the New York Post by President Trump's personal attorney Rudy Giuliani, are genuine or not, and that we do not have evidence of Russian involvement—just that our experience makes us deeply suspicious that the Russian government played a significant role in this case," the letter said."  https://www.newsweek.com/hunter-biden-laptop-jim-jordan-facebook-disinformation-twitter-1767369

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2 hours ago, pomchop said:

Is there anything or anybody on the planet that trump doesn't blame for all his problems and whine about?




  If trump would have immediately returned the classified docs like biden and pence did  rather than lie about it and try to hide docs time and again for 18 months after being asked politely to return them there would never have been a document case.


If trump had accepted the election results that were verified over and over via recounts and reviews almost all done by republicans and proved valid he could have gone to mar a largo and there would never have been an attempted coup or a riot at the capitol.


If trump had not tried to coerce and meddle in Georgias election after being assured over and over by republican officials there was no fraud he could be playing golf without a worry in the world.


The bottom line is that almost all of trumps current legal problems were brought about by trumps own poor choices....but rather than accept it like a man he whines like a 4 year old that didn't get the ice cream he wanted.  Boo hoo.

It Trump just accepted Biden won. His lead now over Biden would be unsurmountable. 

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On 8/28/2023 at 4:26 PM, poyai111 said:

ASEANnow coverage of all things Trump has become a little tiresome to the point that it could reasonably stated that a partisan approach is evident. Could we have an even handed real journalistic cover on the dramas facing the USA? The president, himself, is heading towards impeachment and the silence is deafening 

I'm unsure of what you are actually advocating for or petitioning other for regarding this most shameful, perhaps unsurpassed shame-bound period in US history.

To be sure the shameful, darkness of mentally ill fascist peoples threat to whatever democracy may exist in the US of A is out-n-shamelessly proud. 


None of my posts regarding the treasonous and extremely dangerous Trump could ever be described as silence, obscure, banal, or partisan - other than to be unequivocally clear as the the evil, the severe mental sickness Trump holds and executes so mercilessly and perniciously against his countrymen and the world at large. 

It appears to me, the posts which I have read here thus-far about the Orange Obscenity are most clear in their denial of and undifferentiated ego-mass of his blind pathological paranoid supporters, or condemnation of that traitor by those who have enough developmental maturity and grasp of reality to see him for exactly what he is.  

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15 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Of course you dislike Trump (now) he’s on his way to prison.



I'm not so sure he's on his way to prison. Time will tell, although the justice system is certainly stacked against him.


But any check of my posting history shows that I've been critical of both Biden and Trump for a long time. If/when Biden is impeached I will remain consistent in my criticism of him, as I have done with Trump. My love/support for Trump exists in your (and other fanatical left wing poster's) head(s) only.


Your blindness to Biden's obvious lies and failings does not make me a fan of Trump.


The fact I point out Biden's obvious lies and failings does not make me a fan of Trump.


You weak attempts at creating a strawman do not make me a fan of Trump. ????

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1 hour ago, placeholder said:

Not everyone.. I've stated the reasons why I consider you an extreme right winger. And hyperbolic statements like the one you just made only serve to further convince me that I've categorized you correctly

Your categorization of someone with such moderate and often liberal (in the classic sense of the word) views as myself as an extreme right winger only serves to demonstrate how violently you have veered to the extreme left.????


You probably consider Tony Benn to have been a right wing fascist, who was hiding his secret love of Margaret Thatcher behind fake criticism of her ????.


Utterly deluded. Amusing though... You've certainly chosen the correct echo chamber to post your extreme leftist views.

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On 8/29/2023 at 9:41 AM, pomchop said:

Is there anything or anybody on the planet that trump doesn't blame for all his problems and whine about?




  If trump would have immediately returned the classified docs like biden and pence did  rather than lie about it and try to hide docs time and again for 18 months after being asked politely to return them there would never have been a document case.


If trump had accepted the election results that were verified over and over via recounts and reviews almost all done by republicans and proved valid he could have gone to mar a largo and there would never have been an attempted coup or a riot at the capitol.


If trump had not tried to coerce and meddle in Georgias election after being assured over and over by republican officials there was no fraud he could be playing golf without a worry in the world.


The bottom line is that almost all of trumps current legal problems were brought about by trumps own poor choices....but rather than accept it like a man he whines like a 4 year old that didn't get the ice cream he wanted.  Boo hoo.

Even just losing the election and the subsequent failure of the red tide was a result of his poor choices.

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Donald Trump must testify under oath in a lawsuit brought against the Justice Department by two former FBI agents according to a ruling from an appellate court, The Washington Post reported.


"The Justice Department sought to block Trump from being compelled to answer questions about the handling of text messages between FBI attorney Lisa Page and FBI agent Peter Strzok that exposed their opposition to his candidacy and their personal relationship," The Post's report stated.


"The two are suing the Justice Department, not Trump, but say the former president was inappropriately involved in how they were treated."




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