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Miraculous escape from Gaza hellfire: Thai worker’s astonishing tale of survival


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26 minutes ago, WDSmart said:

Check out the "Balfour Declaration" by the British on Wikipedia. It gives a good snapshot into some of the activities that have contributed to the mess we see today. Also, it gives some view into Zionists and Zionism.

The resolution was voted on by the UN. It passed, but my point is the then occupants of the land, the Palestinians, had no say in it. They were just told they had to divide their land up and give parts to the Jews. 

My bottom line is not antisemitic or anti-Jewish, it's just that this land, Palestine, now called "Israel," was once occupied primarily by Arab Muslims, but now they, for many reasons (wars, declarations, etc.) are being slowly eliminated from their home. They now are isolated into two, separated, small territories, and soon, I suspect, will be further contained, if not completely eliminated. And it is that possiblity/probablity that I am speaking out against. 


Always the same - you raise claims, can't support them, move the goalposts.


You have no point, other than your objection to Israel's existence. That's about as extreme and reactionary as it can get in reference to the issues at hand.


As for your last bit of context free waffle - the Palestinians could have made their own choices, or better choices, or whatever. Asserting, in effect, that they had no part in shaping their own destiny and predicament is nonsense. At almost any juncture, Palestinians chose the worst possible option - one could only imagine how things would have panned out if they hadn't. 

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8 minutes ago, Morch said:


My comments were clear, and not very complex. You're trying to present my views in a misleading manner, over and over again. I think it was dishonest to begin with, I know it was when you kept at it.


The rest of your trolling nonsense is dully noted.



Your comments above have been duly noted, but most of the contents of your posts have been dully noted.

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10 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:


When an apologist resorts again to trolling.....................

Bkk Brian, If you've been following this conversation, which, believe me, it would be best if you weren't, you'd find Morch used the "dully noted" phrase first. I don't know if it was a misspelling on his part or if it was intentional, but I liked it a lot! So, I thought I'd repeat it in my replies.

Just an FYI... :thumbsup:

Edited by WDSmart
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On 11/29/2023 at 11:08 AM, Bkk Brian said:

Nah, I see we have another Hamas apologist here. Hamas as ISIS needs eliminating.

No, he said "so do zionosts" 

which means Hamas needs to be eliminated and so do the zionists.

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3 minutes ago, Goat said:

No, he said "so do zionosts" 

which means Hamas needs to be eliminated and so do the zionists.

Goat! What are you doing? You're actually reading the posts and commenting on what is in them instead of making something up to demean someone with! Wow! :clap2:

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4 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

Zionists are not to be compared with Hamas / ISIS, read my post

I compare them with Hamas and ISIS, at least the most radical factions of Zionists. Here is the Oxford Languages Dictionary definition of "Zionism" [with my remarks in brackets]:


"a movement for originally the re-establishment and now the development and protection of a Jewish nation in what is now Israel [but used to be Palestine]. It was established as a political organization in 1897 under Theodor Herzl, and was later led by Chaim Weizmann."

This has been done, for the most part, with the approval of the United Nations, but certainly not the approval of the Palestinians who were the primary occupiers of that land before all this started.

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3 minutes ago, WDSmart said:

I compare them with Hamas and ISIS, at least the most radical factions of Zionists. Here is the Oxford Languages Dictionary definition of "Zionism" [with my remarks in brackets]:


"a movement for originally the re-establishment and now the development and protection of a Jewish nation in what is now Israel [but used to be Palestine]. It was established as a political organization in 1897 under Theodor Herzl, and was later led by Chaim Weizmann."

This has been done, for the most part, with the approval of the United Nations, but certainly not the approval of the Palestinians who were the primary occupiers of that land before all this started.


You may compare them, but nobody else does aside from Hamas apologists. There is a clear difference hence why Hamas are officially classified as terrorists by the US, UK and many other countries.

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1 minute ago, WDSmart said:

And you think that Zionists have not done all the things you've mentioned above to the Palestinians in the past? 

You are a Zionist enabler and greatly disappoint me. :saai:

Provide a link if they have. That's not up to me to prove but you. 

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4 minutes ago, WDSmart said:

Yes, it's very evident you could care less what I say. You apparently only care about what you say.

Please answer me this question, though: Why do you think I'm trolling, and why do you think what I've been posting is off topic? 




"Miraculous escape from Gaza hellfire: Thai worker’s astonishing tale of survival"

The resulting conflict between Israel and Hamas has left 39 Thai compatriots dead, 19 wounded, and 30 abducted. But amidst the tragedy, Thai worker Wanchai’s resilience shines through as he battles back from the brink.

Communication proves a formidable challenge for Wanchai, a 44 year old Thai survivor, as he navigates Israeli medical care. With only Thai at his disposal, his silent strength speaks volumes, earning admiration from medical staff despite the language barrier.




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4 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:




"Miraculous escape from Gaza hellfire: Thai worker’s astonishing tale of survival"

The resulting conflict between Israel and Hamas has left 39 Thai compatriots dead, 19 wounded, and 30 abducted. But amidst the tragedy, Thai worker Wanchai’s resilience shines through as he battles back from the brink.

Communication proves a formidable challenge for Wanchai, a 44 year old Thai survivor, as he navigates Israeli medical care. With only Thai at his disposal, his silent strength speaks volumes, earning admiration from medical staff despite the language barrier.




Bkk Brian, THANKS for your reply. I now understand...kind of. None of my comments were about Wanchai, and he and his situation are the main topics of this thread.

As you know (I think), my initial involvement in this thread was just a short reply to someone's comments that "Hamas should be eliminated." My short response was just, "So should Zionists." Nothing more than that. All of these comments then spiraled out from there.

And, I could argue that the very first sentence of the article, which is "The resulting conflict between Isreal and Hamas..." does leave the door open, maybe, for comments about that conflict. Am I wrong there? Is that going too far "off topic"?

And, please answer the first part of my question above: "Why do you consider my posts "trolling"? 


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Off topic history lesson and replies have been removed, this is what the topic is about:


Miraculous escape from Gaza hellfire: Thai worker’s astonishing tale of survival

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you all forgot about the thai workers in all the argument. btw we all were involved in finding translators, people to visit them,the thai  consulate and israeli offices were in personal contact and a thai speaking israeli psychiatrist, as well as a monk. 

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On 11/28/2023 at 5:59 PM, WDSmart said:

Here is Wikipedia's definition of Zionism:

"The common denominator among all Zionists has been a claim to Palestine, a land traditionally known in Jewish writings as the Land of Israel ("Eretz Israel") as a national homeland of the Jews and as the legitimate focus for Jewish national self-determination. It is based on historical ties and religious traditions linking the Jewish people to the Land of Israel."

It's probably true that not all Zionists want to expel or isolate all non-Jews or want to accomplish the goals above by force, but I associate the most extreme motives of Zionism with the group I call "Zionists." 

Hamas is defined as "...
a Palestinian Islamic movement founded in 1987 with the aim of establishing a Palestinian state incorporating present-day Israel and the West Bank." And it is just as probably true that not all those who support Hamas want that done by force, but again, I (and probably you and most everyone else who reads the news) associate the most extreme motives of Hamas with that group as a whole.

That's why I posted what I did way above that began this thread. I basically said, "BOTH Hamas and Zionists should be eliminated." And, by that, I mean I do associate the most extreme motives with both groups. :angry:

Wikipedia also describes the Hamas Charter or Covenant and its revisions which you failed to furnish.  Most of is just a bunch of convoluted nonsense promoting the sovereignty of Islam.




Edited by Hawaiian
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32 minutes ago, Rimmer said:

A totally off topic post has been removed, please note this is trolling and is against our  Community Standards





10. You will not post troll messages. Trolling is the act of purposefully antagonizing forum members by posting controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant or off-topic messages with the primary intent of provoking other members into an emotional response or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion.


Well done it was too much 

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