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Bangkok’s ‘Beautiful Roads’ project aims to enhance cityscape


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On 9/2/2023 at 7:00 PM, VincentRJ said:

Why are the comments so negative?  At least planting more trees will improve the scenery and the air quality.


"The project plans to cultivate more trees on road islands and pavements across 14 districts, covering 34 kilometres."

Maybe because many here have become rather skeptical over the years, as authorities here couldn't organize a piss up in a brewery.

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Apart from all the plastic floating around, there's one thing that a first time tourist initially notices, but for some reason it's quickly accepted and no further notice taken!

That is the miles and miles of wiring/cable running uncovered between wooden or concrete poles sometimes at a safe height but occasionally at head hight and on a bad day actually on the floor.

I know it's never going to be done, just imagine the positive look j;;;;;;,

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