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Can't we all just get along?

bob smith

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18 hours ago, bob smith said:

war just ain't worth it.

A simplification, but by no means a stretch:


You own a small business making rubber bands. You make a comfortable living. Suddenly, war breaks out and the gubmint comes to you, saying "If you'll make these bullets for us, we'll pay you 10 times what you're earning right now." 


You say "HELL yes" and start manufacturing 24 x 7.  You LIKE this newfound wealth and want to keep it going. And so the Military Industrial Complex was born, needing fresh blood to keep the coffers overflowing.


To date, the US has given a total of $76.8 billion to Ukraine for their war with Russia, of which $28.2 billion is direct military aid. I really have trouble wrapping my head around how this much money can't conclude a war without some SERIOUS grifting going on.



So while it's not worth it to the vast majority of the world, those in power reap obscene benefits.



Edited by HappyExpat57
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19 hours ago, bob smith said:

all the muslim countries in the region are gearing up to join hamas now..


Shiite muslims are different to Sunni muslims. 

Do some research before sprouting.

Have you been getting along with your wife lately?

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Just now, bob smith said:



But I have been getting along with yours ???? 

I am not married. 

Why anyone would get married is beyond me. 


It would be like eating steak everyday for every meal for the rest of your life.

Alright for the first month.


But the steak gets tougher and more grisly every night. 

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6 minutes ago, Goat said:

I am not married. 

Why anyone would get married is beyond me. 


It would be like eating steak everyday for every meal for the rest of your life.

Alright for the first month.


But the steak gets tougher and more grisly every night. 

Because they love the cow

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14 minutes ago, Goat said:

I am not married. 

Why anyone would get married is beyond me. 


It would be like eating steak everyday for every meal for the rest of your life.

Alright for the first month.


But the steak gets tougher and more grisly every night. 

I have hamburgers at home but go for out for Wagyu every other night ???? 


best of both worlds


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3 hours ago, Goat said:


Shiite muslims are different to Sunni muslims. 

Do some research before sprouting.

Have you been getting along with your wife lately?

Maybe you should do some research first, Iran are Shiite, Hamas are Sunni and yet Iran supports them with guns, money and training

Iran originally only supported Hezbollah who are Shiite

So nothing is as simple as you seem to think


just proves the old adage, the enemy of my enemy is my friend

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On 10/10/2023 at 5:24 PM, Chris Daley said:

This is the longest peace time in human history.

In Europe, yes. Recently.

BEFORE: I wish I had copied a study by some UK University. This study came to the conclusion that since 200 A.D. until 1900 there were merely 43 years in total when there was no war in Europe. Big or small. The study covered Europe only. From England in the west all the way to Russia in the east.

Conclusion: Since the beginning of recorded history, we love to settle arguments with brute force. It must be in our genes. OR: We just love extended barroom brawls. Don't we?

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