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Trump gives mixed messages on how he’d handle Israel-Hamas war


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1 hour ago, Tug said:

Little Kim played him for the fool he is remember when he saluted the enemy general for a fleeting second Kim’s guard was down you could see Kim knew he had him.trump flushed years of sanctions and tough negotiations down the toilet for a photo op it was an humiliating debacle ie typical of the trump abomination (oops I meant administration) farcical imo just humiliating 

 And on an angle of all of this when he went to the DMZ his arrogant daughter and her arrogant husband decided they would go walkabout inside the DMZ buildings ignoring the directions of the high ranking Nth Korean military staff, even opened drawers and cupboards.


All totally ignoring diplomatic protocols, but no doubt ms. trump thought her daddy was the leader of the world so she was entitled to make her own rules. 

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31 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:


Xi won Trump's insane trade war, hands down. Trump was knocked out cold, 2 minutes into the first round. He simply does not know how to negotiate his way out of a paper bag. And he was likely outclassed by 60 or 70 IQ points. Which is not hard. 1
The US is in a state of decline. Trump simply precipitated the inevitable decline. Whether or not the CCP remains in charge is irrelevant to China's growth and dominance. I don't like it. But, it is what it is. I predict in 50 years or so, the US will only be the 4th or 5th biggest world power. 


Every enemy of the US outclassed Trump by a long shot. Putin, Xi, Kim, and MBS outsmarted him every time. It was like adults negotiating with a spoiled bratty child. 

You're way behind the times. It's China whose economy is now in decline thanks to the newest incarnation of Chairman Mao namely Chairman Xi. The Chinese Communist party has inserted its apparatchiks throughout the private sector. Profitable private businesses are now being forced to subsidize the unprofitable state sector. Workers are now obliged to study Chairman Xi's thought. Chinese citizens with money are fleeing. China is a experience a net currency outflow. And the unfortunate demographic situation is already affecting their enterprises.

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1 hour ago, spidermike007 said:


Yes I'm aware of all that and it's largely due to the real estate collapse which was an enormous bubble waiting to happen. We're going to see something very similar in the US in the next few years.


My point was that Trump really ended up shafting the American farmers and a lot of consumers with his completely ridiculous trade war, which accomplished absolutely nothing but inflate his already enormously over inflated ego. 

No, it's not largely do to the real estate collapse. The real estate collapse is just a symptom of the Chinese governments intrusive policies. This is not like the US real estate collapse of 2008 which came from a quarter which nobody was closely looking at except a few very savvy investors. The Chinese real estate sector obviously occupied way too much of the economy and only kept going because of government subsidies to local economies. They were repeatedly warned by competent economists.

The private sector's share of the Chinese  economy is shrinking. Xi's obsession with security now trumps economic considerations. Information that could once be freely exchanged now may subject businesses to fines and even prison sentences.

Entrepreneurs are fleeing China.


Actually, Biden has taken a far harsher a tions against the Chinese economy then did Trump.

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6 hours ago, placeholder said:

You're way behind the times. It's China whose economy is now in decline thanks to the newest incarnation of Chairman Mao namely Chairman Xi. The Chinese Communist party has inserted its apparatchiks throughout the private sector. Profitable private businesses are now being forced to subsidize the unprofitable state sector. Workers are now obliged to study Chairman Xi's thought. Chinese citizens with money are fleeing. China is a experience a net currency outflow. And the unfortunate demographic situation is already affecting their enterprises.


Not true.

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On 11/29/2023 at 11:15 AM, JonnyF said:

Keeping his options open - smart move.


No flies on The Don.

Keeping his options open? Really? What optons would those be?  He didn't criticize Israel for counterattacking Gaza. He criticized Israel for letting its guard down. Keep in mind that it was Trump who approved moving the American Embassy to Jerusalem? What did the Great Negotiator get in return for that?

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