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China preparing for war with US, Air Force secretary says

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Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall on Monday warned that China was building up its military to prepare for a potential war with the U.S., and he said America must optimize its forces to counter the rising threat.

Speaking at the Air and Space Forces Association Warfighter Symposium at National Harbor, Md., Kendall said the U.S. must be ready for a “kind of war we have no modern experience with,” though he stressed “war is not inevitable.”

“Our job is to deter that war and to be ready to win if it occurs,” Kendall said. “We’re all talking about the fact that the Air and Space Forces must change, or we could fail to prevent and might even lose a war.”

Kendall said it was vital to prepare for war because China is developing its forces at a rapid pace and has created two new military branches: a force designed to counter aircraft carriers, airfields and other critical assets, and a strategic support service that works to achieve information dominance in the space and cyber domains.

The Air Force secretary said, “China has been reoptimizing its forces for great power competition and to prevail against the U.S. in the Western Pacific for over 20 years.”

“China has been building a military capability specifically designed to achieve their national goals and to do so if opposed by the United States,” he added.

U.S.-China relations have reached a low point amid rising tensions over the self-governing island nation of Taiwan, which Beijing sees as historically part of the mainland.

The U.S. has warned that Chinese President Xi Jinping may seize the island by force if necessary, and President Biden has repeatedly said the U.S. would send troops to help defend the island in such a scenario. Washington maintains informal ties with Taiwan and has provided advanced weaponry to the nation.




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I read earlier today that Latin American countries, especially Chile, demand the US release information regarding its illegal interference in local coups and support for despots. With no one else to fault, the country has become a pariah in third world countries. Though I doubt China will attack the US mainland, there might be a lot of strain over the next few years and the US cannot think China will be a pushover.

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2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Having to train people AFTER the war starts means one is on the back foot from the start. It wasn't that important when going into Afghanistan as that wasn't a major military power, but would be significant against China.


As to why one might post against America, ask the people of Chile that woke to news of the military coup as to why America has much to answer for.

As for democracy, while you may believe it exists in America, I am not convinced of that.

It’s obvious you are not a fan of democracy or America you might ask the Māori how they feel about the Europeans or how the satellite nations that are held by the Russian federation feel  you seem to think they are ok

Edited by Tug
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8 hours ago, placeholder said:

Really? I guess it depends on what you mean by "war with the US". China has been continually aggressive against not just its neighbors, but even Asian nations that it doesn't share borders with. If the US comes to their aid in the face of a Chinese attack, will China just retreat?

China’s external aggressiveness if for internal politics - nothing like stirring up nationalist sentiment to distract from domestic woes.


Has China attacked any nations?


With their current economic woes and population time-bomb ticking away, China - the home of Sun Tzu isn’t going to war against anyone.

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59 minutes ago, MrMojoRisin said:



The US has given the Ukraine over $75 billion in 18 months.


The US have given the Ukraine plenty, their complaints are more about the type of weapons the US won’t supply.


The situation also shows how greedy the military industrial conflict has become after 20 of continuous war to gorge themselves on.

With all due respect Mr Putin did exactly what Hitler did in 39 almost verbatim (to protect the Russian/German speaking people) Biden and nato called him on it the military industrial complex did not invade Ukraine Mr Putin did as far as 75 billion that is a bargain Russia and her government/armed forces have been exposed as corrupt and sub par Ukraine has been defending her existence and we support them mr Putin now has to go hat in hand to n Korea to beg for supply’s no sir 75 billion is a bargain 

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29 minutes ago, placeholder said:

Yes, actually China attacked India not so long ago in the Himalayas.. And it has also attacked ships of nations whose internationally recognized suzerainty (except for China and North Korea) over various islands in the South China Sea has not been recognized by China.


You think China is going to war with its BRICS partner?


”Attacks” is a bit of hyperbole. It’s a border dispute where both countries have agreed not to use guns so they are beating each other with sticks.


Isn’t it interesting how you label China / India stick fighting border issues an attack yet dismiss Israeli occupation of Palestinian lands out of hand - ignoring facts to justify personal opinions is puerile.


Chinas actions towards the smaller states over the claimed 9 dash/line border are pure theatre for the domestic market.


Chinas domestic issues preclude it from unnecessary international entanglement.

Xi has seen the mess Putin is in and is in no hurry to make the same mistake.



Edited by MrMojoRisin
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22 minutes ago, Tug said:

With all due respect Mr Putin did exactly what Hitler did in 39 almost verbatim (to protect the Russian/German speaking people) Biden and nato called him on it the military industrial complex did not invade Ukraine Mr Putin did as far as 75 billion that is a bargain Russia and her government/armed forces have been exposed as corrupt and sub par Ukraine has been defending her existence and we support them mr Putin now has to go hat in hand to n Korea to beg for supply’s no sir 75 billion is a bargain 

What’s your point?

Agreed, the US are doing the right thing by funding  Ukraines defence, however, beating the war drum over silly China war claims is just greedy “merchants of death” trying to further line their own pockets.

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25 minutes ago, MrMojoRisin said:

You think China is going to war with its BRICS partner?


”Attacks” is a bit of hyperbole. It’s a border dispute where both countries have agreed not to use guns so they are beating each other with sticks.


Isn’t it interesting how you label China / India stick fighting border issues an attack yet dismiss Israeli occupation of Palestinian lands out of hand - ignoring facts to justify personal opinions is puerile.


Chinas actions towards the smaller states over the claimed 9 dash/line border are pure theatre for the domestic market.


Chinas domestic issues preclude it from unnecessary international entanglement.

Xi has seen the mess Putin is in and is in no hurry to make the same mistake.



First off, you ************* , I have always strongly condemned Israel's treatments of the Palestinians and consider it an apartheid state. So try to keep some measure of control over your Pavlovian responses.

As for the 9/11 dash line being pure theater, really? You don't think China has its eyes on controlling all the natural resources that are adjacent to those various islands? Please. You accuse me of being blind about Israel, which is false, while you offer overwhelming proof of your blindness towards China? You think Vietnam is cozying up to the USA because of mere Chinese theatrics.? That China's attempt to control the Paracels hasn't earned it the strong animus of the Vietnamese govt?


Vietnam and U.S. Forge Deeper Ties as Worries Rise About China

But as Beijing continues to encroach on waters claimed by Vietnam and as the United States looks for more partners to counter China in the Indo-Pacific, the former enemies have found common ground. Some experts believe Hanoi may take the unprecedented move of raising Washington’s designation up two notches, from the bottom tier of Vietnam’s bilateral ties hierarchy to the highest.
“It is a very remarkable event because we all know that Vietnamese foreign policy is very cautious,” said Nguyen Khac Giang, a visiting fellow at the ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute in Singapore.



You think that the Filipinos are happy about inviting the U.S. back?




Opinion: Facing China, Manila cozies up to US
The Philippines aims to strengthen its security cooperation with the United States. This is not to antagonize China, Alexander Görlach writes, but it is borne out of a real need for self-defense.

Speaking at the sham parliament, the president complained that his country had been encircled by the United States and that China's army would therefore need to grow into a wall of steel. His government is misrepresenting the truth, however, as it does so often; no one is interested in invading China. But the reverse may be true: All of the country's neighbors have a real fear that China could invade them.



As for Xi learning from Russia's mistakes. What makes you think so? In fact, when an economy starts to head south, as Xi's reimposition of centralized control of the economy and the enlargement of the state sector of the economy progresses, resorting to war is a surefire way to mobilize support as the economic status of its citizenry declines.

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4 hours ago, placeholder said:

Projecting much. Here's a link to the extremely right wing Heritage Foundation take on the issue and nowhere is wokeness mentioned:

https://www.heritage.org/defense/commentary/bidens-pentagon-cant-recruit-new-soldiers-and-threatens-us-all#:~:text=Officials cite numerous reasons for,portend trouble for military readiness.


I remember not too long ago having women serve in the military was considered to be woke, or whatever the equivalent word was then.


Another problem not mentioned is bad pay:

Veteran blames low pay on failed military recruitment



When there's low unemployment in the civilian sector, which is the case now, recruitment suffers.


Another factor is base assignments.  The military does not do a good job at all trying to match recruits (or re enlistees) with their preferred locations.  I have friends in the service and never heard any complaints about woke.  A friend of mine's son has been trying to join for several months now, but the nearest recruitment center, in Guam, is too busy to process him now.  The pay is low of course, but so are the expenses.  Housing, insurance, etc are part of the package, and it's still a challenge for families, for single people it is a good start.

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14 hours ago, Purdey said:

I read earlier today that Latin American countries, especially Chile, demand the US release information regarding its illegal interference in local coups and support for despots. With no one else to fault, the country has become a pariah in third world countries. Though I doubt China will attack the US mainland, there might be a lot of strain over the next few years and the US cannot think China will be a pushover.

It is true the CIA historically has been an evil influence in the Third World.


But, it seems that the agency is being reformed.



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2 hours ago, MrMojoRisin said:

What’s your point?

Agreed, the US are doing the right thing by funding  Ukraines defence, however, beating the war drum over silly China war claims is just greedy “merchants of death” trying to further line their own pockets.

Gee and there I was thinking we are just supporting an ally 

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Take a look at the website the OP came from.  Nearly all of their articles involve a pending disaster.  No reason to see this article as outstanding.


But yeah, China is buffing up the SEA region, even Obama mentioned it in a SOTU.  I find it interesting that VN seems to be leaning toward the USA rather than the ancestral Middle Kingdom.  Keep an eye on the alliances down there.


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On 9/13/2023 at 5:14 PM, MrMojoRisin said:

China’s external aggressiveness if for internal politics - nothing like stirring up nationalist sentiment to distract from domestic woes.


Has China attacked any nations?


With their current economic woes and population time-bomb ticking away, China - the home of Sun Tzu isn’t going to war against anyone.


Yes and No,  however your understanding and perception had been  " more right than wrong ".


True, China not attacked any nations. 

Not quite correct is the economics part. 

The media ( particularly Western media and English language media )  had pointed out China economic skid is on permanent or perpetual basis and no way out of it.  


Those in-the-know ( HK businessmen operating in PRC, HK as well as oversea ) had found that China economic downturn has actually been bottomed out and turning the corner this summer and economic activities had improved  in Aug/Sept 2023.    


Of course the West media and English language media is reluctant and slow in reporting any news favoring PRC/CCP.    Further,  rarely had these news outlet talked about  'Chinese speed and efficiency'  which is much faster and better than the West. 





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On 9/14/2023 at 12:16 AM, MrMojoRisin said:

Overstating the threat of war with China is supporting what?


Because the Biden Administration is very keen to see a war happening in Asia soon,  not caring the location  whether it is around South China Sea,  Taiwan Strict,  Korean peninsula or India China Border.  


Hence the Western media is doing its part in singing the tune daily of China  so  and so threatening. 

And frankly most AseanNow  members had been brainwashed in following...........

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1 hour ago, MrMojoRisin said:

The jig is up.

China is cooked.





Investment Banker  Goldman Sachs  Corp publicly announced two months ago about its long-term GDP projection to Year 2075.     


Future outlook of 2075 by Goldman Sachs is 

No. 1 China      No. 2 India        No. 3  USA

All three are within  50-60 Trillion USD  in Annual GDP .  


Do you think Goldman Sachs not under the population factor and not account for population change in modeling ??? 


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