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Venturing into buying a home entertainment LED projector


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I am taking some first steps into buying an home entertainment  LED projector , normally with my first steps I buy quite cheap and then depending on usage and performance decide whether I buy a more expensive one of ditch the idea 

I was looking at buying a projector nearer £150 and was looking at a Wewatch v51 - but I do not seem to be able to find a seller , Aliexpress states they have one , but when you click through its no longer available (shows a v56 model  )

I hoping that some kind members might give me some advice/guidance , if they have already gone through this process


Worried a little about shipping from abroad (not from an asian seller) as I would not like to hit with extortionate thai import duty tax


any views, opinions thoughts would be much appreciated   



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You know, you cant compare apples with pears.

You buy a cheap one and then you dont like, while a more expensive one could make you happy.

Besides you have projectors  as LCD projector(wewatch) and Laser projectors(wemax), which differ.

Next dilemma would be buying a projector screen, as they also affect the joy of watching.

There are cheap ones and again expensive ones. You can buy a 199 $ wemax, but a screen is 499$.

Like both on sale now in wemax site.

I understand your point of view, just toying to see if ....However not really telling you to go or no go.

So worthwhile? Had the same idea to do it your way, but ...

You also already see there is a Wewatch V51 pro version of it with higher ansi lumens, brighter picture.

In Aliexpres (search wewatch) you can find a V56 (a complete set with screen 160 euro), however on wewatch site https://www.wewatchtech.com/search?q=Wewatch+V56&options[prefix]=last it is not to be found.

So very old? Not even mention that one? Maybe to try?

But then on site of wewatch you can see the V51pro  at your price indication, discount.

You can order direct there, no clue if they send over world and how much that is.

But Arick has some (?) projectors, maybe contact him. Probably he seems not satisfied with them.

So there you go. Try?

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