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White House warns Ukraine aid is running out


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20 minutes ago, RayC said:

You offered a premise based around a theory about a US-led unipolar hegemony

it is very simple 

Russia invaded Ukraine because of NATO . full stop period. 

The US is the Unipolar hegemon of the world at this point, with the emergence of China , that position is threaten. 

There are three Superpowers in the World right now

Tha US , China and a distant third Rusia 

Google it

By cutting Russia down to size there remain only two Superpowers.

How hard is it to understand that?

If you were in a competition would you want one competitor against you or two? 


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11 hours ago, RayC said:

In the words of the UK's recently appointed foreign secretary and former PM, David Cameron: "C

In the words of  me 

I am not your "Dear" and if you think so, go <Deleted> yourself 

10 hours ago, RayC said:

More importantly, let's for the sake of argument assume that Russia invaded Ukraine in order to prevent further NATO expansion. Even if true, this is in no way sufficient to prove your original contention about the war being due to a US-led unipolar hegemony. As I pointed out in my original reply to you, the US remains influential in Europe and is the driving force in NATO but the EU is highly influential in the region as well, and often holds an opposing view to the US. An example of this is Ukraine's application to join NATO. Contrary to your claim that France and Germany were in favour of the application, the opposite is true

Perhaps you are right and I did not teach you enough about the subject , though that's no excuse  for not learning about it on your own. 

From the Washington Post. 

"Merkel said that NATO membership would have damaged Ukraine and that Putin would have seen it as akin to a “declaration of war,” according to Deutsche Welle.  "



"Russian anger over the planned expansion is also beginning to expose potentially damaging rifts within NATO itself. At the Bucharest summit, despite some last minute arm-twisting from President Bush, European leaders -- wary of alienating an increasingly assertive Russia -- denied coveted pre-membership status to Georgia and Ukraine, at least for the time being.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Nicolas Sarkozy German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Nicolas Sarkozy
Merkel and Sarkozy led the opposition to expansion plansImage: AP
Led by French President Nicolas Sarkozy and German Chancellor Angela Merkel, the Europeans claimed that such a move could destabilize an already volatile region on Russia's southern flank.



As to the rest of your comments , I dont even know how to address them

Do you dispute that after the fall of the Soviet Union  the US was the Unipolar hegemon of the world?

Do you dispute that the rise of China threatens to create a bipolar condition?

Do you dispute that there are three great  powers in the world  . The US, China and a distant Third Russia?

Do you dispute that the existence of  three great powers threaten to create a Multipolar condition?

Is your contention that the US would like a Multipolar condition where two of those opposing powers are adversarial?

I know how you might try to weasel out of this. You might say , "no I dont but I dispute that the US  induced Russia to attack for those reasons. 

Then why do you think the US did? do you think that the US spend close to half a trillion dollars for altruistic reasons., and to defend  Ukraine's tight to join whatever alliance it want's ? If you do then I better not say what I think.


This is the last thing I say to you on this subject , If I have not been able to convince you by now, I don't think there is anything I can say that would.


So Have a nice day "dear. "





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Ukraine should give up all areas with Russian minded fools and make a new border. Let them be Russkis and suffer...


Then, quickly, get all support they can get to build a real strong defense lines and join NATO and EU.


Time's running out. Better take a deal 1/2 senile Prez and EU can offer than loose everything if/when certified nut takes over.


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On 12/6/2023 at 10:43 AM, ballpoint said:

"The people of England will curse themselves for having preferred ruin from Churchill to peace from Hitler."


William Joyce, broadcasting August 2, 1940, as Lord Haw Haw.


I am not getting involved on the debate about ukraine nor israel. HOWEVER, i am trying to figure out your quote here because...


William Brooke Joyce, nicknamed Lord Haw-Haw, was an American-born fascist and Nazi propaganda broadcaster during the Second World War   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Joyce


oftimes people here make jokes and the other AN members dont get it. obviously william joyce was not being tongue in cheek here. so was this quote being used to be funny? tongue in cheek? or are you really serious?


i dont trust ANY politician because none of them are honest, hence who knows the real agendas behind these wars. I do know one thing... and that is nothing good comes from war unless you are on the side that pulls the strings, or as others commented, the ones who are building the weapons.



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Trump-Putin 'sinister special relationship' has corrupted conservatives


"From 2015 to 2017, Republican opinion shifted markedly in a pro-Russia and pro-Putin direction," Frum explains.


"In 2017, more than a third of surveyed Republicans expressed favorable views of Putin.


By 2019, Carlson — who had risen to the top place among Fox News hosts—was regularly promoting pro-Russian, anti-Ukrainian messages to his conservative audience..



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It started here; https://www.nytimes.com/2008/08/15/world/europe/16poland.html

(You can't see w/o AdBlock)

"Russia Lashes Out on Missile Deal

  • Aug. 15, 2008

WASHINGTON The United States and Poland reached a long-stalled deal on Thursday to place an American missile defense base on Polish territory, in the strongest reaction so far to Russia’s military operation in Georgia."

I remember tensions were very high in Europe.

US was pushing ideas trough "no matter what".

I didn't know then or now if it was the right thing to do.

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